Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 449 I will help you become the enemy of the whole world

In the Northern Royal Court, a large circle of people knelt in the Khan's tent.

Wang Linchi flipped through the books and recorded all the systems related to shamans and demon gods in his mind.

The airship drove straight in, and under the threat of steam and air cannons, Khan surrendered very decisively after reaching the door.

"Sir, the inventory has been completed." Li Zheng came over and said.

"Pack up the Khan's family and send them to Kyoto. The others will stay and start to clear out other tribes. Within a month, we will capture all the Hulu tribe."

"As for me, I'll just sit in the royal court."

Wang Linchi had obtained a large number of classics at this time, and naturally he did not intend to leave. The rest had little to do with him.

It's better to stop temporarily. As for pursuing the victory, forget it. What he needs is knowledge, not wealth. Gold, silver and jewelry are just waste to him.

"Yes, sir." Li Zheng did not object to Wang Linchi's idea.

It took three days to capture the Hulu Royal Court and capture Hulu Khan alive as well as the entire royal family. This kind of achievement was something he could not question at all.

"It's just my lord, if I send this back, will I be so successful that I will be criticized by the ministers of the court?" Of course Li Zheng knew what would happen next.

If Wang Linchi dares to take all the credit regardless of the interests of the family, he will definitely be ostracized.

"Oh, let them criticize." Wang Linchi didn't care at all.

If you really piss him off, you may even rebel directly. Now that he has people, land, and more importantly, black technology, he will be the one to hang these aristocratic families on the city gate and kill them one by one.

"This move will bring disadvantages to you in the court." Li Zheng said quickly.

"You were talking about being in the court hall. Where are we now?" Wang Linchi stood up, looked at the boundless grassland and said, "If I don't go back, what ability do they have to do anything to me?"

"What if His Majesty ordered it." Li Zheng felt that Wang Linchi was still too young.

"Oh, do you think so many Hulu tribes will surrender once I leave?"

"Are you more likely to kneel down and be a dog or are you more likely to rebel again?"

Wang Linchi was very disdainful of this. He really thought that Emperor Jing was so stupid that he had attacked other people's royal courts. All that was left was to incorporate him into the territory of Dajing. Then he would be the king who opened up territories. Withdrawing him now would not only The hidden danger has expanded again, which will make the family even bigger in the future.

Changing coaches on the spot?

It also depends on whether anyone in the Iron Wing Army under his command is willing to obey orders. After the battle here, Wang Linchi's reputation is extremely high. Now if you dare to change the commander, he will dare to mutiny.

Of course, the most important thing is that Wang Linchi is generous and gives really much.

"The chance of rebellion is high." Li Zheng said honestly.

Wang Linchi's reputation was very great among the northern Hulu people, enough to make children stop crying.

After all, he is the coach, and he must have the reputation.

If another person were to beat people into mincemeat and kill them wherever they went, there would be very few people left alive, and it would be hard to even think of a reputation.

"After sending people back to Kyoto, the remaining tribes will mainly recruit and surrender. If they are stubborn, they can just be slaughtered." Wang Linchi changed the topic.

It wouldn't be appropriate to kill them next. He was going to study shamans and demon gods and needed corresponding samples, so he couldn't kill them randomly.

The greatest demon god believed by the Northern Hulu is the Wolf of the Sky.

A huge wolf god.

There are other demons and gods that are similar to animals, but their faith is simply not as good as that of the Sky Wolf.

The Sky Wolf is a rather strange demon god. It belongs to the triple worship of nature, totem, and ancestors. It is supernatural, physical, and is said to be the ancestor of Hulu, so it can endure for a long time.

Wang Linchi's target is naturally the Wolf of the Sky.

"Yes, sir." Li Zheng did not continue to persuade him. After all, Wang Linchi was his immediate boss, and he had no ability to disobey him.

"In addition, there are many confiscations. You see..." Li Zheng meant that there were a lot of things. Do you want to keep some of them?

"Have the statistics been completed?" Wang Linchi asked.

"This is the account book." Li Zheng had already prepared it.

Wang Linchi flipped through the account book, and then said: "Take some of the gold, silver and jewelry and distribute them to the soldiers, and send the rest to Kyoto."

Just regard it as the return on the investment given to him by Emperor Jing. This is not a small amount of money.

"There are also annual transactions and letters from the Kong family." Li Zheng added.

"Bring it to me and have a look." Wang Linchi couldn't help but be happy when he heard this.

This is simply a pillow brought by Doze. He didn't expect to have these things.

Li Zheng was also shocked by Wang Linchi. He never expected that Wang Linchi would be so excited.

He hurriedly brought it in, and Wang Linchi spent half an hour browsing through it.

I quickly got paper and pen and started revising.

First, he modified the account books, and then directly increased the number of armors, crossbows, grains, etc. Li Zheng was hesitant to speak when he saw this scene.

Even if the Kong family can't be killed by fighting back, the weight of Nan Zhang and Bei Kong is still very large, and at most it will make it fall into the big family.

Because other aristocratic families are also doing this, they will keep the Kong family.

But Wang Linchi is very petty, and he remembered that Kong was targeting him before.

The next step is to directly forge correspondence.

Collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country?

No, no, no, Wang Linchi changed it directly to the Kong family who had secretly surrendered to the Hulu King's Court, hoping to find an opportunity to let the Hulu enter the pass and let the Hulu take over the Central Plains.

Among them, he pointed at Emperor Jing's nose and scolded him to express his loyalty to Hulu.

As for the transaction with Hulu, Wang Linchi had been tampered with it so that he didn't make a penny. The money Hulu gave him was also a reward for his loyalty and was used to fund the internal destruction of Dajing.

Li Zheng was frightened when he saw this scene. This frame-up was too blatant.

The logic is fine, and the evidence chain is sufficient, but you try to avoid him.

"It's done. I'll send it to His Majesty when the time comes. The Beikong Sect will definitely become history." Wang Linchi said with a smile.

There is not only the matter of Dajing, but also the intention to destroy all the aristocratic families and make the Kong family the sole leader. He also repeatedly reminded and even urged the Hulu Royal Court to enter the pass and massacre other aristocratic families, especially Nan Zhang. The surname and the five surnames are Qiwang.

"By the way, you go get something more, and I'll forge it..." Wang Linchi said and reported a series of names.

This is because they are afraid that the other party will have help and forge evidence that the Beikong family wants to destroy other aristocratic families. If any aristocratic family dares to help the Beikong family, it will ensure that other aristocratic families can bring the other party with them when they fall into trouble.

Li Zheng didn't dare to say anything and could only follow Wang Linchi's orders honestly.

Here, Emperor Jing probably couldn't speak as well as Wang Linchi.

Things were collected quickly, and Wang Linchi moved even faster. In just half an hour, a lot of evidence was collected.

If Kong was to survive this time, then Wang Linchi would directly rebel.

After all, there is so much evidence to fight back, it can only be said that the aristocratic family has overwhelmed the imperial power, it is better to stand on its own.

"Okay, just send it back." Wang Linchi said.

"Sir, there is still a loophole, that is, Khan and the others..." Li Zheng said hesitantly.

If Khan does not cooperate, the power of these evidences may be greatly reduced.

"Khan is not important." Wang Linchi said calmly.

It's just a prisoner. If he can really decide the direction because of this, it will still be the family suppressing the imperial power. They have rebelled but they dare not kill him. Wang Linchi also rebelled.

Li Zheng couldn't help but feel excited. Isn't this important?

Finally, he came to his senses and did not dare to refute: "Khan is indeed not important."

"Go, this time is more important. You can escort him back in person. If something goes wrong, don't come back." Wang Linchi said.

"Yes, sir." Li Zheng said quickly.

As Wang Linchi said, the Khan actually didn't matter. As long as Emperor Jing dared to take action, the Beikong clan would be exterminated.

However, if Emperor Jing is unable to defeat the Northern Kong clan with such a huge advantage, then the Hulu Royal Court in the north will become a separatist place.

Otherwise, if Wang Linchi really wanted to return to Dajing, he would probably die for no reason.

The aristocratic family regards it as a thorn in the flesh, and naturally they want to get rid of it quickly.

As a result, you can't even handle one aristocratic family, how can you handle all the aristocratic families?

It becomes a question of trust.

"I hope you won't talk nonsense this time when I go back."

When Li Zheng arrived at the entrance of the camp, Wang Linchi's voice came.

"Don't worry, adults. I know what to say and what not to say." Li Zheng said without hesitation.

At this point, he is still very capable. There is indeed no future with Emperor Jing, and he will only become a boy who delivers letters and runs errands. But with Wang Linchi, he can enjoy good food, drink, and make a lot of money. The choice is obvious.

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