Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 492: Gold plating, qualifications, the beginning of a great cause

"First bow to heaven and earth, second bow..."

Yuan Lin got up from the bed with a headache. His memory was fragmented. Yesterday, he went to the church to get married and drank a lot of wine. When he woke up, it was already three o'clock in the morning.

He stood up somewhat staggeringly, and after pouring himself several glasses of water, he became more awake.

"This is really..." He couldn't help but smile bitterly. He had transformed from an unknown person to the son-in-law of the King of Jiangbei. This was a leap to the top.

He is not a son-in-law with no status, but a wife, which means that his descendants will have his surname of Yuan instead of Zhang.

In fact, he was worried that Zhang Xuan would force him to marry into his wife. After all, compared to marrying a daughter, marrying into his wife would have more control and would not pose too many threats.

The son-in-law's social status and family status are actually very low. It will not be easy to control himself by then.

"Husband, you're up, I'll arrange it..." Zhang Qing'er also woke up and saw Yuan Lin sitting, so she prepared to get up immediately.

"You're not busy, I'll just come by myself, so you can have some rest." Yuan Lin didn't have any resentment or dissatisfaction. Although the two of them had just met for the first time, they treated each other with respect.

After comforting Zhang Qing, he washed up and put on his normal clothes.

"Madam, you have a good rest at home, I will go on duty." Yuan Lin said.

"Newlyweds, it's inevitable..." Zhang Qing'er said with some resentment.

"For the great cause of my father-in-law, we cannot delay. If we don't leave for one day, Jiangbei Army will be delayed for one day." Yuan Lin also said helplessly: "Jiangbei Army has not recovered from its previous defeat. If it does not recover as soon as possible, All parties around are also watching with eager eyes."

Hearing this, Zhang Qing'er did not continue to stop her. Her husband worked so hard for her father and brother's inheritance, and it was hard for her to say anything.

She naturally knew something about Jiangbei Army's situation, and knew that the situation was not optimistic.

She is just a little girl. If she were a spiritual warrior, she could be of some help. Unfortunately, she has no spiritual bones or spiritual veins, let alone the fact that she cannot take the imperial examination now.

Yuan Lin left in a hurry, rushed back to his tent, and began to deal with various official duties.

"Brother-in-law, why did you come here today? I didn't let you rest for two more days." Zhang Cheng received the news immediately and thought that there was some conflict between his brother-in-law and his sister.

"I can rest, but the Jiangbei Army can't, and neither can the forces that are watching us."

"For the sake of my eldest brother and my father-in-law's inheritance, this trivial matter is not worth mentioning." Yuan Lin said sincerely.

Now that we are all a family, from now on it will be a shared bond of honor and disgrace, so we will naturally have to work harder.

Hearing this, Zhang Cheng was also moved. He was just different.

"Thank you for your hard work, brother-in-law." Zhang Cheng said, also sat down, and then whispered: "Dad said last night that troops were going to be launched."

These words made Yuan Lin frown: "It's not appropriate now."

"It is indeed inappropriate, but it is a good opportunity. Brother-in-law, are you sure about it?" Zhang Cheng said mysteriously.

"Brother, are you planning to let me come?" Yuan Lin understood immediately. This was for him to start brushing up on his qualifications. Otherwise, he would not be able to convince the public.

Although Zhang Xuan and Zhang Cheng, father and son, planned to let Yuan Lin manage logistics and control the general direction of the Jiangbei Army, they still had to have the prestige and qualifications they deserve, otherwise how would they be able to issue orders in the future.

After the Jiangbei Army regains its strength, Zhang Xuan, Zhang Cheng and the others will definitely lead the troops to go on an expedition. Yuan Lin will be left alone by then. If no one listens to the order, how will the work be carried out?

The people under their command are all arrogant soldiers. Now that they are suppressed by the father and son, Yuan Lin can still control them. If they were not there, he would not be able to follow Yuan Lin's orders so easily.

As for going out with the army, after losing Wu Yong, the father and son did not dare to make the same mistake again.

If Yuan Lin is defeated again, Jiangbei Army will probably collapse directly.

"That's right, it's not difficult and the opportunity is very good. The only drawback is that it is dangerous, but I will arrange the entourage. Brother-in-law, you only need to go through the formalities." Zhang Cheng thought that Yuan Lin was scared, so he spoke ensure.

It is certainly not difficult to achieve gold-plated qualifications.

But how could Yuan Lin be afraid? He had experienced even more dangers than Zhang Cheng.

The other party's road back to the north was controlled by Wang Linchi, and all kinds of dangers were constantly added to it, just so that the Dai temples in various places could come in handy to save him, as a way to deepen his faith.

"Since eldest brother has said so, I will go there. It's just a matter of many matters in the army..." Yuan Lin did not give in, but raised another question.

Now that he's gone, who will handle these things?

When Zhang Cheng heard this, he could only grit his teeth and say, "Dad and I will come, you can go without worry."

At this time, this is all we can do, we have to deal with it.

"Then you don't need to do it yourself, father-in-law and eldest brother. Over the past few days, I have inspected some people. Although they are not as good as me, they can make it a lot easier for you."

As Yuan Lin spoke, he began to write down a list.

Zhang Cheng looked at the names on the list. Most of them were familiar, but a few were unfamiliar. They were also promoted from the army. It was not Yuan Lin who deliberately arranged people here.

Therefore, I accepted the list with confidence.

"Hahaha, it's my brother-in-law who discovered all these capable people." Zhang Cheng beamed.

"That said, brother still needs to review it more." Yuan Lin reminded him, meaning that he couldn't really give away all the power. He had to go through it at least to avoid anything happening.

"Don't worry, dad and I will take turns to deal with it." Zhang Cheng is not stupid. Yuan Lin is his brother-in-law, and the others are just subordinates. There are differences between them, so they naturally need to be checked.

"Then let's start from today. Before I leave, let's get used to it first and treat it as a rest." Yuan Lin also smiled. This was a test of the true talent and learning ability of this group of people.

Zhang Cheng will definitely not object, but will recruit personal soldiers and invite everyone on the list.

He also sent someone to say hello to his father Zhang Xuan. Fortunately, they were father and son, and Zhang Xuan did not have a second son, so many steps could be skipped.

If it were Yuan Lin, there would be no way to be so casual. He would have to go through a formal process.

There is definitely a gap in status between son-in-law and son, and even if they enjoy the same treatment, Yuan Lin will avoid suspicion to avoid unnecessary trouble.

The efficiency of the military's work was still high. The personnel on the list were quickly summoned. Even Zhang Xuan rushed over to check it out. After all, it was a large-scale personnel transfer, and he had to watch it to feel relieved.

Fortunately, the process went smoothly. Yuan Lin carefully inspected the people on the list and found that the possibility of problems was not high. Therefore, further adjustments were made to the personnel structure in management, logistics, and government affairs.

Wang Linchi also noticed the changes on Yuan Lin's side, who began to further reform the Jiangbei Army and eliminate the original shortcomings bit by bit.

The other party definitely has no objections now, nor does he want to leave, and will only serve him honestly.

Wang Linchi only read the report for such a trivial matter, and spent the rest of the time analyzing the Jedi Heavenly Tong Formation and the Sacrifice Ceremony. Through these two parts of data, Wang Linchi also obtained part of the data on the Tribulation of the End of Law.

The data on the Tribulation of the End of the Law was not obtained directly by him, but was deduced through the reverse derivation of the Jedi Heavenly Tong Formation. He did not dare to directly contact the Tribulation of the End of the Law, which could easily send him on his way.

"Swallowed civilization..." Wang Linchi quickly formed a bold idea.

That means he can't bear the calamity of the Dharma Ending, but he can't?

"The first stage of the history of the years, the ghosts and immortals of the years, can make me become the prototype of the world. The earth immortals are in their infancy, and the heavenly immortals are in their youth."

"If I cooperate with devour enough civilizations, then I can directly become a real world and reach the second stage of civilization."

“It saves me a lot of time.”

Wang Linchi was confident that he would be able to complete the first stage of his life in this world, but he was not sure that he would be able to reach the second stage in the real world.

It's different now. The Jedi Heavenly Tong Formation and the Doomsday Tribulation gave him such an opportunity.

"I can't devour the world for the time being, but if we directly cannibalize civilization, there shouldn't be much of a problem."

"Besides, eating the world directly is a waste. Although eating civilization is not as wasteful, it can't sustain the steady flow of water." The more Wang Linchi thought about it, the more feasible his plan became.

As for the destruction of the world? It doesn't matter, just replace it.

He wants to devour the world, but it is too difficult. After all, there is an end of the world, and if he wants to eat, he needs enough teeth.

It just so happened that he didn't have such good teeth. If he really tried to bite his tongue, all his teeth would break.

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