Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 463: Turning text into law, the

"There's something wrong with this guy..." Wang Linchi cursed.

The person who planned the unfounded accusation for Emperor Jing was naturally his memory. When he learned about the one thousand taels of training funds for dead soldiers, he went numb.

"Originally I planned to complete the original plot, but now forget it and just go through the process." Wang Linchi felt that this guy was full of shortcomings.

Fortunately, it was useful to Wang Linchi, otherwise he would have dissolved in water long ago.

"Forget it, it won't make any big waves anyway."

The opponent is surrounded by Wang Linchi's people. If they can make the opponent comeback, it can only show that the opponent not only has great ability, but also great luck.

On the way back, Wang Linchi took a look at the jade energy flowing in his spiritual bones, spiritual veins, and spiritual methods. It was combining with the cultural energy bit by bit, turning it into some brand new ability.

The jade energy was naturally the Lingbao Jade Seal that he had passed along.

He originally thought that with his bone vein method, he could fuse at least two pieces, but with only one jade seal, the bone vein method became saturated.

The jade seal of Dajing should not be classified as a spiritual treasure, but should be of another highest quality.

There is a high probability that it is unique and will disappear after being fused with him.

Now this jade energy is just one step away from being integrated with his own literary energy.

This caused a brand new brilliance to appear in his body that looked like a colorful stone.

"The new energy has a strange look. It feels to me like energy with a higher level of literary power."

Wang Linchi couldn't help but think that on top of the title of Jinshi, there might be a level of Lingshi, but due to circumstances, that level had been weakened.

When the last bit was completed, before Wang Linchi had time to be happy, he noticed a subtle black energy emerging from the dissolved jade seal, and it actually penetrated into his soul.

The speed was so fast that it was intercepted behind the soul barrier and the heart light shield before being restrained by the soul force field.

"It looks a bit like a curse. Wait, is this a demon?" Wang Linchi realized the origin of this thing in an instant.

This turned him on.

"It's actually a devil!!!"

"I thought they were all dead, but I didn't expect there was one in the jade seal." Wang Linchi hurriedly protected it. If it dies, it will be the end of a single seedling.

"Wait a minute, most of the emperors in Dajing died early, isn't it because the devil is causing trouble?" Wang Linchi recalled the many emperors in Dajing. Except for the founder of the country, all the other emperors were short-lived.

"The more merit you have, the shorter your life will be?"

Wang Linchi thought of the two spiritual warriors who had won three yuan in a company before Dajing. The death of the other party was inseparable from the death of the contemporary emperor.

At the beginning, we were at a critical moment just after the reform, and then we only needed stable development. As a result, the death of the two generations of Emperor Jing led to the lack of stable development, and the resurgence of the old guard. It was said to be the second revival, but it was more like helping Lasted half my life.

"It's interesting." The various data in Wang Linchi's mind were connected into a thread, and coupled with the situation of the previous generation of Emperor Jing, he came to a terrifying conclusion.

"The more capable and diligent the emperor is in developing Dajing, the greater the influence of the demon in the jade seal will be on them, making their life span shorter."

This thing has no effect on Wang Linchi. He has checked it and found that in addition to the conditions for its effectiveness, there is also a bloodline requirement.

Except for the Dajing royal family, other people's bloodlines will not be cursed even if they become emperors.

"So this thing should have been suppressed by the founder of the country and left for his descendants to use as a means. However, the devil inside is not so easy to use. As the Taizu of Dajing used blood as a condition for use, curses are inevitable Use this bloodline to attack his heirs."

"But then again, is this demon originally devoid of intelligence or has it been polished into a fool over time?"

Wang Linchi used the power of his mind to further examine and discovered that the demon was a bit like a parasite.

"If there is no intelligence, what is the curse? It can't be said to be a part of parasitism." Wang Linchi was a little strange.

Demons are parasites, Wang Linchi knows this, but the prerequisite for parasites is that they must be in the body at least, not sealed in the jade seal.

Furthermore, what is Yuxi’s ability?

Whether it is the method of use or the ability of the jade seal, it has long been lost. I have never seen so many generations of emperors using the jade seal as a seal.

It should be that Emperor Jing of a certain generation died too quickly and had no time to stay.

After temporarily sealing up the demon, Wang Linchi began to further analyze his upgraded literary spirit.

"Is the jade seal related to divinity?"

At this time, the cultural atmosphere has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Although the whole thing is not biased toward the divine power similar to the demon god system, it is a combination of divine power, literary energy, and its own soul and data system, forming an ability that Wang Linchi feels is a bit strange.

"Can I change the general situation by affecting the destiny of all living beings through my literary spirit?"

Wang Linchi knows that there are three types of luck: human luck, sentient beings' luck, and heaven and earth's luck.

A person's luck is his own luck, and the luck of all living beings is similar to the luck of the country. This is not the case. After all, Dajing has no relevant system, and the belief in the incense of the demon and god system is a variant of the luck of all living beings. The fame and fame that Wang Linchi needs, So is fame and fortune.

The destiny of heaven and earth is the destiny of the child of destiny. Although Wang Linchi had obtained the protagonist's destiny before, after refining, this destiny's destiny changed from the destiny of heaven and earth to his human destiny.

"Otherwise, it will be changed to luck... it won't sound good." Wang Linchi had completed the first stage of supplementation at this time.

"How about changing the destiny of all living beings to...mana?"

Wang Linchi felt that Wenqi was really not suitable for him, and his luck was not good either. So it was changed to mana.

"In addition, there is a field, but it cannot be activated. It needs to be further combined with divine power." Wang Linchi further discovered a new system.

"Interesting, this should be the influence of the passive skills derived from my skills."

"After becoming a god, my magic power can complement each other and even merge into one."

"In this case, then my system can be named "History of Time"."

Wang Linchi thought for a while and felt that if he picked up another handful, the Holy Master had already learned from it anyway, and it didn't matter if the history books were there.

"Give time a civilization, and time a life."

"Then the name of the first stage is years."

The first stage of the "History of Time" was designated as "Yue", which was initially determined by Wang Linchi, and then a large number of documents were re-extracted by Wang Linchi.

The first stage of time is for him to become a cub of the world, and then he will be a civilization.

As for time and life, this Wang Linchi only has a general content.

"In this case, my book of records will have to be changed to a book of history, right?"

Wang Linchi thought about it, there is no need to change it, it has just begun, the ability of the book of records is also worthy of the word "years"? Even history cannot be tampered with, how can it be called time?

If he becomes a god after death and controls life and death, although it will not change history, it can still be done to modify the lives, deaths, etc. of some people.

"We can only take our time."

Wang Linchi quickly invested in further improving and modifying the magic power to make it more suitable for himself.

Although it was originally grown according to his system, Wang Linchi was not satisfied with it.

The most important point is that it is too tied to divinity, and Wang Linchi needs to untie it.

He can't stick to Shinto, and he won't lead a group of slutty believers, so he won't take the issue of belief in incense too seriously.

As for civilization, his memory is enough, and it can be transformed into his own family at that time.

When the ability of the Book of Records evolves to the end, it is completely possible for one person to form an army. No, the more extreme point is that one person should become a civilization, because as long as he has enough mana, Wang Linchi can manifest various different memories.

As for mental power, it has now become a part of mana, returning to its original pure attributes, and is no longer energy as before.

Directly using mental power is too wasteful, and the efficiency is not as high as mana. In terms of cost and quality, mana can also be better.

It's just a little unbalanced. If the overall score is 10, then his spirit is 6, his body is 3, and his mana is 1.

The next best ratio is 1:1:1.

Naturally, it was impossible for Wang Linchi to reduce his spirit. He would only increase his physical strength and magic power to the same level.

Fortunately, with the history books he created, it only takes time or a corresponding system to balance the proportions. As for chance, forget about this. What is needed is a complete system to be qualified.

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