Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 456: Wolf God acquires special divine power structure

"It's just a minor injury, it doesn't matter." Wang Linchi smiled with a pale face.

Judging from the appearance, the injury is naturally not serious.

As for the side, there was an unrecognizable giant wolf corpse lying.

This is naturally not the wolf god, the Wolf of the Sky. As a god, he does not actually have a body after death, he will only be annihilated.

The corpse was shaped by Wang Linchi's memory in order to leave evidence.

"Sir, you have been hasty this time. You should not have fought with this demon god." Li Zheng also arrived. His interests were tied to Wang Linchi's, and he naturally did not want anything to happen to Wang Linchi.

It wasn't just him who came, there were also ten airships as combat force.

Unexpectedly, when he arrived, the Wolf God had already been killed by Wang Linchi.

"Don't be hasty. Move the body back. When the time comes, prepare to further dismantle the wolf god's belief and make Hulu a member of Dajing." Wang Linchi said.

A group of soldiers began to work hard to carry the corpse, and Li Zheng was a little sad: "Even if you want to disintegrate the belief in the wolf god, you can't take such a risk."

Li Zheng understood what Wang Linchi was thinking. He just needed an excuse to take action. After all, the Wolf God's belief was deeply rooted and he could not use coercive measures, otherwise it would cause corresponding backlash.

However, Wang Linchi is now not just a person, but the hub of interests of many forces. Once something happens to him, the entire northern interest group will immediately split and fall into chaos.

Wang Linchi will share the meat with everyone, so everyone supports him. If it were another person, who knows if there would be selfish motives.

So there will definitely be chaos.

"It's a big taboo to do great things without cherishing one's own life, and to forget one's righteousness when seeing small gains." Wang Linchi naturally couldn't say that he could kill the Wolf God with one hand. If he said this, wouldn't it be like boasting?

Li Zheng couldn't help but fell silent. He felt that if this was the case, it would be natural for Wang Linchi to succeed.

"Don't delay, go back quickly. After you go back, ask the leaders of each family to come over. I have something to tell you." Wang Linchi took the lead in getting on the airship.

He still has something to do.

After the Wolf God was beaten to death by him, he locked him in a storage space.

Fortunately, the Wolf God is not a normal life form and can survive in the storage space.

With the guards and the Holy Lord working together to guard it, you don't have to worry about making noise in the storage space after recovery.

But I have to say that this wolf god is indeed extraordinary. Even if he is seriously injured and on the verge of death, he is still recovering bit by bit, as if he is gaining faith.

Wang Linchi also tried interception, but the effect was not good.

At least the storage space cannot intercept Faith, probably because the storage space is simply used by Wang Linchi to store items, not a special cage.

After trying it for a while, Wang Linchi directly changed the storage space and stuffed it into his stone body like a colorful stone, which completely blocked the influx of faith.

Li Zheng quickly followed up and arranged for Wang Linchi to be treated by spiritual warriors.

But he was rejected by Wang Linchi.

"My injury cannot be cured by a spiritual warrior. The power of the Wolf God can only be erased bit by bit by myself." Wang Linchi explained before letting the spiritual warrior leave.

When Li Zheng heard this, he became more and more sad.

"My lord, I don't know how long it will take for your injury to heal." Li Zheng asked.

Wang Linchi has a lot of interests at stake. Not only does he want to know about it, but others also know about it.

"When my injury will heal depends on when I start taking action." Wang Linchi responded, but most of his attention was on the wolf god in the storage space.

Through the thought force field, Wang Linchi continued to analyze the wolf god, and chatted with Li Zheng one after another.

The appearance of the wolf god is not much different from that of ordinary wolves except for the color of its hair and body shape.

However, there is no flesh, blood, bones, internal organs, or blood in the body. Instead, it is a whole body.

It's similar to Wang Linchi, except that Wang Linchi's inside and outside are the same. They are all colorful stones. It's not like the opponent has a sticker on the outside, but there is a layer of something similar to colloid on the inside.

Preliminary estimates are that it is a high concentration of divine power.

These divine powers are estimated to be all the beliefs of the entire northern Hulu over the years, as well as all the savings of the Wolf God.

Naturally, he came out this time to let Wang Linchi die. Otherwise, the Wolf God would end up dying slowly.

Wang Linchi had already started making arrangements, causing some of the wolf god's beliefs to begin to waver.

Under such a trend, sooner or later it will completely decline.

However, the Wolf God did not expect that Wang Linchi did not intend to use a more reliable blunt knife to cut the flesh, but directly cut the mess with a quick knife.

‘Try to do the dismantling. ’

After the preliminary analysis, Wang Linchi immediately planned to dismantle it.

The Wolf God is not a carbon-based creature, but more like an energy creature, with the same properties as the elemental giant that was fully elementalized.

The dismantling process went smoothly, and the whole wolf was unable to resist and turned into a large ball of floating gelatin.

‘The divine power cannot be used yet, but it has a certain direction. ’ Wang Linchi analyzed the characteristics of divine power. He cannot use this thing, let alone swallow it. Only the Wolf God can use it.

People believe in the wolf god, the Sky Wolf, not Wang Linchi. If he really wants to forcefully devour or use it, not only will he not be able to achieve the desired effect, but he will be backlashed by it, and the false serious injury will turn into a real one. Minor injuries.

It didn't matter to him if he was injured, but doing so would result in the loss of a sample.

'Fortunately, there is good news. The divine power itself is similar to the genes of the Wolf God, and contains the corresponding structure. ’

Wang Linchi also breathed a sigh of relief. He was really worried that he would gain nothing except this magical power.

If he reunites the dismantled divine power, he will once again transform into the Sky Wolf.

This is the preset appearance, which is the embodiment of the divine power structure.

‘It seems that you need to guide your faith well in the future, otherwise the appearance will become very strange. ’

'Or, even better, let me decide how I look. ’ Wang Linchi really doesn’t have much thought about appearance, but with a layer of human skin, it is easier to travel around the world.

‘I cannot be led by faith and divine power. The demon god system is the qualification of the system in me, rather than the system in me becoming a vassal of the demon god system. ’

Wang Linchi naturally did not intend to follow the Shinto or Incense Way, but just relied on the strengths of this system to learn from each other's strengths.

"Just now, news came from Kyoto that His Majesty adopted Prince Qing's eldest grandson as his son and established him as Crown Prince."

While chatting, Li Zheng suddenly spoke.

When he heard this, Wang Linchi also came to his senses.

"Adoption? Isn't it true that His Majesty is not yet in his twenties? How come he has adopted?" Wang Linchi didn't understand.

"I don't know why at the moment. His Majesty is not a weak person, and he doesn't look like he can exterminate his heir. This caused quite a stir in the court." Li Zheng was also a little confused about this.

"Wait a minute, Prince Qing's eldest grandson, isn't he already twenty-four? He is older than His Majesty, right..." Wang Linchi recalled it, and couldn't help but feel a little bit sick.

As the saying goes, elders come out of small houses, and this is the case for this generation of Emperor Jing.

"Yes, so in terms of ethics and seniority, there is nothing wrong with His Majesty's move." Li Zheng also twitched the corner of his eye.

The fact that my son is older than me is indeed extremely abstract.

However, abstraction became abstraction, and not many people in the court objected. The main reason was that Sun Yong, the eldest son of King Qing, was weak and soft-spoken.

This is a good thing for the Gong Gong princes in the court.

They didn't know why the powerful Emperor Jing would choose such a person whose temperament was completely incompatible with his.

But they knew one thing, as long as Emperor Jing died, it would be easier for them to control the new emperor after he ascended the throne.

So even though there was a lot of commotion in the court, no one objected.

‘There’s something odd about it. ’ Wang Linchi couldn’t figure out for a moment what kind of medicine was being sold in Emperor Jing’s gourd.

‘It seems that the strategic layout of the north will be accelerated. ’

Wang Linchi also became wary of this. With Emperor Jing's character, it was impossible for him to do useless work, there must be some deep meaning in it.

"This is a private matter of the royal family, so you and I should not meddle in it." What Wang Linchi said was actually mobilizing the memory that he had left in Kyoto.

"Yes, sir." When Li Zheng heard Wang Linchi say this, it was natural that this topic would not be discussed further. It would indeed be inappropriate and would easily lead to taboos.

Then, Wang Linchi continued to analyze the wolf god, the Wolf of the Sky, and the atmosphere fell into silence.

Wang Linchi didn't speak, and Li Zheng, as a subordinate, would definitely not be able to continue chatting.

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