Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 473 In the court, the turmoil continues

"My Emperor, Holy Peace!"

In the Jinluan Hall, many ministers knelt in a large area, but Wang Linchi was the only one sitting on the Grand Master's chair at the front, with a leisurely and contented look that was very abrupt.

"Get up~" The eunuch's voice fell, and many ministers stood up.

Then, the entire court fell silent, and no one spoke.

Everyone present knew what was going to happen, and Emperor Jing also looked calm. He knew that this time it was the decisive game.

"King Tianqi, I..." Emperor Jing spoke immediately.

Wang Linchi interrupted the other party: "I have brought the twelve golden orders and the criminal edict sent by your majesty."

This attitude was called arrogance in Emperor Jing's eyes, but he tolerated it.

Looking at what was presented to him, he suppressed his anger and asked, "Does King Tianqi know his crime?"

"Your Majesty, this is inappropriate. What crime does King Tianqi have?"

"As the saying goes, if you are outside, you will not accept your orders!" Someone jumped out and refuted it immediately.

After someone took the lead, each of the ministers acted as if they were desperate, spraying Emperor Jing crazily, meaning that you have done something wrong, admit it quickly, or you will die.

"The merits and demerits do not equal each other!" Emperor Jing shouted these words.

It was the first time that the ministers saw Emperor Jing acting so rude, so they understood that they were pushing too hard, so they immediately stopped, but it was only temporary.

"Then what does Your Majesty want?" Wang Linchi stood up from the Grand Master's chair.

Emperor Jing felt the oncoming pressure and said bravely: "I also ask King Tianqi to resign and return to the government. He will sit in front of the wall for three years and be fined for three months."

"Is it enough?" Wang Linchi asked.

As soon as these words came out, Emperor Jing was also stunned. He didn't expect Wang Linchi to ask such a question.

"Don't you need to reduce your rank?" Wang Linchi asked again.

Cold sweat broke out on Emperor Jing's forehead. He thought Wang Linchi was trying to force him into the palace.

However, Wang Linchi did not have this idea, but asked sincerely.

"No, this is the late emperor's edict!" Zhang Lin stood up and said.

"What the first assistant said is reasonable. King Tianqi is a gift from the late emperor, and I can't take it away." Emperor Jing knew that it could only go so far, but if he could remove all the positions from Wang Linchi, then the rest would not be Problem.

As for imprisonment? It was not his idea at all. He was going to kill Wang Linchi next, but he couldn't do this in the court, otherwise he would mutiny.

"Okay, thank you for your permission." Wang Linchi said calmly.

All the ministers did not expect that Wang Linchi actually agreed to return power, but the ministers did not agree.

Therefore, a new round of public opinion broke out again, causing the entire court to become chaotic.

Wang Linchi sat on the Taishi chair as if it had nothing to do with him.

At this time, Emperor Jing and the ministers immediately understood Wang Linchi's plan, which was to retreat in order to advance.

Emperor Jing launched an attack, and Wang Linchi agreed to return power. So what should their interest group do? Are we really going to let the leader Wang Linchi go back to retire?

How is this possible, so everyone is blushing when they argue with Emperor Jing.

What is inconsistent with etiquette and law? Or maybe His Majesty has violated the late emperor's edict and should be regent by King Tianqi, etc.

Fortunately, Emperor Jing was also prepared. Although he was still at a disadvantage despite the difficulty of dealing with it, he still stood firm and did not give in.

He knew that if he gave in at this time, he would not give in, but would directly return to the state of a puppet.

Wang Linchi watched this scene with great interest, almost becoming a full martial artist.

‘Maybe it was the same situation when Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty was forced to abdicate? ’ Wang Linchi stepped in and found it a bit funny.

Of course, if he now reveals that he wants to become emperor, the situation facing Emperor Jing will be even worse.

Emperor Jing is still the emperor, so everyone saves face for him. However, if Wang Linchi becomes emperor, then Emperor Jing will not, so there is no need to save face for him.

The meeting broke up quickly without any discussion on the matter.

Emperor Jing was stuck and had no way to deprive Wang Linchi of his position and power, but the ministers also failed because the decree had already been issued and could only be temporarily blocked.

There is no good solution yet, so Wang Linchi can only do it himself.

But Wang Linchi looked like he was in a mess, and there was really no way to handle this matter.

In the harem, Emperor Jing smashed a lot of things with anger on his face, leaving the place in a mess.

"A bunch of bastards, they...how dare they!!!"

After being tired, he sat down panting.

"Unless King Tian Qi is eliminated, Your Majesty will never have peace." The staff walked out quietly.

"Okay, I will follow your arrangement and kill him for unjustified crimes!" Today's morning court visit could be said to have rubbed Emperor Jing's dignity to the ground.

So after the staff spoke, they agreed without hesitation.

"Tonight, we will hold a banquet for King Tianqi in the palace to wash away his dust. At that time, the dead man will be hidden behind the corridor. Your Majesty only needs to throw a cup as a signal. When the dead man comes in with his sword, he will be chopped into mincemeat."

"If a snake has no head, it will die. What should the ministers in the court be afraid of?" the staff gave the strategy.

"Yes, follow the plan and immediately send someone to invite King Tianqi to the palace for a banquet." Emperor Jing just finished speaking, but suddenly he realized something: "What if King Tianqi doesn't come? "

If you want to catch a turtle in an urn, the premise is that the turtle must enter the urn. Otherwise, no matter how good the plan is, it will not succeed.

"This matter is not difficult. Your Majesty only needs to invite me in the name of asking for guilt and admit my mistake for what happened today. I don't believe that King Tianqi will not be fooled." The staff gave a reason.

This reason was not used to convince Wang Linchi, but to convince Emperor Jing.

Otherwise, if you invite Wang Linchi to come over, it doesn't mean there is a problem.

When Emperor Jing heard this, his eyes lit up: "Wonderful."

As for saying that admitting your mistake is unbecoming of an emperor? Isn't this nonsense? He had already lost all his face because of the morning incident. He had no face left.

Killing Wang Linchi might bring back a lot of face.

"It is not suitable for the Imperial Guard to go here. If you want to deceive others, you must not only deceive King Tianqi, but also deceive the ministers of the court."

"Go get the ceremonial guards and prepare your carriages and horses. The louder the noise, the better, and let everyone know about it." Emperor Jing was not stupid either. He wanted to kill someone, but if he wanted to kill him without fail, Wang Linchi must not be able to do so. Not coming.

The emperor admitted his mistake and the situation was such that Wang Linchi would have to come even if he didn't come.

A smile appeared on the corner of the staff's mouth, and then he complimented: "Your Majesty is a great talent. Once this method is used, King Tianqi will definitely die."

"Hahaha~" Emperor Jing laughed heartily, but he did not get carried away.

The thing is not finished yet, who knows if there will be any problems in the middle.

"You, Mr. Jia, are still very powerful. This series of schemes is intertwined with each other. Regardless of whether King Tianqi returns political power or not, there are three words that cannot be avoided." Emperor Jing knew that he had to rely on the staff named Jia in front of him at this time. , naturally he is not stingy in his praise.

Verbal compliments are naturally given as much as you want, but they are worthless and do not give you power anyway.

In the Tianqi Prince's Mansion, Wang Linchi was receiving Zhang Lin.

"Your Majesty, I can't understand your move clearly." Zhang Lin asked bluntly. He wanted to know what Wang Linchi wanted to do.

With Wang Linchi's methods, it was unimaginable to solve this situation, but Wang Linchi used retreat to advance and made a mess.

"Do you still remember what I want?" Wang Linchi asked.

Zhang Lin frowned, he knew of course, he just wanted to be famous.

But now that he has become famous, everyone in the world knows King Tian Qi.

This has achieved the goal, and leaving a name in history is not a problem.

"What does your Majesty mean by this?" Zhang Lin really couldn't see through this time.

But it doesn't matter, he can just ask.

"The time is coming, we can only give it a try." Wang Linchi said calmly. He had already heard the sounds outside. In about five minutes at most, someone would come to report.

"What?" Zhang Lin didn't understand.

"The path to becoming a spiritual warrior is cut off. I'm injured and my lifespan is less than a year." After Wang Linchi finished speaking, he stood up: "So it's too slow. I need a way to reach heaven in one step."

"Do you think that if I die or I am killed by Emperor Jing for something that does not exist, my reputation..."

Before Wang Linchi finished speaking, Zhang Lin added for Wang Linchi: "You will soar to the sky, and even use the entire Dajing to achieve your reputation."

Fear appeared in Zhang Lin's eyes. He didn't expect Wang Linchi to be so crazy.

"Don't you regret it?" Zhang Lin asked after calming down.

Hearing the approaching footsteps, Wang Linchi opened the door of the study and walked out, saying, "I don't regret it. I came here just for fame. It's normal to die for fame."

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