Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 476: The underground master of corpse dismemberment, Holy Emperor Tianqi Ren

Wang Linchi was now in a huge and luxurious coffin, and the number of burial objects in the coffin was countless.

The fake body was disposed of, and the real body came in naturally.

At this time, he came here just to carry out the first step of autopsy.

Now that the famous death has been completed, action must begin.

"...Chasing the title of Holy Emperor Tian Qiren..."

Naturally, there was Wang Linchi's funeral outside. As a 'dead person', it didn't matter whether he was a king or an emperor, so he directly gave him a super double, turning himself from the original King of Tianqi into the Holy Emperor of Tianqi Ren.

Outside, not only the funeral was being held, but also the ceremony of enthroning the gods was also going on at the same time.

The momentum and scale were huge, and the entire Taishan Mountain was overcrowded at this time.

Even Emperor Jing was forced to come here to participate.

This deity ceremony can be said to be the largest one, and even the Wolf God and the Sky Wolf has never enjoyed it.

This matter was naturally led by Wang Linchi, otherwise why would he have worked so hard?

Feeling a large amount of faith, the golden statue of Dai Temple served as a server. After being integrated into the game character, it was transformed into divine power and began to transform into a layer of crystal clear jade flesh.

At the same time, Wang Linchi's strength also began to increase, and the realm of the gods began to be activated, forming a special space called the God Realm.

This space was connected to his body, allowing the embryo of his world to begin to develop rapidly.

It's a pity that because it has just been activated, the divine world seems chaotic and requires a lot of divine power, faith, incense, etc. to expand.

"Mastering life and mastering death, as long as you master these two divine functions, then the dismemberment stage will be considered a complete success."

"But this requires sufficient public opinion and dissemination." Wang Linchi quickly came to such a conclusion by monitoring his own data.

Then he is the corpse corpse immortal.

"I also have to arrange for the Holy Master to go to the Dai Temple to be a golden body for me, so as to complete the identity of the Underground Master."

The underground master is the Shinto level, and various priesthoods will evolve in the future, so if you need a facade, the holy master is very suitable.

As for the Zhijie Immortal, he will naturally be the Five Immortals of Heaven, Gods, Earth, Humans and Ghosts. After he succeeds in becoming an immortal, he will be the Ghost Immortal. As for the history of his years, it has nothing to do with the self-created Immortal Dao and Incense Dao systems?

This is true, but they are all fake anyway. Wang Linchi can name it whatever he wants.

"Then the Six Paths of Reincarnation evolved next... isn't it a bit tacky, and it doesn't suit me a bit."

Wang Linchi began to build his own operating system of the God Realm. The Six Paths of Reincarnation was really not suitable for him. Although it was very convenient and concise, he was already in Taishan, so he couldn't come up with a matching system.

"The priest's duty is to govern life and death, regardless of life, and put death first." Wang Linchi quickly locked on the target and planned to start choosing his own target.

"Let's take the underground masters and underground ghost commanders of the early Taoist underworld system, and then use the Dongyue Seventy-Two Division as the back-up, and use this as the death system of the God Realm."

Wang Linchi quickly chose his development direction.

Whether it's the Eighteen Levels of Hell, the Six Paths of Reincarnation, or anything else, it doesn't go well with Wang Linchi.

"So this should be regarded as the fusion of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, right?" Wang Linchi suddenly remembered this matter.

His spiritual system uses Confucianism, while the Shinto system itself is based on Buddhism, and with the Taoist framework embedded in it, it really feels like the fusion of the three religions.

Even the shortcomings are very obvious, because these Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism are actually pirated copies copied by him. It can only be said that they look a bit fake on the outside, but in fact they are all his own system. As long as the DNA is tested, there is no trace at all. The same thing, not even the same species.

Therefore, it is said that the three religions of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism merged, but in fact it was Wang Linchi who was doing things on his own.

As the concept and plan took shape, Wang Linchi invested a lot of mana into the divine world, and then began to shape it bit by bit with the divine power.

In the process of shaping the divine world, mana and divine power gradually began to merge into one.

Originally, this existed under the same system. The integration was not difficult, it all depended on letting nature take its course.

There is no need to worry about rejection or incompatibility. Wang Linchi's corpse dissolution stage was born for these things.

After various ceremonies, Wang Linchi's coffin was buried underground and filled with earth.

At the same time, his appearance, that is, the game character began to gradually disappear, exposing Wang Linchi's colorful stone body.

"It's interesting. Are you planning to let me show off my miracles?"

Wang Linchi couldn't help but think of this, and then smiled, it was not a big deal.

"It seems that I can't wait for the Holy Lord to stand guard for me, so I can only ask the game character to help me out."

With the end of the funeral, the ceremony of conferring gods also ended.

But in Wang Linchi's eyes, this was just the beginning. For the sake of his legitimacy, he had to go out and show his face.

It's just that he is in the process of being dismembered at this time, and it is really not suitable for him to go there, so he can only let the game character go.

"We just have to take preventive measures, otherwise once my indescribable pollution leaks out, it will cause problems for the entire Taishan Mountain."

Wang Linchi didn't care about Taishan, but if something went wrong in Taishan, he would fall short of his achievements, so he wanted to protect it, otherwise he would not care about life or death.

What's more important is that if it is leaked, it will probably make him face the catastrophe of the end of the law. This... seems to be a try.

"Dragon Soul Holy Lord, you should be able to handle it, right?"

Wang Linchi knew that divinity could resist the catastrophe of the End of Law to a certain extent. It just so happened that he now had divinity and divine power. Combined with the adaptive evolution of Dragon Soul and Holy Lord, he did not require too much, as long as he could gradually If he adapts to the calamity of the end of the law, wouldn't he be able to avoid leaving this world?

"When I become a ghost fairy, I can give it a try."

In the corpse-dissolving-immortal stage, he really didn't dare to be so messy.

Then the game character was released, letting him go and show off, and then use part of the divine power that had been born to form some blessings.

There’s no need to go to too much trouble to show off, just release all the game character’s equipment, mounts, wings, etc., and then dress up and you’re done.

Zhang Lin looked at the statue in Dai Temple with a solemn expression. It should have been successful, but why hasn't there been any reaction yet?

Li Zheng didn't dare to speak at this time. Of course he hoped to succeed.

Emperor Jing had a gloomy look on his face. In fact, he didn't want to come over at all, he was just dragged here.

But this is good news. At least in the short term, I don't have to worry about losing the throne.

Everyone in Dai Temple had their own thoughts, and finally Emperor Jing said: "The ceremony is over~"

After saying that, he took the lead and walked out of the main hall. Zhang Lin and others did not stop at this time and followed them.

Just after taking two steps, I found that the sun was blocked by something. When I looked up, I saw a huge mythical beast lowering its head. Between the horns of the mythical beast, there was a figure sitting cross-legged. The other person was wearing simple but eye-catching clothes. Wearing luxurious clothes, there are several pairs of mysterious and gorgeous wings on the back.


Everyone recognized him at a glance. This person was Wang Linchi.

Unfortunately, it was not the original Wang Linchi, but the Holy Emperor Tianqiren who had become a god. His face was majestic and solemn, putting great pressure on everyone.

Even when I saw the other person's appearance, I felt the sting of my eyeballs.

Do not look directly at God.

This was the same thought in the minds of everyone present, so after feeling this majesty, they decisively lowered their heads and began to kneel down.

Comparing the Wolf God Cangtian Wolf with the Holy Emperor Tian Qiren, the gap is really huge.

The opponent is just a beast, but when Holy Emperor Tian Qiren appears, he is a true god-like existence.

"Having good faith will extend your life by ten years."

A majestic voice emerged, and a strange beast jumped out from the arms of Holy Emperor Tian Qi Ren, speaking human words in mid-air, telling His will to Holy Emperor Tian Qi Ren.

The light bloomed, and everyone on Mount Tai was bathed in it, enjoying this divine gift.

Everyone felt that their bodies were warm, and all the ailments and hidden diseases in their bodies disappeared at this moment, giving them a brand new feeling.

"Thank you Holy Emperor for your blessing." Naturally, everyone shouted along without hesitation.

This is really giving you life.

Zhang Lin and others couldn't help but burst into tears. Even after they died and became gods and Holy Emperors of Tianqiren, they were no longer the same person. They were still so generous. They used to give benefits but now give them life. It was not in vain for them to run for it. Running forward and behind.

In the future, you must hold this person tightly and don’t ask for too much. You will be satisfied if you are given a year of life every time.

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