Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 54 The protagonist is really willing to spend a lot of money to become stronger

"You actually spent so much money. It seems that Soul Seed Boiling will be of great help to you." Wang Linchi looked at the resources given by King Yama.

There are a total of ten epic-level soul seeds, including two of the three types of heart, spirit, and soul that Wang Linchi specified as needed, and one of the life type. The remaining three are not required, so they are all elemental types, respectively. It is fire, water, and thunder.

As for the fine grade, a total of 10,000 pieces were given, and the excellent grade and ordinary grade were even more, with the former worth 100,000 and the latter one million.

From this we can also see how far the Hades Palace has developed in Yining Mansion.

"It does help a lot." King Yama didn't deny it. If it didn't help, then why bother spending so many resources.

In addition to these soul seeds, there is also 10 million in funds, which is quite rich in Wang Linchi's eyes.

But in the eyes of King Hades, it actually doesn't count, it can only be regarded as a drop in the bucket of the Palace of Hades.

As the capital of Yongzhou, Yining Mansion is far beyond what a small place like Qinghe City can compare with.

"Okay, within a year, your fourth generation soul seed will be boiled." Wang Linchi also gave his own answer.

"Then if you want to create a soul seed boiling soul skill that can be effective at both the legendary and mythical levels, do you also need soul seeds of the corresponding level?" King Yama hesitated and asked.

"Of course, I can't make something out of nothing." Wang Linchi responded, and then said: "By the way, these two things are given to you as a supplement to your willingness to support me."

Wang Linchi handed the two soul skills derived from soul seed boiling, soul seed burning and soul seed cooling, to King Hades.

After King Yama took it, a glint appeared in his eyes.

[Soul Skill·Soul Seed Cooling: When you have Soul Seed Boiling, each level of Soul Seed Boiling can reduce the cooling time of all Soul Seeds by 5%]

[Soul Skill·Soul Seed Burning: When you have Soul Seed Boiling, each level of Soul Seed Boiling can increase the effects of all Soul Seeds by an additional 5%]

There are two more magical skills. As long as he raises Soul Seed Boiling to the full level LV10, the cooldown time of his Soul Seed active skill will be reduced by 50%, and its power will be increased by an additional 50%. Plus Soul Seed Boiling itself, That's a 150% strengthening effect.

He could finally see that Wang Linchi was his lucky star.

Other soul skills that have been multiplied ten thousand times have not shown such powerful effects. More importantly, he seems to be able to continue to develop various derived soul skills, using this to boil the soul seeds as the backbone, and continuously derive various powerful souls. Technical representative.

The main reason is that most of the previous soul skills were active soul skills, while Wang Linchi's Soul Seed Boiling series were all passive soul skills, taking effect all the time, so how could he not like it.

"In addition to the fourth generation soul seed boiling, can you also develop these derivative soul skills?" King Yama said with enthusiasm in his tone.

Wang Linchi was a little surprised, but nodded: "It is possible, but it requires time and resources, and you must have enough ideas."

King Yama really wanted to talk about studying together, but in the end he suppressed the idea. He knew that if he wanted to maximize the effect of the derived soul skills, the premise was that the soul skill of Soul Seed Boiling must be upgraded to the full level effect of LV10, otherwise If there is no increase in the boiling of the soul seed at full level, it will always be limited.

"Well, I understand. You should focus on studying the boiling of the fourth generation soul seed first." After King Yama finished speaking, he spoke again: "If you need anything, you can come to me."

He will choose to invest in a soul seed when it boils. If it turns into a series of powerful passive soul skills, then there is no need to hesitate?

"I won't be polite." Wang Linchi vaguely guessed the change in the other party's attitude towards him, and the reason for the change could only be the soul seed boiling series of soul skills.

He didn't know that a soul skill with such a big flaw would be sought after, which was indeed a bit strange.

After the two chatted for a while, King Yama left. He was usually very busy, either fighting monsters to level up or pretending to be cool.

After he left, Wang Linchi was muttering in his heart, but since the other party was willing to send him resources, that was also a good thing.

‘With this amount of resources, I don’t have to worry about the resources for the evolution of my soul seed. ’

‘Even the cultivation resources of Dao Fei Nascent Soul are enough. ’

It is true that one high-quality soul seed can increase the growth rate by +1 now, but when the Tao Fei Nascent Soul gradually grows, more will be needed.

It cannot be said that a baby's appetite is the same as that of an adult.

There is no such truth.

‘I just have to be careful not to be sacrificed to heaven when the time comes. ’

Wang Linchi wanted to use the protagonist, King of Hell, to obtain legendary and mythical soul seeds. This was considered a channel, but the only disadvantage was that it was very risky.

He was worried that he would not be able to survive the day when Long Aotian, King of Hell, would grow up to be the best in the world.

The King of Hell is too powerful at attracting hatred, and his strength cannot keep up. Maybe the King of Hell has reached the full level, and he is only at Orichalcum level. When the time comes, his enemy will wave his hand, and Wang Linchi will be reduced to ashes.

‘So if there are other ways to get it, that would be the best. ’

There is one legendary soul seed in the Soul Seed Department of Yining Mansion, and it is extremely closely guarded.

It’s not clear where it came from, but it is certain that it has been stored for a long time. It is estimated that only the state animal husbandry is qualified to enter it.

Wang Linchi was also a little confused as to why Zhou Mu didn't change it for him.

In the case of Zhou Mu, there is no problem with embedding epic soul seeds in all potential positions, but it is simply impossible to have all legendary soul seeds. It is already very good to have one legendary soul seed.

But he soon realized that it might not be that Zhou Mu was unwilling, but that he didn't dare.

There is only one in Yongzhou. Whether it is lost or robbed, he is definitely the first person responsible. If he is held accountable, his power will be affected.

A legendary soul seed and the position of state pastor, the former is definitely more precious.

It is even more impossible to use it yourself. Acting without instructions is no different from stealing.

The reason why he stayed in Yining Mansion, the capital of Yongzhou, so contrary to common sense, was probably because he was prepared for the protagonist, King Yama.

Thinking of this, Wang Linchi's enthusiasm waned. If this were the case, he would not be able to intercept the protagonist Hu's life.

Regarding the opponent's protagonist aura, if he really tried to reach out, he might be discovered by accident and become a cannon fodder villain.

If he had the ability to cut off the opportunity of Hades, he could still survive until now, unless he came with a villain system, an opportunity cut-off system, etc. when he traveled through time. Otherwise, would he still want to step on the protagonist?

So many geniuses wanted to use King Yama as a stepping stone, but in the end, each and every one of them became the stepping stone of King Yama.

He is not arrogant to this extent yet. As a passerby, he still needs to be smart.

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