Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 471 Otherwise, we rebel?

The news that the twelve golden orders urgently summoned Wang Linchi to return to the capital soon spread throughout the country, and naturally the whole world was in an uproar.

Wang Linchi swept across the world and was about to complete the great cause of unification. As a result, Emperor Jing actually asked him to return to the court with his teacher. This matter was opposed by everyone from the people to the court.

However, Emperor Jing went his own way and didn't care at all...that's strange.

In fact, Emperor Jing's weight is soaring and he can't stop.

Everyone in the world said that he was not like a human king, and Wang Linchi did not express his position, which made him a little scared. When the other party came back from the battle, would he directly depose the emperor?

With the current situation, Wang Linchi didn't even need to speak, only Wang Linchi acquiesced, and the general trend could push him down from this position.

Therefore, it is natural to be in panic all day long.

"Now, what should we do?" Emperor Jing asked his "confidant" staff. He became a clown, but it only made Wang Linchi's reputation even higher.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, this is within the plan." The staff member smiled lightly, as if everything was under his control.

"Do you have a solution?" Emperor Jing asked quickly, knowing that his reputation was ruined.

"The world belongs to your Majesty after all. We only need to use some small tricks to reverse the disadvantage."

"When King Tianqi is killed, Your Majesty will use me as a scapegoat and throw him out to appease his anger, and the world will surely return to his heart." The staff looked like they were willing to sacrifice their lives generously.

After hearing this, Emperor Jing was very moved: "You are really a loyal minister!"

It was impossible to refuse. Between power and his subordinates, he must have chosen power.

"Your Majesty's kindness in knowing and meeting you, I will never forget it!" The staff's previous personality was that of a person who was loyal to the emperor and the country. Otherwise, how could he become a serious problem for Emperor Jing.

"Then what should we do next?" Emperor Jing asked.

"There are two ways." The staff said, pointing on the map: "My guess is that King Tianqi will be able to complete the unification by tomorrow afternoon at most. At this time, if your Majesty does not want to cause trouble, you can wait and see what happens."

"But if you want to take yourself one step further, it's best to issue another decree as a way to solidify the name of your rebellion."

"Does this... still need a will?" Emperor Jing had already hesitated, as if he was rushing in the direction of death.

Emperor Jing still has the ability to judge. What if he is pushed too far and Wang Linchi rebels?

Then it's not a matter of resisting or not, but how to prevent yourself from being caught as a gift.

"If you don't destroy it, you won't establish it. Your Majesty, those who achieve great things don't stick to trivial matters. For the sake of great peace, you should be more ruthless." The staff said while the iron was hot.

However, Emperor Jing didn't realize at all that this was not a minor detail, and he was more ruthless. He only saw that if he really did it, he would most likely be pushed to the guillotine.

What? Still want to abdicate and enjoy your old age? I really thought that public anger could be so easily appeased.

"This matter still needs to be discussed further, if..."

"Your Majesty, if not, once you lose, you will only be a puppet in the hands of King Tianqi for the rest of your life." The staff immediately interrupted Emperor Jing.

The word "puppet" stimulated Emperor Jing's nerves.

"Fat!" There was a hint of viciousness in Emperor Jing's eyes. He was so forbearing and making frequent mistakes, not just to allow himself to take power.

He also figured out that if he failed this time, not only would he continue to be a puppet, but he would also be stigmatized for the rest of his life.

In this case, he might as well take a gamble. Under the stimulation of his staff, he finally understood that he had no way out at all. He could either fight for it or be a puppet.

So, he chose the former.

The staff quickly brought out paper, ink, pens, inkstones, seals, etc., and Emperor Jing wrote it himself.

This edict actually took him an hour to consider and think about word for word.

"Go and deliver it to King Tianqi." Emperor Jing said tiredly.

Seeing this, after the staff bound the imperial edict, they got up and left to do things. Naturally, it was impossible for Emperor Jing to do something like delivering a letter.

If Emperor Jing really wanted to go there, he might be detained immediately, and he wouldn't be able to be manipulated by them then.

"I don't know if this time is right or wrong." Emperor Jing sighed.

In fact, when his staff walked out of the imperial study with the imperial edict, he felt regret in his heart.

‘If I had not gone tit-for-tat with King Tianqi back then, but had abided by the late emperor’s will, what would the situation be like now? ’ Emperor Jing couldn’t help but have such an idea in his mind.

But soon, this idea was thrown out of his mind. This was simply impossible. His purpose was very simple from the beginning.

Want power!

Everything else doesn't matter, as long as he has the power in his hands.

Otherwise, it would be better to be a puppet emperor than to go back and be the heir apparent. When he inherits the position of vassal king in the future, he can live a more carefree life.

If you want it, then you want the best.

"Look, there are twelve golden orders. Your Majesty is going to put your Majesty to death." Li Zheng had a look of dissatisfaction on his face.

In the past, when fighting, it was the aristocratic families that held back.

After all, the aristocratic family also has interests, and it is normal to hold back, but why did Emperor Jing do this? It is clear that the great cause of great unification is just around the corner, but in the end we have to resort to this foolish move.

Even if there is discord with King Tian Qi, it cannot be shown at the national level.

"I know, he always felt that I had robbed him of his power." Wang Linchi looked at the twelve golden orders. He was not angry at all, but secretly felt happy.

This is good stuff.

And on the other side, the staff also succeeded in deceiving him. What follows is the return of political power and unwarranted incidents.

With the current foreshadowing, the degree of completion is still very high. At least Emperor Jing has been deceived by him. He knew that there was a problem with this matter, but he would still handle it.

Li Zheng remained silent when Wang Linchi said this.

Wang Linchi was indeed in power as regent, which made Emperor Jing no longer have any sense of existence, but everyone in Dajing could visibly see the rise in national power.

Nowadays, the people are prosperous, the world is at peace, and even the aristocratic families have been restrained to become modest gentlemen. Several generations before Dajing, which generation can compare with it?

"Your Majesty, why don't we... rebel!" Li Zheng gritted his teeth and said without hesitation: "As long as we destroy the Xu Zhi Kingdom and use airships to conduct a blitzkrieg, with your reputation, as long as the troops arrive at the city, Kyoto will be defeated." Whether it is the defenders or the ministers inside, they will definitely open the door to welcome you."

"No, this is treason." Wang Linchi refused.

Why would he rebel if he had nothing to do?

Just as Li Zheng said, if Wang Linchi rebels, he doesn't even need to take action, he just needs to let the wind go, and Emperor Jing will be ceded to him.

It can bring benefits to everyone, and this alone is enough to change the entire Dajing Dynasty.

However, it was always a trap and did not match the character he created. The character he wanted was copied from Guan Gong and used to be Guan Shengdijun, mixed with the plot of Yue Wumu, and the main focus was a popular idol.

Once you rebel, everything will be wiped out.

So he definitely couldn't agree to it.

"This..." Li Zheng was unsure of Wang Linchi's situation for a while. He thought Wang Linchi would agree.

‘Could it be that he is really a loyal minister? ’

Such an idea came to Li Zheng's mind, which made him feel very absurd.

'If that's the case, it's really like being a traitor...' Li Zheng always thought that Wang Linchi was a treacherous man who controlled the government. Now that he looked at it again, it seemed that this was not the case.

"Okay, why don't you go back and plead guilty?" Wang Linchi looked confident.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me. Your Majesty will not be too harsh." Li Zheng could only agree with Wang Linchi's idea. As for whether Emperor Jing would agree, that was another matter.

"Xuzhiguo should..." Wang Linchi was about to speak when he heard a sound of success coming from outside the door.

"Report! The king of Xu Zhi Kingdom has descended with his seal and is here to pay homage to King Tianqi!" The herald outside the door shouted from the entrance of the military camp to Wang Linchi's tent.

The herald entered the camp and respectfully placed the national seal on a tray in front of Wang Linchi's table.

Wang Linchi and Li Zheng couldn't help but look at each other. They hadn't even fought yet. They had just arrived and the camp had just been stationed. Not long after, the other party came and surrendered.

It can only be said that Wang Linchi's reputation is indeed great, but it must also be attributed to the general trend. After all, other countries have been destroyed, and only one Xuzhi country is left. In this situation, if he does not surrender, the country may be destroyed.

Anyway, Dajing claimed that if the barbarians entered Dajing, they would become Jing. If they surrendered and joined and accepted naturalization, they would become their own people.

Moreover, with Wang Linchi here, life will be better after surrender. Therefore, regardless of whether the king of Xu Zhi is willing to surrender, his subordinates will make him surrender "voluntarily".

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