Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 454 The deception of the Great Shaman of the Royal Court

The memory controlled public opinion, actual benefits began to be distributed, and then the development of the entire northern grassland naturally progressed smoothly.

There are a lot of refugees and refugees migrating from within Dajing, but after they are dispersed, there are not many.

Wang Linchi was also vaccinated in advance to avoid problems such as acclimatization and epidemic diseases, which also caused small-scale riots. However, Wang Linchi stood up and put on a show, and it quickly calmed down.

Coupled with the spread of public opinion in the memory, Wang Linchi's persona quickly spread among refugees and refugees.

As for the local barbarians, Wang Linchi did not treat them harshly. Instead, he brainwashed them through naturalization, declaring that the barbarians would become peaceful if they entered Jing, allowing them to enjoy the same treatment as ordinary people.

This treatment is not the treatment within Dajing, but was re-established by Wang Linchi himself. Some people have objected. After all, it is a waste to give such a good treatment to a bunch of idiots.

Then Wang Linchi said that if you want to do something well, you must first sharpen your tools as a reason, which means that I have told you, and if you don't believe it, get out of here.

Fortunately, no one really dared to confront Wang Linchi.

It was precisely because of this that Wang Linchi's reputation in Hulu immediately rose a lot.

This treatment was much better than their previous life. I originally thought that I and others might have to live a hard life, but I didn't expect such a contrast, so I naturally felt grateful.

"That's almost it. Next, we can start to destroy the belief in the Sky Wolf." Wang Linchi looked at the feedback and investigation. He now has 70% of Hulu and 99% of Jingren's favor.

This investigation is naturally not a false report, but collected from memory.

"But I still have to prepare enough rumors and sewage so that all the blame will be placed on the Canglang. Otherwise, if I really cut down mountains and destroy temples, I will inevitably be affected."

Wang Linchi is still very ruthless in what he does. He not only wants to destroy the opponent's material existence, but also digs out the opponent's foundation.

In this way, he can better conquer Hulu.

Now he already has forces that support him, but these forces have not yet been transformed into beliefs.

No matter how he is still alive, no living person can use the power gained from becoming a god after death.

"Sir, there is a group of wandering Hulu who want to see you." Li Zheng held a stack of documents, put them down first, and then said.

"Wandering Hulu? Why are you seeing me?" Wang Linchi thought for a while and decided to disappear.

What is his current status? How could he just go and meet someone if he says they want to see him? That would be too derogatory to your status. It’s not like you need to put on a show to increase your reputation.

"This...the other party said there is news about the great shaman of Wangting." Li Zheng said.

"The Great Shaman of the Royal Court?" Wang Linchi couldn't help but look condensed. This was indeed a worry on his mind.

The Great Shaman is the human representative of the Wolf God, the Sky Wolf, which is a profession similar to the Pope.

However, Wang Linchi does not plan to take the path of a shaman in the future, because it is a dead end.

Power is concentrated in the hands of shamans, but what about the bottom?

Compared with the number of people at the bottom, the top people are always only a small number. What Wang Linchi needs is a large amount of tap noodles, not a small amount of illegitimate meals.

So what he wants is to spread it widely. In the future, the rebellion will use him as a banner, the officials will use him as a standard for moral kidnapping, and even the dreams of ordinary people will use him as a target. This is the true belief, not the so-called dedication. Sacrifice and rituals are all empty.

"In that case, let's meet up." Wang Linchi said.

If it's valuable, then we'll meet you. If it's not valuable, we'll definitely not meet you.

"It's just that I think there are differences among these people. Do you want to separate and meet again?" Li Zheng made a suggestion to Wang Linchi.

"No, that will affect the image a lot. Besides, if the other party really wants to take action, he can still do anything in our territory." Wang Linchi didn't care about this.

It doesn't matter whether he lives or lives. In this world, there is no way to suppress his resurrection, not even in the final tribulation.

On the contrary, your reputation involves your own plans, so you have to be careful.

"Then I'll make arrangements immediately." Li Zheng turned around and left.

"There's no rush. Are you here with a lot of travel and fatigue?" Wang Linchi asked.

"That's true. It's quite embarrassing." Li Zheng said.

"In that case, arrange hot water for them to wash up, put on good clothes, and give them some food to fill their bellies." Wang Linchi said.

Since we want to set people up well, we cannot favor one over the other.

"Yes, sir." Li Zheng naturally knew that Wang Linchi was planning to win people's hearts, but he would not say such a thing out loud and would only do it honestly.

When Wang Linchi was doing things, it was not his turn to dictate.

As for consumption, this little thing is just a drop in the bucket. Wang Linchi has already consumed the larger expenditure, so it doesn't matter.

After Li Zheng left, Wang Linchi quickly found these wandering Hulu through a memory.

He always felt that it was the benefit of having it delivered to his door.

Looking again, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "This is door-to-door delivery, I just don't know what kind of medicine you are selling in this gourd."

How did the other party know about the Great Shaman of the Royal Court? The leader of the team was the Great Shaman of the Royal Court.

Wang Linchi didn't believe that the other party came here specially to send him a message. The most likely reason was to assassinate him.

"Are you planning to summon the Wolf God?" Wang Linchi couldn't help but think of this.

Otherwise, the other party would have no reason to come to him. With his small body, he would definitely not be a match for a spiritual warrior.

"Then the biggest possibility is to hold the ceremony in the royal court. Do I have to cooperate with the other party?" Wang Linchi felt that this was a good opportunity for him to attack the wolf god, the Sky Wolf.

"But there is also a problem. What if the other party sincerely surrenders..."

It is not ruled out that the other party really came here to surrender, so Wang Linchi really would not be able to mess around for the sake of his own personality.

"There is a possibility. I can only say that we have to adapt to circumstances."

On the other side, the Great Shaman of the Royal Court looked at this scene in confusion, and so did everyone else except him.

They didn't expect that the other party would give them hot water to bathe, new clothes, and now food. This was simply incredible.

In their plan, they were already prepared to be beaten, tortured, etc., but to their surprise, not only were they not prepared, but they were also asked to eat and drink first.

"Great Shaman, what are you doing?" a Hulu asked in a low voice.

"I don't know either, but I can be sure that there is definitely some conspiracy." The great shaman also replied in a low voice.

"Eat slowly, there is not enough. I don't know where you came from. Ever since Mr. Wang started to develop the grassland, why are there still people like you who have lived such a miserable life?" A chef looked at the other party. After devouring it, I couldn't help but complain.

"Can other Hulu eat these?" When the great shaman heard this, his eyes widened.

"Where is it?" said the chef.

This made the great shaman breathe a sigh of relief. How could Huru, the loser, eat such a good thing?

"That is to say, what you came here is not a meal. In addition, you can only eat these if your body has not had any oil or water for a long time. You are really well fed."

"Also, you are discriminating and objectifying yourselves. You are not Hulu now, you are Jingren." The chef wanted to say where the bumpkin came from, but after seeing the other party stunned, he was too embarrassed to continue.

"You mean, we can eat better?" One Hulu couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, where did you come from? There are clear provisions in the civilized policy, as well as the implementation of Luan Yiwei's inspection policy. I dare not say that there are many. If there is a person starving to death or freezing to death on our northern grasslands, , then you will be punished from top to bottom, and you may even be sentenced to death." The chef said proudly.

As soon as these words came out, many Hulu couldn't help but look at each other, how could they live better than before?

Then should they assassinate the high-ranking official of the Jing Dynasty?

Under the rule of Wangting Khan, not only did they not have enough food and clothing, but the men were forced to go south and plundered every year, and they might even be selected as sacrifices to the wolf god. No matter how you look at it, their lives seemed miserable.

"The food is relatively simple. It's not a relief station after all. You guys eat first." Wang Linchi's voice came.

"Sir, why are you here?" The chef asked immediately.

The great shaman of Wangting looked Wang Linchi up and down, and quickly restrained the murderous intent in his eyes.

"I heard that you have something to ask me for? Please hurry up, I still have work on hand." Wang Linchi said gently.

The great shaman put down the bowl in his hand, stood up and said, "Report to your lord, we have discovered..."

At this time, it was natural for him to step forward.

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