Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 494 The first step of the fox pretending to be the tiger's power

At night, Zhang Lin left from the north gate with 113 people. The Qingxi Army who met them had been waiting for a long time.

The leader of the Qingxi Army was chatting with Jin Hu, and there was no bullying or anything like that.

"Let's go, it's been solved. Zeng Miaozhu has arranged for 500 people to escort us to Mount Tai. Then we can use the banner of the Holy Emperor's birthday. No one will dare to stop us along the way." Jin Hu was very happy. Turn back soon.

Zhang Lin felt relieved when he heard this, but before he could speak, Jin Hu spoke again.

"Your lives were saved by the Holy Emperor. The upcoming birthday of the Holy Emperor will be well organized. If it goes a little wrong, don't blame me for being ruthless."

"I know that many of you don't believe in the Holy Emperor. The Holy Emperor is kind and won't care about this."

"But we will calculate." Jin Hu first warned.

Naturally, everyone responded obediently, otherwise they would really jump out and oppose Jin Hu.

No matter where they are, if they really don't respect the Holy Emperor, the former temple priest can kill them directly.

What's more, there are still five hundred cavalry around.

You must know that these five hundred cavalry, but the core soldiers of the Qingxi Army, only have a total of one thousand cavalry. Now they have been divided into half. It can also be seen that the leader of the Qingxi Army is pious to the Holy Emperor.

Everyone did not set off immediately, it was still night, so they temporarily stayed in the Qingxi Army's camp and had a good meal.

In the city before, we almost starved to death after running out of food. Fortunately, they were not at the bottom, but at the middle and upper levels, and barely had enough to eat. Those at the bottom were said to have started cannibalism, which was simply horrifying.

Zhang Lin and Li Zheng were better. They had enough food for one person and the whole family was not hungry, so they still had some food left over and were not starved. However, they started to eat. The next trip to Taishan was not that easy, at least. There are bumps.

And the time is also relatively tight. There are still three months left before the Holy Emperor's birthday. It will take at least a month on the road. If they arrive one day earlier, they can also get things done one day earlier.

If you screw up this time, you can imagine the consequences.

After some more tossing, they quickly fell asleep. Everyone did not dare to sleep too hard. After all, this was their former enemy camp.

Who knows if someone might be beheaded in the middle of the night. I don't feel safe, so my sleep is naturally relatively light.

It's just that they can't sleep. They have to leave for Taishan tomorrow. If they didn't lack sleep and energy, no one would wait for them or slow down for them.

After Jin Hu saw a group of people going to rest, he returned to Zeng Quankang, the leader of the Qingxi Army.

"Is it properly placed?" Zeng Quankang is not a memory, but a true believer, a second-level believer, so his Qingxi Army can develop to this point without the help of Wang Linchi.

There are similar rebel armies, but they are different in size.

It is definitely beneficial to support enough as fertilizer for your own leek field.

"It has been arranged. With the chief assistant of the dynasty, the commander of Luan Yiwei, and a lot of talents, the birthday of the Holy Emperor is settled this time." Jin Hu responded.

"It's just that these are people from aristocratic families, so I'm afraid they can't be trusted." Zeng Quankang was from a lower class background, so naturally he wasn't too interested in aristocratic families.

"Our lives and wealth are in our hands. It doesn't matter whether he is trustworthy or not, as long as he does things." Jin Hu didn't care at all about this.

Hearing this, Zeng Quankang also smiled: "That's true. It's a pity that I don't have the chance to attend the Holy Emperor's birthday."

Zeng Quankang is not alone now, but is the leader of the Qingxi Army. If he wants to go, he will definitely lead his troops there, and this spans the territory of many fellow rebels. It is impossible to get through at all. Even if he takes advantage of the road, It will touch the nerves of other rebel leaders.

Unless he fights through.

However, this is simply impossible. His Qingxi Army can only be counted among the top ten in the Central Plains, and there are more powerful rebel armies than him.

However, the top ten are also very powerful, which means that every move he makes will cause various unknown effects.

Just so, he couldn't go.

As for someone who was single in the past and was easily assassinated, if he died like this, the Qingxi Army would inevitably collapse, and then other forces would divide their power.

"What's the matter of fate? If this birthday is done well, all Class B believers will receive the Holy Emperor's gift." Jin Hu said.

Zeng Quankang didn't react much. He didn't know that he was a Class B believer. The Dai Temple was destroyed before. If he wanted to burn incense and test his level of believer, he could only go to the ancestral court in Taishan.

However, after Zeng Quankang's uprising, he had never been there, so he didn't know about it.

"Then I'll congratulate Brother Jin in advance. Then..." Zeng Quankang thought Jin Hu was showing off at first, but was interrupted by Jin Hu.

"It should be said that we are all happy, Chief Zeng." Jin Hu said with a smile: "Sending incense is just to let yourself know your piety. How can the Holy Emperor not know what level of believer you are?"

"We, the Class B believers, all have the ability to detect other Class B believers, so as to avoid war."

This actually made Zeng Quankan confused: "I am a Class B believer, so why can't I feel that Brother Jin, you are also a Class B believer?"

"Try to be malicious towards me." Jin Hu said with a smile.

"Malicious? How can I be malicious to you? You and I are both good believers." Zeng Quankang naturally had no ill intentions.

"It is precisely because there is no malice that we can't notice it. This method is to prevent us good believers from killing each other. If there is no malice, naturally we can't feel it."

"Before, I was thinking of kidnapping you to open a way for us in the name of a good believer. Then I realized the resistance and realized that you are a Class B good believer. You will know when you try next time." Jin Hu explained. Fan.

"Is it really so magical?" Zeng Quankang was a little surprised.

"Haha, Leader Zeng doesn't believe it, right? Let me provide another proof. Can this thing be recognized?" With that said, Jin Hu took out the amulet.

"Of course I do. I gave it to three Class B believers." Of course Zeng Quankang knew it. Every Class B believer had it. It was Jin Hu who handed over this amulet that made him meet and help.

"Just hold this amulet in your hand and focus on nothing else." Jin Hu said.

Zeng Quankang followed Jin Hu's words, and the next moment, the amulet emitted a bright blue light.

"If the amulet does not emit light, it means it is not a believer of the Holy Emperor. White light is level D, green light is level C, you and I both have blue light, which is level B, and the highest level A is purple light."

While talking, Jin Hu took out the amulet. The amulet also glowed with blue light, but the blue light was a little stronger than Zeng Quankan's.

"The stronger the brilliance, the more pious you are at that level."

"It seems that, Chief Zeng, you and I are equally pious." Jin Hu couldn't help but smile.

Zeng Quankang's brilliance is real, while Jin Hu's is naturally fake. He is not a human being, just a memory. Wang Linchi gave him the corresponding permissions, so it can take effect. Under normal circumstances, it will not shine at all.

"Mysterious, it's really amazing." Zeng Quankang was so happy.

He was not only happy because he was recognized, but he would also receive corresponding gifts on the Holy Emperor's birthday.

"I just don't know what the Holy Emperor's gift will be this time..." he asked curiously.

"Ten years of life, a magical skill, and if you have outstanding merits, you can also be awarded a spiritual pattern." Jin Hu finished speaking without thinking, and then added: "There may be others, but I don't know how specific they are. What else? It depends on the Christmas size.”

"By the way, if it's convenient, on the day of your birthday and the three days before and after, don't use weapons during these seven days."

Zeng Quankang didn't ask why. It was just that the Holy Emperor liked peace during his lifetime, so he nodded: "Of course it won't be a problem."

"Can this word be spread?" Zeng Quankang asked again. He also wanted to obtain the spirit pattern through outstanding achievements, even if he didn't know what it was.

Then wouldn't it be better if he could persuade more people not to use weapons?

"It's not something unspeakable if it can be spread. The wider the spread, the better!" What Jin Hu is now executing is naturally a plan where the fox pretends to be the tiger's power.

"Okay, okay, okay." Zeng Quankang said three good words in a row, and he could see his happiness, and then said: "I immediately wrote several letters to cheer for the Holy Emperor's birthday and add some support!"

With the power of his Qingxi Army, there are still many rebels who will give him face. As for whether it can be done, that is another matter.

Failure and not doing it are two different situations. If you try, you may fail. If you don't try, there is no possibility of success.

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