Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 448 Sharing the world with a noble family

"Good guy, is the Beikong family so powerful? It's obvious that they are collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country, but they can't be touched?" Wang Linchi looked at the information given by Li Zheng, and his expression was a bit fucked.

They jointly forced the palace to let him go back. If Emperor Jing hadn't directly used their strength and dared to kill people on weekdays, otherwise they would have taken advantage of him if he was weak.

"You can't kill unless the other party rebels."

"Besides, if Your Majesty takes action, other big families will help cover it up." Li Zheng also looked ugly.

"Where are the trapped troops in the Southern Expedition? How is the progress?" Wang Linchi asked.

Li Zheng became even more ugly when he heard this.

"We are in a stalemate. Either there is insufficient food and grass, the troops have not arrived, or the officials are deliberately delaying, and they are losing battles one after another." Li Zheng knew that there must be something fishy about this matter.

But he couldn't solve it, and neither could Emperor Jing.

The total number of rogue bandits is not as large as the 100,000-strong army. The result is all kinds of delays. As the direct lineage of the trapped troops, they have repeatedly made military exploits, but they are held back and the overall situation cannot be advanced.

Even under the instigation of thoughtful people, they deliberately blamed the slow progress of the Southern Expedition on the Northern Expedition, saying that the Northern Expedition consumed too much.

Anyway, it's your fault that you're a weakling who doesn't know how to fight.

"Aren't you afraid of liquidation afterwards?" Wang Linchi asked.

"Someone will take responsibility." Li Zheng naturally knows the tricks of these aristocratic families, and someone will take the blame when the time comes.

When Wang Linchi heard this, he was shocked. This was too outrageous.

It is worthy of sharing the world with the aristocratic family, it is indeed amazing.

It can only be said that it was too hasty not to kill him in the first place.

However, when Dajing founded the country, he received help from the aristocratic family. Otherwise, it would not have been so entangled, and they had been directly divided long ago. He only owned the original shares in the early stage, so there was no way to kill them.

"Don't worry, Mr. Wang, the northern barbarians have always been run by the Kong family. Now that the Kong family's power in the court has been eliminated, no one will come to disturb our Northern Expedition again." Li Zheng said.

"Ha, who knows." Wang Linchi couldn't help but smile.

It’s true that no one will stop you, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that no one will come to pick peaches.

The family has been arrogant for too long and does not know the sharpness of the blade.

"Then how do you explain these people?" Wang Linchi said, throwing a list over. They were all members of the aristocratic families who had come in, either to gild or to seize power.

After Li Zheng read it, he said: "This is a necessary compromise. If you don't do this, other aristocratic families will not help your majesty."

"Okay, let them come back in three days." Wang Linchi said.

Li Zheng's eyes lit up, and then he nodded: "I will make arrangements."

With the current marching speed and combat power, they will be able to capture the Northern Royal Court tomorrow at most. If they send people over by then, there will be a lot of them at Wang Linchi's disposal.

Gold plating? Picking peaches?

It's a beautiful idea, and I will work honestly on the grassland when the time comes.

As long as he controls the transportation system, they will not be able to go back even if they want to. There will be no way to go to heaven and no door to earth.

As for going back on foot, not to mention whether this group of aristocratic family members knew the way, they would die on the grassland without enough supplies.

And as long as the other party dares to run away, he can directly declare that he has abandoned his official position and left. In this case, even if the other party returns to Dajing, it will not be that easy to become an official again.

Being an official is not about eating and drinking. If you say you don't want to do it, you will do it, and then you can do it when you want to do it?

If you really want to act like this, everything will be in chaos, and other aristocratic families will not sit back and watch you become an official again.

It may not be possible if Li Zheng delays for three months, but for three days, that's no problem.

"If you hadn't held me back, I would have killed anyone who came over earlier." Wang Linchi said.

Everything fell into his hands, and it was not up to him to decide how to arrange it.

"Okay, this move..." Li Zheng advised, Wang Linchi was a bit ignoring the rules by doing this.

"I'm not from a noble family, and they are starting to target me. Why should I abide by the rules they arranged." Wang Linchi sneered.

If you foolishly follow the rules they set, you will have no place to demand justice if you suffer a loss.

The rules set by the aristocratic family must be biased in favor of the aristocratic family. Is it possible that they can also be biased in favor of outsiders?

Li Zheng hesitated to say anything about this. What he wanted to say was that murder was illegal, and he killed so many people at once.

However, since Wang Linchi was so unscrupulous in doing things, he did not dare to mention it.

In fact, he didn't even know Wang Linchi very well. At first, Wang Linchi was very low-key and kind-hearted, but now, he kills people whenever he disagrees, and even tramples on the rules and laws. It's simply incredible.

‘After taking power, can there be such big changes? ’ Li Zheng couldn’t help but be a little confused.

"Okay, go ahead and do whatever you have to do. Another tribe has arrived. Prepare to take action and notify the court to send troops to take over."

Wang Linchi looked at the ground in the distance, and the outline of a tribe emerged again.

He was fighting a blitzkrieg. After he had a guide, he would kill tribes one by one without taking any prisoners. He would kill them directly with steam and air cannons.

When a person dies, the land naturally has to be dealt with by the court, which is the so-called good news.

As for whether he would be controlled by the court in the future, Wang Linchi didn't care at all. How could he be afraid of the other party's power if he had force?

With three hundred airships and the Iron Wing Army in his hands, whatever he says is nothing.

Anyone who dares to disobey will be killed with one shot.

He can kill as many people as the imperial court sends, and then he can directly call Qing Jun to his side, kill all the aristocratic families, and support the puppet emperor to rebuild the world.

Of course, this situation should not happen at this stage. Emperor Jing is still alive, and with him blocking Wang Linchi, he doesn't have to worry so much.

"Speaking of which, I remember there were shamans and demon gods in Hulu. Why haven't I seen them until now?" Wang Linchi suddenly remembered this matter.

They fought all the way, but they didn't see any shaman at all, let alone the demon god they worshiped.

"We acted too fast and died before we had time to use it." Li Zheng felt that you had no chance at all. They attacked directly from the sky, and even the opponent couldn't react, and a large number of them died.

The shaman himself is not even as good as a spiritual warrior, and it is normal for him to die tragically.

"The demon god cannot appear in the world and can only rely on shamans, so we can't see the demon god." Li Zheng explained the situation of the demon god again.

After hearing this, Wang Linchi nodded: "That's it."

"Enter attack range, calibrate!"

A voice interrupted the chat between Wang Linchi and Li Zheng.

Next, there was the roar of the steam air cannon.

Then came the wails and explosions from the Hulu tribe below, and the two showed no mercy.

Wang Linchi was not from this world and had no empathy.

As for Li Zheng, who was born in Luan Yiwei, he had already become a man of stone. Everything he did was to safeguard the imperial power. He had done all the most unscrupulous things, so naturally there wasn't much trouble.

The most important thing is that I have seen this scene so many times that I have become numb.

"Father, if you don't do this carefully, I, the Kong family, will fall into eternal disaster." Kong Yu didn't expect that his father would be so crazy and wanted to let the bandits enter Kyoto.

"There is no difference between now and the end of the world. I think that the Kong family, as big as me, is now destitute and its former glory is gone. Naturally, we have to find a way out." Kong Qian said calmly, he knew what he was doing.

"But I see that the rogue bandits are capricious and ferocious and cunning. Even the Nan Zhang family doesn't dare to invest too much. It's not like the Hulu have borders or the Great Wall to stop them."

"If it really goes all the way, once it becomes big, how can I, the Kong family, expel it?" Kong Yu asked the key question.

Even the 100,000-strong army couldn't be destroyed. How could they resist with just Kong's private army? I really thought that the 100,000-strong army was nothing but a loser. It was because the family didn't want to see the rogue bandits destroyed and was deliberately holding them back.

"In the worst case, we will give up Kyoto to the rogue bandits." Kong Qian didn't care about this at all. What he cared about was his own power: "You only need a supporter and a puppet to occupy the great cause, and you can just move the capital directly."

Kong Yu couldn't help but fell silent. You are indeed generous enough.

"Father, have you heard that there are no eggs left in the nest?" Kong Yu felt that his father was too naive.

The aliens are just unfamiliar white-eyed wolves. They can be used to cut their flesh, but if they really plan to raise them to look after their homes and care for their homes, their whole family will be swallowed up.

"I have made my own decision on this matter." Kong Qian was a feudal patriarch, so naturally he could not listen to his son.

He felt that this was a moment of incredible wealth, but he never thought that such wealth would require real swords and guns.

"But what if Wang Linchi returns for reinforcements? With his Iron Wing Army's airship, it only takes one day to rush back to Kyoto from the Northern Royal Court." Kong Yu asked again.

"Easy to handle, just draw up a false edict, then block the real edict and ask him to commit suicide or hand over military power." Kong Qian judged from Wang Linchi's attitude that he was definitely a foolish and loyal person. It was easy to deal with such a person. It couldn't be simpler.

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