Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 464: Dragon and Phoenix, a reputation above that of a Jinshi

"Has the spiritual warrior achieved a breakthrough?" Zhang Lin asked curiously.

Everyone is a spiritual scholar and a Jinshi. Why are you becoming more and more dignified these days?

Wang Linchi replied calmly: "It's different, I won three yuan in a row."

He used all the previous rewards from Case Head, Jieyuan, Huiyuan, and Number One Scholar, and through guidance, he obtained a passive, which is a spiritual gift. It is reasonable to say that it can evolve other spiritual gifts, but well, Wang Linchi got it They are all top-notch, and those spiritual gifts have really reached their limits.

Even if you want to evolve, there is no way.

Unless he can provide another bone vein method as a load.

However, there is no point in having one more. It is better to turn it into a new spiritual gift. When the wool comes from the sheep, the total amount will not change, and Wang Linchi will not lose money.

[Long Zhang Feng Zi: Charm +100%, all charm-related effects +100%]

To be honest, Wang Linchi never thought that it would be related to charm.

Fortunately, it is not a waste. Mana's predecessor, Wenqi, is related to charm. Now even if it has evolved into Mana, it can still enjoy the charm bonus. As Mana, as the Qi among the three treasures of Jing, Qi and Shen, it is natural and the body of Jing. and the soul and spirit as God are mutually external and internal.

In other words, if he can add points to his attributes, then if he adds 1 point to his charm, all other attributes will also increase by 1 point simultaneously.

Otherwise, Wang Linchi would have rebuilt this passive skill long ago.

His charming external performance greatly improves his temperament. When he is serious, he will be dignified, and when he is angry, he will exude frightening murderous intent, violence, etc.

Wang Linchi is still developing it further. This is a good ability, especially when used in the shaping of Xin Yuanyima, so that it can produce many effects.

He only has two combat moves in his hand, so he naturally has to focus on developing them. Having too many combat moves is not a good thing.

"So that's the case. It's because of your spiritual skills. I thought you were on a higher level." Zhang Lin said.

"What? What do you know?" Wang Linchi asked back.

"I do know something. I have found some clues in the clan. The founding ancestor of Dajing was also a spiritual scholar, but he was not a Jinshi, but a higher level of merit." Zhang Lin answered, this is not What a big secret.

Even if it spreads out, everyone will just sneer at it. After all, there is nothing more than the title of Jinshi, and everyone is not blind.

"How credible is it?" Wang Linchi couldn't help but feel excited.

When he was admitted to the imperial examination before, Wang Linchi felt that he still had unfulfilled desires. Now that there is a more advanced imperial examination computer, he must be tempted.

"It's not high. You've already become the regent. I don't know if I have you or not." Zhang Lin rolled his eyes.

As Wang Linchi, he had already read all the books in the Dajing Palace.

"Indeed not." Wang Linchi rubbed his chin and thought: "But what if it is covered up, or certain conditions are required to participate."

Wang Linchi didn't really think Zhang Lin was lying. It was more like the other party was arranged to give him a chance.

Ordinary people may not be able to resist his good luck.

Charm can also increase his luck. After all, mana can affect the luck of all living beings to a certain extent, and the dragon, Zhang and Fengzi connect the mana, which naturally matches the luck.

Otherwise, how could charm become something similar to the main attribute?

For subsequent improvements, Wang Linchi's main improvement range will also be based on mana.

As the mana increases, the charm also increases, and then other attributes also naturally improve overall.

"What do you think?" Zhang Lin didn't question Wang Linchi. He would have to have his brain kicked by a donkey to question it.

"I have some ideas. Maybe I need something, such as the missing jade seal?" Wang Linchi suddenly thought, why did the founder of the country want to suppress the devil in the jade seal? Such a dangerous thing, why don't you just find a ditch and throw it away? .

Now it seems that it may be related to things that can maintain Dajing's rule.

However, with a certain period of time, the jade seal changed from a key item to a symbolic item.

"Need help?" Zhang Lin couldn't help but perked up and asked quickly.

He has not become stronger for more than ten years, and becoming a Jinshi is his final destination. Now that he hears these words, he naturally wants to go further.

"I can't help, I guess I can't do it either."

"In addition to the missing jade seal, it is likely that the blood of the Dajing royal family is also needed. Do you have it?" Wang Linchi asked.

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Lin couldn't help but hesitate. He really didn't.

"It must be the handiwork of the Taizu of this dynasty." Zhang Lin calmed down and said.

"The possibility is not small." Wang Linchi said.

Even if Wang Linchi wanted to go in, he had no choice, because the jade seal had been melted by him and did not exist at all.

It's like he has changed the key to the big iron door of the vault into a pistol. He can't say he regrets it. He has to become stronger when he needs to, instead of keeping it at the bottom of the box.

As for the last step, for Wang Linchi, it was dispensable.

"It doesn't matter, we have to stop here after all." Zhang Lin said with a sigh.

Wang Linchi actually didn't say a word. The last title was probably emperor, emperor or the like, so it was impossible to open it to the outside world.

The Dajing court is a family. Even if they share the same world with aristocratic families, the royal family is also the largest head of the family.

‘The main thing is probably to announce the announcement to the heaven and the earth. The time is easy to find, but the sacrifice is difficult to do. I don’t have the corresponding ceremony. ’

Through the various notes about his daily life in the palace library, etc., we can still deduce the corresponding time point, but it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without straw.

Even if he knew the time, there was no ceremony to announce it to heaven and earth, indicating that he would hold the corresponding assessment, then everything would be of no avail.

"Not necessarily, I've been studying demon gods recently." Wang Linchi said.

"Demon God? Are you planning to live another life after death?" Zhang Lin was startled.

"Then it's me who comes back to life? Besides, you still don't know what's going on with the demon god. They are nothing more than dolls of believers. The demon gods will change no matter how they pray." Wang Linchi complained.

Despite the extraordinary existence of demon gods ruling shamans, the demon gods themselves are controlled by Hulu who have no extraordinary power. Of course, the Hulu don't know.

"Then what are you going to do?" Zhang Lin asked again.

"Of course I plan to learn from each other's strengths, but the progress is mediocre, and it is indeed not as good as the spiritual warriors." Wang Linchi said.

Hearing this, Zhang Lin also breathed a sigh of relief. He was worried that Wang Linchi would not be able to turn the corner.

Of course they know the principle of becoming a god after death. It does not mean that you die and then come back to life, but that another you is born to replace you. It just needs enough faith to maintain it.

"If he could really defeat my spiritual warrior, Hulu would have swept the world long ago instead of being blocked at the border every year." Zhang Lin agreed with Wang Linchi's words.

"By the way, His Majesty seems to have made some small moves again. What do you think?" Zhang Lin suddenly asked.

Naturally, he knew that Emperor Jing was arranging people to train dead soldiers.

"Of course I'm sitting and watching, otherwise how else could I watch." Wang Linchi would definitely not stop him. Training the dead soldiers for Emperor Jing and the trained dead soldiers were all part of his memory and were originally part of the plan.

"Okay, it seems you have a way to deal with it." Zhang Lin did not force it. He had never been able to see clearly what Wang Linchi's plan was, but he felt that Wang Linchi would definitely not take his own life as a joke.

If you want to leave your name in history, you must have enough great achievements and not die halfway.

"Well, there's nothing to do. Just go and do your work first." Wang Linchi said directly that it was time for you to leave. Zhang Lin came to see Wang Linchi every day. The other party seemed to have noticed that there was something wrong with the prosperity Wang Linchi had brought to Dajing.

It's just that the other party can't be found, and it's hard to offend him, so he comes over from time to time to make innuendoes.

Needless to say, the other party really touched something, but Wang Linchi did not give a corresponding answer, which made Zhang Lin a little uncertain.

"Yes." Zhang Lin saluted and left.

Wang Linchi couldn't help but complain: "You can't talk too much with smart people, otherwise it will be embarrassing if you discover my plan one day."

Although Zhang Lin certainly never imagined that he would 'die' in the end, what if he became aware of his plan to spread his faith.

"It's just that if it is discovered, it doesn't matter. Maybe we can use the other party's help." Wang Linchi naturally has plans for how to deal with failure, and there are many, which can cope with most failed restarts.

"Let's find the last test first." Naturally, Wang Linchi hasn't given up yet. There is nothing wrong with it, but even if a stone is in his hands, he still has to squeeze out a few ounces of oil.

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