Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 472 Teammates are too awesome, and sometimes that’s not a good thing

"That's too much!" Zhang Lin's face was full of anger.

"First there were twelve golden orders, and now there is the order to inquire about sins. Aren't you afraid of the world's ridicule if these things are not like those of a human king?"

After he learned that Emperor Jing had accomplished the great cause of unification in Wanglinchi, he sent him a confession and asked why he did not obey the emperor's order and return to the court.

"It was already a joke." Wang Linchi glanced at the imperial edict. He was not angry at all.

"You...are not planning to rebel, are you?" Seeing Wang Linchi's appearance, Zhang Lin asked cautiously. The two of them were also familiar with each other, and Zhang Lin also figured out some of Wang Linchi's temperament. Only then did he dare to ask.

"No, why should I rebel?" Wang Linchi rolled his eyes. Everyone thought he could rebel.

He really only had the yellow robe left on him, but he didn't want to.

"Then what are your majesty's plans to solve the problem? Are you going to abolish the establishment?" Zhang Lin was much bolder this time.

If Wang Linchi really wants to rebel, then his Nan Zhang family and the fifth surname Qi Wang will definitely rebel with Wang Linchi. They will only stand on the side of the winner.

In Wang Linchi's situation, if he doesn't win, who will win?

"I have my own thoughts on this matter." Wang Linchi responded.

He will definitely not tell his plan directly, this is related to his future.

"That's why you returned to Kyoto specifically to solve this matter." Zhang Lin also breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't abolish the establishment without rebellion. If there was a better solution than these two, he would be happy.

Otherwise, the entire Kyoto will be in chaos again.

Wang Linchi was naturally in Kyoto at this time, but he did not come back immediately after receiving the order to investigate the crime, but only returned to Kyoto after making all arrangements.

Just like this, another month has passed.

So public opinion has been fermenting.

As soon as Wang Linchi came back, Zhang Lin came to see Wang Linchi. After all, he and Wang Linchi were the strongest allies in terms of interests. As long as the interests lasted, Zhang Lin would not choose to betray Wang Linchi.

"That's right, we'll find out tomorrow morning." Wang Linchi said slowly.

He almost couldn't wait to 'die'. For this matter, he spent an unknown amount of time and energy, just to make himself go further.

Nowadays, he has no way to improve his strength independently, and the only way to become stronger is to develop independently.

As a world embryo, he will definitely develop bit by bit. His strength will not stagnate, but his growth will be slower.

Wang Linchi is not the kind of slow-paced immortal species. His growth pace is very fast. If it were the world, the pace would be even slower.

After all, the immortal species still uses years as the unit of time, but the world probably uses civilization as the unit of time.

The birth and death of a civilization may be just a momentary change in the eyes of the world.

This caused Wang Linchi to be very fragmented. He became stronger quickly, but his own development was very slow.

"I hope your Majesty will be able to save some dignity by then." Zhang Lin reminded him.

Since you are not prepared to rebel or depose the emperor, then don't do anything too cruel.

Furthermore, this is not to save face for Emperor Jing, but to save face for the royal family. This generation of Emperor Jing is indeed so useless that even the royal family cannot fully control it.

Therefore, although Wang Linchi and others have always been at odds with Emperor Jing, their relationship with the royal family Li is very close.

After all, the royal family is also one of the aristocratic families. Even if it is an aloof family, it still has various secular needs.

"Don't worry, I will give him enough face." Wang Linchi was ready to return the political power. This was no longer about saving face, but about letting the other party soar into the sky.

It's just that Zhang Lin always felt that Wang Linchi seemed to be holding back something bad. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to be so happy.

Naturally, he couldn't guess what Wang Linchi was thinking, and it was impossible for Wang Linchi to tell them.

If he really said it, he would be stopped immediately.

Like all people in high positions, Wang Linchi is now the center of Dajing's interests. If he is alive and in power, the whole world will sing and dance, but if he dies or is deprived of power, the consequences will be very serious.

The prerequisite for binding the world with interests is that someone can make everyone eat meat and drink soup, instead of distributing it randomly.

"That's good. If nothing happens, I'll go back and prepare. I'm afraid the scene tomorrow will be quite big." Zhang Lin stood up and said goodbye.

Now that Wang Linchi is ready to solve it, it will definitely not be a temporary solution, but a fundamental solution. Emperor Jing must be submissive. How can this be a small scene?

"You don't need to prepare too much, just adapt to the situation." Wang Linchi hinted, telling the other party not to work blindly.

What fell into Zhang Lin's ears was that Wang Linchi was confident and did not need his help.

"Okay, everything will be arranged." Zhang Lin responded.

Although he felt that Wang Linchi didn't need his help, he couldn't help being ignorant and didn't show any sign of it.

Everyone is in the same camp, so naturally we advance and retreat together.

After saying that, Zhang Lin left in a hurry, leaving Wang Linchi feeling quite helpless.

"Everyone thinks that I can win. I have arranged the plot for Emperor Jing to make a comeback."

"No, I have to find a way, otherwise what if I overturn the situation?"

Wang Linchi has too many amazing teammates. What's more important is that he still has the advantage. If he's not careful, he will really win.

"This is the first time I've seen someone so difficult to lose." Wang Linchi complained.

He has only seen people who do whatever it takes to win, but this is the first time he has experienced this kind of people who do whatever it takes to lose.

"We can only be a little rougher so that they either can't speak or can't go to court."

If you can't open your mouth, it's easy, just silence it.

It would be more difficult to go to court. This kind of scene would probably damage their legs, and they would have to go to court with injuries.

A broken leg can be restored, but if the benefit is broken, it is really gone.

"If that doesn't work, just let them disperse." Wang Linchi thought about it and decided that this was a good decision.

You can travel a thousand miles if you hold your urine in, but you can't walk an inch if you have diarrhea.

How to make them disperse is very simple. He has arranged memory devices in the mansions of all high officials, and most of them are chefs.

The only person who can control the life and death of the master's family is the cook, who can freely enter and exit the mansion while poisoning.

Therefore, most aristocratic families use their own chefs and pay them very well, for fear that they will do something or be bribed.

It is indeed possible to liquidate things afterwards, but dead people cannot be resurrected even if they liquidate the chef.

"But this is a bit too obvious. One person can understand it, but everyone is confused. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that there is a problem." Wang Linchi quickly rejected the matter.

"It's unrealistic to get sick together. It's easy to suspect me."

Such a big poisoning incident, and Wang Linchi encountered him again. Even if Wang Linchi was not suspected, he would inevitably attract attention.

"I'm finally back. You said there was a 70% success rate this time. Is that true?" Emperor Jing asked.

"Of course, King Tianqi has a good reputation. If His Majesty is to question the guilt first and then order the handover of power in public, King Tianqi will definitely choose to hand over power for the sake of his own reputation." The staff member said with confidence.

"I see that King Qi is not like the kind of person who is burdened by fame." Emperor Jing actually noticed that this staff member seemed to have been making trouble, but he really had no one to use, so he turned a blind eye. Close one eye, not to mention that the other party is still seizing power for you.

Therefore, doubts remain doubts, but they never thought about rejecting the other party's plan.

"If he hadn't been burdened by his reputation and returned to power..." The staff was silent for a moment, and then said: "The King of Qi might have been the pillar of the country that day."

Emperor Jing was stunned by these words. He did not expect to hear these words from his staff.

"Impossible!" Emperor Jing then subconsciously retorted, if Wang Linchi was really a loyal minister, then he would really have become a foolish king.

So even if he was a loyal minister, he can no longer be so.

"What your Majesty said is absolutely true. From my perspective, King Qi is a treacherous and loyal person, and he cannot be the pillar of the country!" The staff also echoed.

Whatever Emperor Jing said now, he would follow suit.

This is the last step. Don't do too many things to avoid unnecessary complications.

With someone's approval, Emperor Jing was naturally relieved. At least he could use his staff as scapegoats in the future.

As for the other party's loyalty? Isn't that just to give yourself a foothold? Otherwise, how can it be called loyal?

Anyway, as long as you can protect yourself, your staff can be sacrificed at will. Once you take charge, you are afraid that there will be no one under you.

If he wants to be emperor, he has to be ruthless.

It's just that his ruthlessness is in the wrong place. Being ruthless towards one's own people is a bit troubling.

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