Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 477: The handsome ghost judge, the seventy-two divisions of Hades

Wang Linchi, the Holy Emperor of Tianqi Ren, with the help of the memory, the aristocratic family, etc., the incense of faith quickly spread throughout the country.

Temples of the Holy Emperor began to be built in various places, in order to further increase Wang Linchi's influence, and because it could increase life span, under its publicity, Wang Linchi's priesthood became more and more concise. got up.

At the same time, the progress of the autopsy is naturally getting faster and faster.

Mastering life and mastering death, the two priesthoods were immersed in mana and were refined bit by bit by Wang Linchi.

Naturally, it is impossible for him to really allow this priesthood to enter his body according to the original system of the demon god and become the master of his system. Instead, it will be dismantled, melted, and finally become his own material.

You need to turn the system into material, rather than letting yourself become the material for the system.

As the two priesthoods of mastering life and mastering death were gradually swallowed up, the originally chaotic divine realm in his body began to turn into the prototype of the seventy-two divisions according to his plan.

"Every year, month, day, and hour, there will be a reward. Children and grandchildren are far away and close to me. The first department is in charge of reporting quickly."

"Quick Report" does not mean quick retribution, but quick retribution. People who do evil in the world, no matter how big or small their crimes are, will have retribution, either at the time or later or in future generations.

After the first division was completed, the Inspectorate Division, the Kuchu Division Division, etc. were also born together, and the efficiency was very fast.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, and so is Wang Linchi.

After all the seventy-two divisions were born, Wang Linchi invested a large amount of memories. These memories were quickly dispersed into the seventy-two divisions and transformed into the underground master and the underground ghost commander. The former was a civil servant, The latter is a military position.

"Can't leave the God Realm? The shortcomings of the demon god system are still there." Wang Linchi discovered a problem. The Seventy-Two Civil and Military Divisions could only operate in the God Realm.

If Wang Linchi didn't need people to help him with things, why would he let the memory go into the 72nd Division? However, after the transformation, he found that it couldn't come out and could only stay in the body, which was a bit useless.

But soon, after further research, Wang Linchi discovered that he could still get out.

It just needs to be attached to people, that is, those shamanic systems.

"It's still somewhat useful, but it's not without supplementary methods." Wang Linchi thought about the player's skills. After he perfects them, he can completely build a Three Realm player based on the Seventy-Two Divisions.

Of course he will not be limited to just one Hades. He will build a complete three worlds of heaven, earth and man. After all, the triangle is a stable structure.

However, currently his abilities and resources are relatively limited, so he can only temporarily improve the underworld.

It’s not too late to take your time in the human world and the heavenly world later.

As for why he doesn't use orthodox ghosts and the like, Wang Linchi doesn't really want it. The main reason is that he thinks the player limit is a little higher.

The main reason is that it is easy for him to modify.

"There is still a very serious question, that is, why do these things look like this?" Wang Linchi suddenly discovered that the memory that had been transformed into the underground master and the underground ghost commander had turned into a ferocious appearance, with different looks. They have their own ugliness, and they also exude some twisted rules.

"The evil of mistakes, coupled with adaptive evolution, combined with the power of the seventy-two divisions..."

Wang Linchi quickly analyzed it. Theoretically speaking, he was the source of the evil evil of the soul species. He had swallowed a lot of evil evil in the previous world, and then changed his race, which led to the seven evils. The twelve civil and military officials have become like this.

There is still a difference between the memory and the seventy-two divisions of civil and military affairs, and the two cannot be compared.

The first is the memory, which is essentially a summoned object. Its structure is a memory infused with mental power, so it is a skill-type existence, and its relationship with Wang Linchi is that of superior and subordinate.

But the Seventy-Two Si Wenwu were different. They were Wang Linchi's dependents and part of Wang Linchi's body, so they would naturally be affected.

"That's good, then let's further in-depth transformation."

Wang Linchi did not dislike the Civil and Military Affairs of the Seventy-Two Divisions, but quickly selected some of the best from them to further refine the entire system of the Seventy-Two Divisions.

"The ghost king, the day wandering god, the night wandering god, the impermanence of black and white, the head of an ox, the face of a horse, the tail of a leopard, the beak of a bird, the gills of a fish, and the wasp."

Ten special underground ghost commanders were enlightened and transformed by Wang Linchi and turned into the top ten evil commanders.

The ghost king has red hair and fangs, holding a demon-suppressing bell, looking ferocious and ferocious.

The Riyu God is dressed as a jailer, with his hair disheveled and holding a wooden sign.

Night wandering god...

After having these ten templates, they were further subdivided, such as the ghost king turned into a series of ghost kings such as the empty belly ghost king, the vicious ghost king and so on.

The underground ghost handsome man was quickly expanded by him.

But this is not over yet. He has just completed his military duties. Next comes the civil duties, mainly judges, which are responsible for rewarding good and punishing evil, inspecting the four Yin laws, etc.

Wang Linchi quickly built a rough framework for the underworld, and the rest were all troublesome little details that needed Wang Linchi to polish little by little.

"So now there is a very serious problem that needs to be solved, the balance of payments is imbalanced..."

Wang Linchi has built the underworld, the most basic of the three realms, but his original main business was to seduce souls, catch ghosts, and throw them in as income.

However, neither Yin Shuai nor the judge can leave and can only be forced to stay here.

Then he would have no money to purchase any equipment, whether it was Gui Cha, Yama, or any other equipment. He had already spent all the initial incense of faith.

He doesn't even have enough resources to install player modules for these shady men and ghost judges.

"Sure enough, infrastructure costs money. I just finished polishing the frame and all the money was spent." Wang Linchi couldn't help but his face drooped.

That's it, it's still the cost price where he doesn't have a middleman to make the difference.

The most expensive thing is probably the development of the underworld, which is the same as buying land.

The biggest expense in real estate is naturally the land, and then the taxes. Wang Linchi doesn't have to pay here. Otherwise, he won't even be able to create the top ten shady commanders and the four top ghost judges, and can only use the basic modules.

"Currently, there is no good solution. We can only endure it slowly."

Now his temples are blooming everywhere, and the Dai Temple on Mount Tai is even more prosperous, with an endless stream of people coming every day.

He had stuffed the Holy Lord onto his statue in Dai Temple to help collect incense, and the game character also came back. At this time, he completely transformed into the Holy Emperor Tian Qiren, and was then absorbed by Wang Linchi.

This is what he formed from his external incarnation plus his second spirit... The human skin was originally intended to be used as an incarnation, but in the end, there was really no other way but to put it on his body.

"I really want to hold another Dharma conference..." Wang Linchi muttered quietly.

Fortunately, Wang Linchi is not that kind of black-hearted god and has not been affected by the incense of faith, otherwise he would have opened it immediately.

He has a lot of divinity-related entries on his body, so there is no need to worry about these things. Furthermore, there is a game character in front of him to support him. If something happens, the first one to collapse will be the game character.

Then... Wang Linchi created another game character and came out to block him.

This thing is just part of his destiny and luck ability, so there is no need to worry about it being damaged after death.

As long as he was still alive, even if everything exploded, including his soul form, he could squeeze it out again with his bare hands.

So only your own life is important, and other things are not very important.

"No, with this little faith, how could the Wolf God endure it in the first place?" Wang Linchi looked at the trickling water, thinking that when he first became a god, Wang Linchi squandered that faith and that incense.

But now, the heyday has passed, and it has become this slow-flowing pattern.

Although in the eyes of the Wolf God, the amount of faith Wang Linchi gained every day was simply an astronomical figure, Wang Linchi didn't think so.

Wolf God is the canteen at the entrance of the village, and his daily income is useless in the eyes of a multinational giant like Wang Linchi.

Compared with the opponent's level and Wang Linchi's true strength, there was a huge gap.

"No, I have to find a way to get them to give me more faith." Wang Linchi began to think in his mind, and the current level of development and construction of Hades was more than one and a half points different from his plan.

It's true that he used the underground master and the underground ghost commander as the basis, and paired it with the Dongyue Seventy-Two Division, but after he got the money, he definitely wanted to build a big and special one.

For example, if you want to build some wonders, you must arrange for the Gumen Pass and Huangquan Road.

There is also a Six Paths of Reincarnation system to prevent the Seventy-Two Divisions from being replenished after the collapse, and then arranging pirates from the three schools of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism to be in it, such as Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, Emperor Fengdu, Yama of the Ten Palaces, etc. Series characters are included to expand their own strength.

If you had no money, you would definitely not dare to plan. Now that you have money, Wang Linchi will definitely have to struggle to death. Although the money is all spent now, he once had it.

"The most painful thing in life is when all the money is spent and the person is still alive..." Wang Linchi sighed.

There was no way around it, and Wang Linchi didn't know that the incense of faith was so unscrupulous.

Furthermore, he spends more now so that he will no longer be restricted by the incense of faith in the future.

A complete balance of income and expenditure, or even profit, is what Wang Linchi wants, rather than relying on charity from others.

In Wang Linchi's eyes, belief in incense is just charity and cannot be a long-term business project.

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