Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 496 If the job is not saturated, let him become saturated.

"Thank you for your hard work, let's disperse!" Zhang Lin shouted tiredly, and many workers on Taishan quickly dispersed.

After arriving in Taishan, he enthusiastically began preparations for the Holy Emperor's birthday ceremony. He was busy from morning to night and had no time to spare.

But he was in high spirits. Here, at least he didn't have to worry about his life.

After the people dispersed, he looked back at the golden body of the Holy Emperor on the main hall and sighed.

"The gap between people is really big." Zhang Lin couldn't help but sigh. Who would have thought that the spiritual man named after the picture would have such influence now.

Perhaps he was not as powerful as he was after death.

Unfortunately, the other party died, and the living Holy Emperor was not Wang Linchi, but a brand-new god based on Wang Linchi as a template.

"Now there is no longer a gap between people. You, me and him are humans and gods." Li Zheng held a wet towel in his hand and wiped it on his face to make all the stains on his face disappear.

He had just finished his work. Compared to Zhang Lin, who was in the management position, Li Zheng had done much more tiring work.

"It's all over for you." Zhang Lin responded. Since he left Kyoto, he was no longer the chief assistant, and he was on the same level as Li Zheng and others.

"Well, check it out, otherwise it would have been over long ago." Li Zheng said, and then asked: "Want to have a drink? Have a good sleep at night."

He was asking, but actually he was already taking the lead.

Seeing this, Zhang Lin could only follow him.

They actually thought that life in Taishan Dai Temple might be relatively tight, but the reality was completely different from what they imagined. Not only was there no financial hardship, but they were also extremely wealthy.

From this, we can also see how outrageous the connections in Taishan Dai Temple and the prestige of the Holy Emperor are.

It cannot be said that these resources were created out of thin air. That is simply impossible. No matter how powerful the Holy Emperor is, as a god, he cannot directly interfere.

However, one thing is very criticized, that is, to obtain these resources, you need your own efforts, and the control in all aspects is extremely strict, giving Zhang Lin a feeling of reward. After everyone obtains the materials, they will treat the Holy Emperor Be grateful.

He discovered this but didn't say anything about it. People originally wanted incense and faith. If you exposed it, wouldn't you offend them?

What's more, the other party is not a big pie, and the offer is generous, so why should he break this win-win situation and put himself into an unfavorable situation?

The two of them quickly found a place and had a table of side dishes and a bottle of good wine. As the managers responsible for the Holy Emperor's birthday, the two of them naturally had certain preferential treatment.

"The scenery on Taishan Mountain is still good." Li Zheng sighed as he looked at the scenery in the distance, and then said: "Now that I think about it, Commander Luan Yiwei may not be as comfortable as he is now."

Zhang Lin smiled and said nothing. His life as chief assistant was much more comfortable than that of Commander Luan Yiwei.

But compared with now, it’s really not that good.

He is tired now, but he will only be tired for a while. As long as the Holy Emperor's birthday passes, he will be relaxed.

And if it is completed well, he will still be able to arrange it next year, which means that he only has to work for a maximum of three months a year, and the rest of the time can be spent eating, drinking and having fun.

After experiencing so many things, Zhang Lin's desire for power has also dropped significantly.

There is great terror between life and death. He almost died in Kyoto, so naturally he looked away a lot.

As for the Nan Zhang clan, there are many ambitious people in the clan who want to rebuild here, and even occupy the Taishan Dai Temple by occupying the magpie nest, so that the Nan Zhang clan can once again be glorious.

Not everyone is willing to hide in the world and do farm work and handicrafts every day. Naturally, they want to restore their original status.

Seeing this, Zhang Lin decisively threw away his position as patriarch, and then left with his wife and children.

After that, he saw many people from the Nanzhang clan being expelled from Taishan.

Don't even look at where this place is. It's true that there are gods three feet above your head.

If you dare to make a small move, someone will dare to kill you.

As for seizing power by force? It's a good idea, but can the population of the Nanzhang clan be comparable to that of the Holy Emperor believers on Mount Tai?

There are also many deserters mixed among these believers, and they will be cleared out as soon as they take action.

As long as the Holy Emperor is here, Taishan and Dai Temple will never be in chaos.

In fact, in Zhang Lin's eyes, Taishan is a bit like an alternative northern royal court, except that the Holy Emperor does not use shamans to control the barbarians like the royal court. Instead, he uses a win-win method so that everyone can have something to eat. If you have something to drink, everyone supports it.

At this stage, there will not be a situation where people are dissatisfied, because everyone is not doing well. It may take two or three years before this trend will appear.

"At least your life is not in danger, isn't it?" Zhang Lin took a sip of wine and looked into the distance.

As the chief assistant, he needs to fight openly and secretly every day, and the commander of Luan Yiwei is even worse. A knife will be thrown out as a scapegoat after being used for a long time.

Even because you know too much, you may be implicated in something.

"Well, yes." Li Zheng didn't say much, but looked at the sky quietly, and then said: "Tell me, if King Tianqi had not died, what would Dajing look like now."

"I can't think of it." Zhang Lin said immediately.

Those who win the Three Elements in a row will not have a happy ending.

He thought it was just a lie, but now it seems that it is indeed true.

Fortunately, the road to spirituality is cut off, and everything is meaningless.

In fact, he was still wondering whether the end of the path to a spiritual scholar had anything to do with Wang Linchi.

He didn't quite believe it when the other party said no. Who knows if he lied back then.

Zhang Lin even suspected that he was a chess piece for Wang Linchi to become a god, and that the whole world was his opponent's chessboard.

Just thinking about it again made me feel happy. If not, then it would be best. If that were the case, then it would be great fun.

"Why can't you think of it?" Li Zheng didn't expect to get such an answer, so he asked curiously.

"Can you figure it out?" Zhang Lin asked back.

This made Li Zheng speechless. He really couldn't imagine it.

"Have all the steam machinery really been destroyed?" Li Zheng changed the topic.

"I don't know either. It was the royal family that took action in the first place. Now it seems that the royal family has a lot of problems."

"But these things are not ours to worry about. The world is in such chaos. What can you do even if you know it? You are not thinking about finding well-preserved steam machinery and then calming down the world." Zhang Lin teased One sentence.

"No way, I just had a thought. After all, back then..." After Li Zheng said this, he became quieter and quieter.

Wang Linchi also heard the chat between the two and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

"Is their workload so unsatisfactory? How come they still have time to drink and chat in the middle of the night?"

He selected people here to let them work, not to sigh, reminisce, and drink and chat. He came to exploit these two as top tools.

The two of them are indeed capable of sitting in this position. At least on the birthday occasion, Wang Linchi was very satisfied with their performance in terms of progress and quality.

"We have to find a way to make them more enthusiastic about work." Wang Linchi felt that we couldn't just give them a cheap price.

After all, they only work three months a year, and the rest of the time must be spent dawdling.

Birthdays are not something that only happens once a year. He celebrates them once every year, always on March 28th, so the more they do, the more experienced these two people become.

With experience and ability, wouldn't Wang Linchi's incense faith be the kind that can make money just by lying down?

Moreover, it is still a troubled time, and when the prosperous times come later, Wang Linchi will be able to earn even more.

"There is also the seven-day holiday plan, which is a fake but powerful one. It has achieved good results so far. Thanks to various propaganda, most small and medium-sized forces are eager to stop the war, and this stoppage is only for seven days."

"It's just that the big forces are different. They basically want to use this opportunity to cause trouble."

Wang Linchi also had a headache about this. He couldn't let the game characters go over and kill all these people. That would be bad.

The reason why a miracle is a miracle is that it is mysterious and rarely performed, and it must be effective at critical moments. Once it is repeated more often, no one will find it shocking and strange, and it will affect the subsequent effect of belief.

"Then let's teach you a lesson. It just so happens that the prototype of the faith network I built is also taking shape." Since Wang Linchi wants to further control faith, he naturally needs a network. The server naturally uses magic to cut a piece of the game character's brain. Made from down.

The previous amulet tests, Class B believer associations, etc. were all formed with the help of the faith network.

Subsequent divine spells, spiritual patterns, etc. also rely on this belief network.

If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools.

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