Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 495: Unable to stop someone from dying

"I didn't expect you to be able to do it without losing any blood. This is incredible." Zhang Cheng looked like fuck.

He had previously arranged for Yuan Lin to go to Gold Plating to brush up on his qualifications. Unexpectedly, as soon as the other party passed by, he took over all the people, horses, and the city, and also eliminated several surrounding forces along the way.

This is no longer a gold-plated qualification, but directly a king bomb.

"It's a fluke, thanks to the Holy Emperor's blessing." Yuan Lin said sincerely.

At the beginning, he really went there with the idea of ​​​​gilding, and then through his amulet and the perception of a Class B believer, he suddenly discovered that the person opposite him seemed to be a Class B believer, so he communicated with the Class B believer opposite him. My brother said that you should hang out with Jiangbei Army.

The second-level believer opposite thought about it and decided that he could do it, but he must treat his subordinates kindly.

When I came back, I happened to meet a few factions who were in conflict with each other. When I took a quick look, I saw that they were all followers of the Holy Emperor. As soon as these two second-level believers appeared, everyone became a family again.

So when I came back, it had rolled into a small snowball, and Zhang Cheng was a little overwhelmed.

Are their Jiangbei Army restricting Yuan Lin a little? Otherwise, if they let him go out for a walk, they might be able to conquer a large number of people again.

However, Zhang Cheng also knew that this was unrealistic. This time, luck should account for the most part.

It's unlikely to happen next time.

"It is indeed the blessing of the Holy Emperor." Zhang Cheng responded, and then said: "But if you have this ability, we can rest assured. Next, dad is going to unify the northern grasslands. In the future, the family affairs will be up to you. Take care of yourself.”

"This...it will be the Holy Emperor's birthday in just over a month. It is really not appropriate to use weapons these days." Yuan Lin warned.

The birthday of the Holy Emperor, the gift of Class B believers, and many other things are now known to the whole world, especially with the guarantee of the Qingxi Army. The power of the Qingxi Army is only inferior to their Jiangbei Army.

Now the Qingxi Army has persuaded many rebels not to use weapons during this period.

Zhang Cheng really didn't care. First of all, he was far away in the northern grassland, and secondly, he didn't believe in the Holy Emperor very much. He was really grateful before, but as time went by, it didn't matter anymore, and he believed more in the power in his hands.

"This is a gift from the Central Plains. We live far away in the grasslands, so we don't have to learn it." Zhang Cheng said slowly.

Yuan Lin couldn't help but hesitated. He didn't expect Zhang Cheng to refuse, which meant that Zhang Xuan would also refuse.

"Doing this will easily lead to mutiny. Nine out of ten people in the army are followers of the Holy Emperor." Yuan Lin warned again.

You know, everyone is revolting under the banner of King Tianqi. If you act like this now, sooner or later something will happen.

It doesn't matter if you don't believe it, but many people under my command do.

"It doesn't matter, I have made my own decision." Zhang Cheng didn't care about this matter at all. If he wanted to mutiny over such a trivial matter, wouldn't it make him seem to have no prestige as a young marshal, let alone his father as a coach.

"Since eldest brother has made a decision, that's good." Yuan Lin saw that the other party would not listen to his advice. This was a sign that something was going to happen.

‘We can only do our best to prevent them from getting into trouble. ’ Yuan Lin thought to himself.

Because of this matter, Zhang Cheng was a little impatient, and then waved his hand and said: "There are still important things, so I won't say more to you."

After saying that, he didn't care, got up and left.

In his eyes, the Holy Emperor is now in decline. If the 365 Dai Temples were still there, he would still be afraid of them. But now there is only the Taishan Dai Temple left, so why should he be afraid.

If he and his father succeed in their great cause in the future, this Holy Emperor will be their enemy.

As an emperor, it is naturally impossible to allow such a large civil organization to escape their control.

Eradication will definitely not eradicate it. After all, this kind of thing is indeed easy to cause public outrage. If you use someone else's name and then destroy them afterwards, you are so capricious. You can only be regarded as a villain, so you will only slowly suppress them and finally eliminate them. Their influence turned Dai Temple and the Holy Emperor into mascots and were controlled by them.

It's just that they haven't thought that far yet, because they haven't taken over the world yet, and they still need this layer of skin as a cover.

As for the fact that a Class B believer can have magical powers and spiritual patterns, Zhang Cheng naturally knows about it. Unfortunately, he is not a Class B believer, and he is probably not even a Class C believer now, so he is just a little bit of a Class D believer.

Since the benefits do not fall on him, there is no need for him to care about these things.

After Zhang Cheng left, an old man came out and couldn't help but snorted: "This guy is really arrogant. He looks like he doesn't even look down on him. Without the blessing of the Holy Emperor, how could he be where he is now?" Foundation."

"Mr. Bao was joking, but they don't believe in the Holy Emperor." Yuan Lin helped explain that this Mr. Bao was a strange man he accidentally met when he was conquering the power, and later temporarily worked under him.

Because the other party is also a second-level philanthropist, we get along with each other more and more tacitly.

"I've seen that both father and son are not capable of success," Mr. Bao said without hesitation.

This made Yuan Lin a little helpless. He knew that Mr. Bao was very optimistic about him, but he had no intention of seizing his father-in-law's inheritance, so he could only live up to his good intentions.

"It doesn't matter if it doesn't work out. I just want to destroy the royal family." Yuan Lin actually doesn't care. As long as the royal family is destroyed and Emperor Jing dies, he will take his wife back to the mountains and forests.

He was doing it for survival before, but now he is doing it for revenge.

He knew that he could have such a stable life now because all the temples in the Dai Temple in the Central Plains had given great help and even sacrificed themselves to let him escape back to the grassland. Therefore, as long as Dajing was not destroyed, he could not sleep or eat well.

Mr. Bao took a deep look at Yuan Lin and said: "This matter is difficult to say, easy to say."

"Now that Kyoto has been besieged for more than a few months, food was out of supply a month ago, and no one has come out to surrender. What do you think the situation will be like in Kyoto now?"

Yuan Lin didn't react at first, but when he thought about it carefully, he couldn't help but feel a little scared.

"Why...why didn't I receive the message?" Yuan Lin looked complicated.

"What do you think?" Mr. Bao said.

Logically speaking, such important information must have come from someone like him.

However, he didn't receive any news. This is not surprising, but there must be something wrong.

Then there is only one possibility, someone blocked this information.

He didn't know who it was, but there was a suspect. In the Jiangbei Army, the only people with this power were Zhang Xuan and Zhang Cheng, father and son.

Yuan Lin didn't know why they did this.

Logically speaking, there is no reason for this, but it turned out to be intercepted.

"Is there anything involving me in it?" Yuan Lin was a little confused.

"I don't know for the moment, but if you want to know, you can ask for it yourself." Mr. Bao seemed to know something, but he didn't say it outright. He seemed to have some plan.

"Forget it, since they didn't tell them, they have their own reasons, so I won't investigate too much." Yuan Lin thought for a while and finally gave up.

Anyway, it's not a big deal. No matter how corrupt Kyoto is, it has nothing to do with him. He even seemed to be vaguely relieved.

For him, it was indirect revenge.

It doesn't matter who avenges him, he just wants to watch his enemy die.

In fact, he vaguely guessed why he stopped him. He wanted revenge. Many people knew that Zhang Xuan and Zhang Cheng were worried that Yuan Lin would retire with Zhang Qing'er after seeing that his great revenge was avenged.

Wouldn't that be a waste of Yuan Lin's ability? Jiangbei Army cannot afford to be without Yuan Lin.

So they used some small tricks. Even though they knew that these small tricks might not last long, they still did it.

Seeing Yuan Lin's expression, Mr. Bao did not continue on this topic. Instead, he said, "Since we don't want to explore, let's continue with yesterday's lesson."

"I have to say that your late teacher was indeed very capable, but it's a pity that he met an inhumane person."

Yuan Lin did not explain Mr. Bao's comments about Zhang Xuan and Zhang Cheng and his son, because these two people do have a bit of a stubborn temper, and no one will listen to them once they confirm something.

Otherwise, how could the previous defeat have happened, which even severely damaged Jiangbei's army.

Just like this time, he warned Zhang Cheng not to use weapons rashly, and it would not be too late to wait until the Holy Emperor's birthday passed before taking action. Not only did the other party not think there was a problem, but he thought it was an opportunity to expand his power.

Even if they succeed, they will be shamed by the world and will become the target of criticism from other forces in the future, and their reputation will be stained.

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