Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 491: Drinking Poison to Quench Thirst

"The Jedi Heavenly Power Formation is connected with the Tribulation of the End of Law. This thing is really good."

Wang Linchi dispatched a large number of memories, and according to Jia Sansan's memory, he quickly figured out all the nodes of the Jedi Tiantong Formation.

After deducing it through the thinking mirror, it was found that there was no problem with the effect.

"Now there is a question, how do I get my benefits through the Jedi Heavenly Tong Formation?"

As for the chronology of civilization? What does that have to do with Wang Linchi? He is not from this world. Besides, there is a catastrophe of the end of the law. The world is slowly dying, and the Jedi Heavenly Tong Formation is just delaying death.

There is no difference in the world between death in ten thousand years and death in one thousand years.

Of course, in addition to the Jedi Heavenly Tong Formation, the life of Jia Thirty-three is still being played out in the Six Paths of Reincarnation framework, but this time it is no longer about deducing the future, but starting from the birth of Jia Thirty-three, that is From ancient times, he joined the Nine Jue Palace as a starting point.

He wanted to start from the birth of the other party, but found that there was no such thing.

Moreover, the memory of ancient times is also very vague, probably because so much time has passed.

According to Wang Linchi's estimation, it must have been at least hundreds of thousands of years. It is normal for many memories to be forgotten during such a long period of time. What's more, during this period, Jia Sansan has died many times. After all, The previous era was not like the Jing Dynasty. At that time, all kinds of strong men were flying all over the sky.

If they are involved in a battle, the mortality rate is still quite high, and most of the tasks they perform are not simple tasks.

They were even discovered and besieged several times, but because the foundation of Jiujue Shrine was so profound, they were the winners.

"These fighting maniacs really don't collect any knowledge." Wang Linchi looked at Jia Sansan's memory. The content was either plotting against someone or killing someone. The system of that dynasty did not collect any knowledge at all... No, it’s not that we haven’t collected anything, but we have collected a lot of countermeasures.

However, this is of little use to Wang Linchi. Now, those methods from ancient times cannot be used at all.

After some tossing, Wang Linchi let this guy continue to hang up. It would not be too late to take a look at it after collecting all his memories.

This time, there is no need to worry about Jia Thirty-three discovering the problem. Unlike the exploration plan, this time he is recalling his memory, and there is no need to worry about logical problems. It is his own memory, and it is not a lie fabricated by Wang Linchi. Traveling in your own subconscious.

"Unfortunately, the time is really not right now, so I can only let the memory do it for me."

The last years of Dajing's dynasty began, and Wang Linchi's strength increased by leaps and bounds. Now his body has turned into a colorful stone like a cocoon.

He has entered the late stage of cicada transformation, and the two core priesthoods of mastering life and mastering death are constantly being taken in by him, and the Shinto system he created is also being improved.

So there was no way to leave.

Unless he gets back his human skin, which is the game character, he can only remotely control the memory, the Holy Lord, and the game character to walk outside.

This does not mean that Wang Linchi is in a weak state at this time, but is in an extremely powerful state. Even the game system in the game world, Ye Tian, ​​and the director of the hospital can be eaten by Wang Linchi and others.

The reason why I don't go out is because I am afraid that I will affect others and my good leek field will be destroyed.

A born baby provides him with the divinity of life, a dead person provides him with the divinity of death, and a living person provides him with a large amount of incense and faith as food.

With the development and public opinion, eight out of ten people in the entire Jing Dynasty believed in him, the Holy Emperor Tianqi Ren. Under this base, Wang Linchi naturally received a steady stream of resources to improve the underworld.

"Unfortunately, the efficiency is still much slower." Wang Linchi is still not satisfied with this, after all, he cheats most of the time.

In the real world, there is no reason why cheating is too big to affect one's experience of being beaten. It is because cheating is too small to kill.

Therefore, Wang Linchi will definitely not be satisfied.

"Speaking of which, the aristocratic family seems to have died a bit miserably." Wang Linchi was thinking when he saw the information sent back from a certain memory device.

The five surnames and Qiwang were wiped out, not that they were really wiped out, but that their ancestral land was burned and their ancestral graves were dug up.

This is the only one left in Kyoto.

The foundation of an aristocratic family is population and monopoly, and then it can form a power. As a result, all the people are killed, and only three or two big cats and kittens are left. How can it be called an aristocratic family?

All big aristocratic families are in this unlucky situation. Other small and medium-sized aristocratic families also have this kind of experience. However, there are also some who react quickly and directly transform into rebels. They follow suit to see who can outlast whom.

Nan Zhang's was a little better. After Zhang Lin discovered that something was wrong, he promptly moved all his personnel to... the foot of Mount Tai.

Yes, not Kyoto, but Taishan.

All the rebels are in the name of Wang Linchi, the King of Tianqi, and most of them are followers of Wang Linchi, so here in Taishan, they really dare not use weapons rashly, so this place has become a chaotic place. Pure land, a large number of civilians hide here to avoid disaster.

Thanks to Wang Linchi's indirect help, otherwise at least half of the people would starve to death.

His indirect help naturally does not mean giving money and grain to Miao Zhu and then asking Miao Zhu to open a warehouse at the foot of the mountain to store grain. This is not advisable.

As the saying goes, if you give too much, you will get used to it, and one day you won't give it, and they will resent you for not giving it. So it is okay to give, but you have to find a way to keep them. grateful.

In this way, Wang Linchi can continuously provide a large amount of faith. Otherwise, why would he go to various places to receive these refugees without limit?

It is because there is profit in it that he does it.

The main purpose of raising a group of pigs is to eat them, rather than worshiping a group of pigs as uncles.

"But Zhang Lin is also smart, and there are no fools in the Nan Zhang clan."

After the Nan Zhang family settled down, they did not show the arrogance or pampering temperament of a big family. They did have some bumps and bruises at the beginning, but they quickly integrated into it, so they were not exposed.

It would not be a good thing to be in the limelight at this time.

As for Zhang Lin, he still stayed in Kyoto and did not escape with him. Even if he wanted to escape, he could not escape.

The entire Kyoto was surrounded a long time ago.

"We're going to run out of food, and I'm afraid something is going to happen in the capital." Zhang Lin said with a pale face.

Li Zheng's image at this time was not very good, and he looked exhausted: "How long can I hold on? I remember that a batch of food will be delivered from the north in three days. I will go there to receive it myself."

At this time, there were not many people available in the court.

"Those who couldn't be delivered were intercepted by Jiangbei Army." Zhang Lin received the first-hand information.

Li Zheng was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses: "Then run away, there is no chance anyway."

Emperor Jing? He gave up long ago and now spends all day entertaining himself in the palace. Fortunately, he is the emperor, so his food and drink are not reduced, but the quality of his food and drink has also dropped a lot.

Fortunately, Emperor Jing didn't care, as long as he stuttered.

But you can only imagine what will happen after the food runs out.

So Li Zheng immediately wanted to leave. He had already paid enough for Dajing. It was impossible to die for his country. If Emperor Jing really lived and died with them, he could still die for his country.

But the other party is eating, drinking and having fun in the palace, while they are working hard outside, so naturally they have no such idea.

"It's so easy to break through the siege, let alone where we have to escape." Zhang Lin thought, but he couldn't get out.

"Bring enough dry food and water tonight, bring your confidants with you in the middle of the night, and break out of the siege. As for where to go, it won't be too late to think about it after we break out of the siege."

"Either you gamble to survive, or you wait to starve to death." Li Zheng still has some ruthlessness, especially when it comes to his own life and death.

For the sake of his own life, he could act as an errand boy to deliver messages, even if his power was evaded.

Now he is willing to risk everything for his own life.

In fact, he didn't lose money if he lost the bet. If he failed to break out, he would die with just one knife. If he stayed in the city and died of starvation, it would be far more uncomfortable than being killed on the battlefield.

Zhang Lin thought for a long time and finally nodded: "Okay, I'll take a gamble with you."

Both of them had no worries. Zhang Lin and his whole family were at the foot of Mount Tai. Li Zheng had no wife, children or relatives.

Next, naturally, we will consider the breakout list. Two people will definitely not be able to go far, and there must be at least ten people and less than a hundred people.

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