Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 455: Sacrificing to the Wolf God, the Wolf from the Sky Arrives

"In exchange for the news from the Great Shaman, you are allowed to hold a ceremony to worship the Wolf God in the royal court. That's what you mean." Wang Linchi summarized what the Great Shaman said.

"Yes, sir, please meet this trivial condition of mine." The great shaman said.

He disguised himself and thought that Wang Linchi didn't know his true situation at all.

Wang Linchi did not know him, but he could tell the difference between him and others through the differences in him.

Besides the Great Shaman, who else is a level 21 character?

The Great Shaman must be very popular with the Wolf God, so he was raised by one level.

"Yes, I respect your cultural customs. The royal court will continue to be maintained and turned into an ancient building as a symbol of the original civilization." Wang Linchi agreed.

Naturally, he was eager to go to the royal court. Judging from the other party's tone, he wanted to summon the Wolf God.

Someone in the Great Shaman's team was hesitant to speak and wanted to remind Wang Linchi, but after being stared at fiercely, he did not dare to say anything.

"That's great. When we complete the sacrifice, we will definitely hand over the Great Shaman's information to you, sir." The Great Shaman said with a smile.

"Well, it's a deal." Wang Linchi also agreed, and then said: "You are so busy, why not take a good rest, and it won't be too late to hold it again tomorrow."

"No, sir, it's better to do it as soon as possible. This is our loyalty to the Wolf God, so that we can hand over the Great Shaman's information to you as soon as possible." The Great Shaman directly rejected Wang Linchi's kindness.

But he could see that there was a lot of dissatisfaction in the team right now, and if it continued, there would really be problems.

"It's not too forced, right?" Wang Linchi asked kindly, what if the ceremony failed because of too much fatigue.

Wang Linchi is still waiting for the Wolf God to come out and give him a reputation.

"No, no, no." Naturally, it was impossible for the great shaman to say yes.

"Okay, let's go, let's go to the royal court." Since the other party agreed, Wang Linchi naturally had no reason to refuse.

After taking the group of people on the carriage, Wang Linchi also asked some questions on the way.

The great shaman had a lot of experience, so his answers were impeccable. The information that Wang Linchi could ask for was very limited.

In fact, the great shaman did not expect that Wang Linchi would follow him.

This was beyond his expectation. In his imagination, at most, he would arrange for someone to monitor them.

But this is also better. There are not many guards coming. When the wolf god comes, he can kill them all directly. It couldn't be better.

The royal court arrived soon.

After everyone got off the carriage, the great shaman said: "Sir, our sacrifices are relatively secretive. Could you please wait outside for a while?"

It stands to reason that such a request will definitely not be granted.

But in his contact with Wang Linchi, the great shaman felt that he was a good person, so good people would agree.

"This is okay, but we have to make an agreement in three chapters." Wang Linchi hesitated on the surface, but still put forward the conditions. In fact, he didn't care at all.

"Please tell me." The great shaman was not surprised by this. It was only normal if there were conditions.

"The first is that you cannot damage the various buildings and furniture in the royal court." Wang Linchi put forward the first condition.

This made the great shaman a little confused, but he nodded in agreement: "No problem."

"The second thing is that you can't take anything from the royal court. It belongs to the imperial court." Wang Linchi spoke again.


"The third is also simple, that is, human sacrifices are not allowed." Wang Linchi put forward the final condition.

"Of course there is no problem." The great shaman agreed directly.

As for what happens after that, hehe, it must be fake.

If there were no human sacrifices, what would he use to sacrifice to the wolf god? The Wolf God is used to eating people. If he really doesn't need people, he will probably be the first to eat him when the Wolf God comes.

But now people have to bow their heads under the eaves and temporarily agree to Wang Linchi.

The other party won't go in anyway. When the time comes, he will summon the Wolf God and kill the other party, no matter what his promises are.

"Okay, let's go in." Wang Linchi also vaguely guessed what the great shaman was thinking. The other party did not abide by his promise and tore up the agreement. For Wang Linchi, that was simply extremely beneficial.

Do you still think that the northern grasslands are now ruled by Hulu Khan?

No, that is Wang Linchi's world. He has all the words and opinions in his hands. He only needs a little help to make public opinion his sharp blade.

"Thank you for your help, sir." The great shaman did a very good job on the surface, at least as good as Wang Linchi.

After saying that, he led the people into the royal court.

"Sir, this matter is a bit too hasty." The guard on the side said with some worry.

"It doesn't matter. If things go wrong by then, you should leave as soon as possible and I will cut off your queenship." Wang Linchi said.

"This... Since your Excellency knows that there is a problem, why..." The guard was a little confused.

Wang Linchi looked at Wang Ting, with confidence in his tone: "So what, I am a spiritual scholar, and I still have the title of Jinshi. If I am afraid of this little shaman, wouldn't I lose my majesty as a Dajing?"

As soon as these words came out, the guards couldn't help but stand in awe.

"It's just that a gentleman doesn't stand behind a dangerous wall. There is still danger in your actions." The guard was still admonishing Wang Linchi to leave.

"There is no danger in anything you do. Was there no danger when you first broke into the royal court? Like you, I am not from a noble family." Wang Linchi said.

When he selects talents, he is never limited to aristocratic families, so there are many ordinary people around him.

Seeing that Wang Linchi could not be persuaded, the guards could only secretly notify Li Zheng and ask him to mobilize the Iron Wing Army to avoid any accidents later.

Time passed minute by minute, and Wang Linchi recorded the entire process of the great shaman worshiping the wolf god, the Wolf of the Sky.

The whole process can only be described with terms such as bloody and barbaric.

‘This thing looks like a cult thing at first glance. ’ Wang Linchi complained.

But he didn't stop him. The great shaman could attack his own people. Why should he feel bad? The persona was just a disguise and not real.

As the sacrifice was completed, various human body parts were scattered on the ground, and blood was flowing everywhere.

The shadow of a plump, handsome and bloody giant cyan wolf was solidifying and expanding in the center of the palace.

During this process, the surrounding human body parts and blood began to wither, as if they had been devoured by a giant cyan wolf.


The howling of wolves surfaced, causing the guards outside the royal court to immediately tense up.

It's not like they haven't seen wolves before, but this wolf howl is definitely not an ordinary wolf. They can't help but think of the wolf god.

But before they could remind Wang Linchi, the wolf god in the royal court completely solidified and expanded into a giant wolf ten meters high.

After arriving, the Wolf God did not come out immediately. Instead, he opened his bloody mouth and swallowed the great shaman in one bite.

After such a pause, many people screamed and ran towards the outside of the royal court.

Fanatic believers are sometimes not so determined. After all, there is also Ye Gong who likes dragons, not to mention that the wolf god actually wants to eat them now.

When sacrificing others, they naturally don't care. They may think that they can sacrifice themselves for the Wolf God, but when the matter comes, fear will make them involuntarily.

"Hmph, monster!"

When Wang Linchi heard the commotion, he rushed in with his guards. At this time, he needed enough characters.

‘Level 31, the highest level co-author is actually you, the wolf! ’ Wang Linchi finally saw the highest combat power under the calamity of the end of law.

It can be seen from this that the demon god system is indeed a bit higher than the spiritual warrior system. Think about it, after all, the Cangtian Wolf is worshiped by the entire Hulu.

But there isn't much about it, it's more like a ferocious beast.

After seeing Wang Linchi, the Cangtian Wolf immediately gave up chasing others and instead came towards Wang Linchi.

It saw the threat from Wang Linchi.

‘This guy’s strength is too weak, so the next scene has to be acted out, which involves my follow-up plan. ’ Wang Linchi was thinking about how he could be ‘seriously injured’ by the wolf god and ‘kill’ the wolf god at the same time.

Whether it was a kill or a serious injury, it must be fake. As for Wang Linchi's defense, he could not break it even if he stood up and let the wolf god hit him. Moreover, he also needed the wolf god as an experimental sample, so he must be captured alive.

The reason why these two conditions are needed is to break the belief in the wolf god on the grassland and make way for his belief to prevail.

As for developing first and eradicating later? It's so troublesome. The battle of faith is an internal conflict. It's better for him to solve it and eat the whole cake when the time comes.

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