Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 446 Isn’t this too extreme?

The ground was full of mutilated and overcooked human body parts that had been burned by high temperatures. The smell wafting in the air made many soldiers feel sick to their stomachs.

However, they all tolerated it.

"If you don't kill those who surrender, put down your weapons, hold your head and squat down!"

A group of soldiers shouted loudly.

Each member of the Hulu tribe immediately threw away their weapons, squatted down and held their heads.

The main reason is that this scene is too terrifying. After hearing the loud noise, there is a strong wind, and then the person is not only broken, but also cooked.

With just one wave of bombardment, all those who could resist were silenced.

The next step is to receive.

"Find a guide and ask him to lead us." Wang Linchi said calmly.

If they want to go to the royal court, they must find a guide instead of flying there themselves. What if they go wrong.

After Li Zheng received the order, he immediately led Luan Yiwei into the tribe and began to select people.

If you want to find it, you have to look for someone with soft bones and weak points.

If he doesn't agree, he will kill his whole family directly as a threat.

As long as you have your wife, children, parents and friends around, you don't have to worry about the other person not being obedient.

After coercion, give some benefits, such as providing a better living environment and conditions, etc.

You must know that the life of the Hulu is not very good. As a nomadic people, agriculture is not developed, and animal husbandry is relatively limited. The royal court squeezes them hard, especially in terms of conscription.

Otherwise, where would the troops come from to go south to clear grass in the valley every year?

Another one is that Dajing is not a vegetarian. If you go south to hunt grass valleys, I will let you come. If you want to hunt grass valleys, you can just occupy Dajing directly.

In fact, every time I harvest grass and grain, I suffer huge losses, and sometimes I don’t even save a tenth when I go back.

But he had to do it, otherwise he would starve to death.

"Sir, the guide has arrived." Li Zheng came back soon, bringing a woman with him.

"The kidnapped Dajing people?" Wang Linchi looked at it and asked.

There was a madness and joy in this woman's expression, and she was obviously abducted from the grass-hunting valley.

"Yes, sir, I know the location of the Royal Court!" the woman said without hesitation.

The other party's experience may be very tortuous, but Wang Linchi doesn't care, he only cares about being brought to the royal court.

"Okay, as long as you take us to the royal court, I can satisfy your modest request." Wang Linchi promised.

Since you want revenge, you must give benefits, otherwise how can you make the other party work wholeheartedly.

"I want to castrate all the royal family." The other party said with hatred.

Wang Linchi was quite speechless when he heard this.

"Your skills are not very good. Castration will easily kill people. Otherwise, you will torture me first, and when you get back, I will show you the Nine Tribes Xiaoxiaole or the Khan's family's women's dance." Wang Linchi declined politely.

After the woman heard this, she was a little stunned. She didn't expect that Wang Linchi was more ruthless than herself. She just castrated him. As a result, Wang Linchi planned to humiliate the Khan in this way, fearing that the Khan would die of shame and anger.

Then she became excited and felt the pleasure of revenge.

"I want Khan's whole family to dance in tulle! And I want them to dance in public for everyone to see!!" The woman felt that she had to be more cruel.

"Huh? Both men and women?" Wang Linchi was a little confused.

"Yes, let everyone see their ugly appearance. It would be best to tour the entire Jingguo." The other party became more and more excited as he talked.

Wang Linchi thought there was something wrong with this guy.

"I'll try my best..." Wang Linchi couldn't agree, mainly because you were too outrageous.

"Sir, when will we set off for the royal court?" The woman couldn't wait at this time.

"Let me see, Lao Li, please arrange a room for this strong female warrior and let her rest for a while." Wang Linchi couldn't bear it anymore. If this continues, the other party might take action directly.

When Li Zheng saw this, he immediately asked someone to take him down to settle down.

"Every year at least thousands of people are kidnapped in Dajing, and she is just one of them." Li Zheng said.

"Where do you think these barbarians came from?" Wang Linchi asked.

In order to resist the barbarians, there were border gates and the Great Wall to protect them. It stands to reason that the cavalry of the Northern Royal Court would not be able to pass through.

"It's just a noble family, who else could it be."

"Whether it is Nan Zhang Beikong or Wu Xing Qi Wang, the north is a cornucopia for them. As long as they send daily necessities and military equipment there, they can get hundreds of times the wealth back. Who can not be tempted."

"Even the royal family has people doing this business."

"So many people don't want to see the demise of the Southern Bandits and the Northern Bandits. Instead, they want them to grow bigger."

As Luan Yiwei, Li Zheng naturally saw a lot, and he did not hide it in front of Wang Linchi.

"However, the aristocratic family has long been connected with Dajing's flesh and blood. If we want to eliminate them, it will only severely damage Dajing's vitality."

"So if we want to rebuild the world, we need a safe environment. At the very least, there must be no enemies around." Wang Linchi naturally did not have this idea, he just expressed his stance.

"Do you still remember why I chose to become a spiritual warrior?" Wang Linchi asked again.

When Li Zheng heard this, he smiled: "Of course I know. It's your medical clinic that can't survive. In the end, it was bankrupted by medical clinics from aristocratic families."

"You see, the Aristocratic Family only needs to open a store, and through its own power, it can easily monopolize an industry. There should be only two medical clinics left in Baihe County: Huichun Hall and Shunmin Hall."

"This is just an aristocratic family in one county. If there are larger aristocratic families, they can join forces and control the lifeline to easily overpower the officials of the imperial court. Even more extreme, the officials of the imperial court are also theirs."

"How do ordinary people live?"

Wang Linchi said and began to answer: "Of course I sold myself as a slave."

"The next step is to raise private soldiers and hide armor. You should understand what the next step is."

"Even if you don't understand, you should know about the attack on me." Wang Linchi said calmly.

"Rebellion..." Li Zheng said softly.

The main reason is that this topic is indeed not suitable for discussion in public.

Wang Linchi didn't care. He was not popular with the family and he wasn't from a family. It didn't matter how he said it.

"No, they will not rebel. You are missing a process." Wang Linchi corrected the other party, then pointed at the Hulu tribe and said: "They will weaken Dajing first and support the enemy. Otherwise, the southern invaders and the northern invaders have been invaded for so many years. Still can’t solve it?”

"It is people within us who are holding us back and secretly funding the other party. Otherwise, with their living standards, can they really stop the Dajing army?" Wang Linchi said, picking up a spear and unloading the spearhead He stopped and asked, "Does it look familiar to you?"

"The spearhead of the Ministry of Industry just doesn't have the imperial emblem, and it has been changed a little." Li Zheng took a closer look and immediately identified it.

"No, it's not the spearhead of the Ministry of Industry, but it was made with Dajing's skills. Hulu and the others couldn't make it. Who else do you think can build such quality armaments besides the Ministry of Industry?" Wang Linchi asked again asked.

Li Zheng felt a chill, but did not say anything.

You don't need to think about it to know that they are from an aristocratic family. There are people from them in the Ministry of Industry. Otherwise, who else can hide the secrets and prepare the generals to be transported to the Hulu in the north.

"So, I think there will soon be delays."

"If I'm not in Kyoto, there will be people who dare to do things that are both positive and negative." Wang Linchi quickly figured out the other person's mentality.

Even if the family didn't think that much, if Wang Linchi killed the Hulu and cut off their financial path, it would be equivalent to killing their parents.

They definitely wouldn't dare when people were here before, but not necessarily now.

"This... nothing will happen as long as His Majesty is here." Li Zheng finally understood at this time why the 100,000-strong army marching south was still in a stalemate.

When the army goes on an expedition, the aristocratic family can lend a hand and support the bandits, and make another fortune.

The longer the fight lasts, the more the families will earn.

Therefore, they would not let the imperial court wipe out the rogue bandits and Hulu at all.

What follows is sure to derail their progress.

Thinking of this, cold sweat broke out on Li Zheng's forehead.

Emperor Jing could indeed suppress it, but he could not resist such a general trend.

"Well, His Majesty can indeed withstand it, so we still have three days to take down the royal court so that they don't have any chance to react."

"The overall situation will be decided by then. Unless the aristocratic family rebels, they can only open their eyes and watch Khan dance." Wang Linchi said with a smile.

As for destruction? The battle on his side is over, and the other side's destruction has just begun. What's the use? He can only be an honest clown.

If Wang Linchi hadn't planned to take advantage of this opportunity to save costs and time, otherwise, we would have killed them.

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