Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 55 Why should we bring a team of chefs for team building?

The long-awaited gambling battle between King Yama and the Underworld came to an end. Wang Linchi did not watch it. The result did not change at all. It was simply that King Yama had won.

On the contrary, Ruan Tian chatted with him a lot more, and his descriptions were so lifelike that Wang Linchi wanted to say, "Why don't you just take a picture of your description?"

After that, he spent the day practicing the Soul Forging Technique, the Nine-turn Golden Pill and the Secret Soul Technique, the Dao Fei Nascent Soul, while at night he studied epic soul seeds.

There is no need to worry about the boiling of the fourth generation soul seeds. This technology is originally a simplified low-end version of the by-product of his research on the formation of soul seeds. Under normal circumstances, the real effect can only be exerted by using the power of thinking, and it can also be exerted by using mental power. , but the side effects are too powerful.

"Tomorrow, the division organization will go out for team building. Do you want to go?" Ruan Tian seemed tired of talking, or maybe he ran out of things to say, so he asked.

"Team building, you have to prepare something." Wang Linchi replied.

Wang Linchi can only say that Soul Planting Division is a really good place. Team building does not take place on rest days, but on working days.

"It's enough for people to come over. What do you need to prepare?" Ruan Tian asked a little strangely.

"Okay, what is the content of team building? Should we shout slogans or accompany the leaders?" Wang Linchi sighed.

"I heard it was barbecue, but this time it was almost impossible. We hired the chef team from Dongyue Building in the south." Ruan Tian also said.

"???" Wang Linchi was confused. Why do you bring a team of chefs to build this team? Is there something wrong?

It's not like he hasn't done team building before, that... that was in his previous life, but he really hasn't in this life.

"I guess the director must have not spent all the budget this month, so he led us to spend the budget unexpectedly."

"You didn't meet him last month, otherwise you would know how crazy the director is in order to spend up the budget. I remember he asked us to deliberately miss work and take vacations. First, he deducted the money, and then used three times the salary to make up for it." Ruan Tian felt, Every time the budget is not spent, the director will try another way to toss them.

"No, our place isn't called Tengda." Wang Linchi complained.

"What Tengda?" Ruan Tian was a little confused.

"It's nothing." Wang Linchi rubbed his temples. No wonder the bottom class had such a hard time, and all the co-writing costs were passed on.

As long as they become Awakened, people like them without any fighting ability can have such good benefits. Everyone would want to sharpen their brains and become Awakened.

However, under such extravagance, if it were not for the various products in the secret realm and some life-type awakeners to improve productivity, otherwise people would have starved to death all over the place.

This is just a soul seeding department. There are countless institutions where awakened people work in various villages and counties in Yongzhou, and the daily expenses are astronomical.

Only a huge underlying base can afford to support so many people.

However, the imperial court not only squeezed ordinary people, but also squeezed the awakened ones, so that it could become stronger and stronger.

"Are you going?" Ruan Tian asked.

"Go ahead, you don't have to do anything anyway." Wang Linchi didn't even need to ask. This time the team building would definitely involve more than just a team of chefs.

How much money can be spent on bringing a team of chefs? It must be more.

"Okay, then I'll submit my name." As Wang Linchi's boss, Ruan Tian must be the one to hand it over. Besides, they are the only two people in their department.

"You're not going?" Wang Linchi was a little confused.

"Go, why don't you go." Ruan Tian must have gone. He is alone and has nothing to do if he doesn't go.

After the two chatted for a while, Wang Linchi immediately asked, "Do you know about the black market in our Yining Prefecture?"

"I know. It's just a hundred and thirty kilometers away from the South City Gate."

"What? Do you want to go see something?" Ruan Tian naturally knows, but he doesn't pay much attention to this aspect. It is not on the same level for him. There is no need to care too much. He can't get in anyway. go.

"I thought about it, but it's a pity that I can't get in. As you know, in the black market, you have to be at the black iron level to get in. We will only be at the white porcelain level for the rest of our lives." Wang Linchi said sincerely.

"Just think about it. The black market is very dangerous. You can save your life at the black iron level, but forget about the white porcelain level. Every year, there are non-combat soul-awakened people who think about the past and change their lives. As a result, none of them... No one can come back alive." Ruan Tian warned.

When Wang Linchi heard this, he couldn't help but think of Mo Bai. He also thought about changing his fate against the odds. If he didn't use the black market as a breakthrough, maybe he could succeed.

There is a soul-like secret technique in the black market, and as an awakened person with no background or power, he is naturally not allowed to have contact with it, so he was attacked and died on the road.

Just as Ruan Tian said, no one came back alive.

It wasn't that they were lucky enough to encounter a murderer, but that they were cleaned up when they left.

After all, killing people in the black market will damage the reputation and rules of the black market.

As for why we don't block it once and for all before the White Porcelain Level Awakeners enter, it's very simple. If you don't kill more people, how can you shock them.

Every year, there are white porcelain-level awakened people who die because of this, but there is still an endless stream.

"Just think about it, how dangerous it is to go to the black market." Wang Linchi said this, and planned to go take a look at night. He happened to have some soul seeds, and with some soul forging methods, he might be able to make his nine-turn gold Dan and Tao Fei Nascent Soul go one step further.

There is definitely room for improvement in his soul-forging method and soul-forming secret technique, but he just needs more knowledge to supplement it.

You also have to practice slowly, otherwise you would have nothing to do but practice in broad daylight, which would be a waste of time.

After perfecting the secret technique of soul phase before, he was left with boring training during the day, and the progress made him very dissatisfied. With his progress, it would take at least two years before he could break through the black iron level.

The advantage is that the white porcelain level already has the strength of the black iron level, and the strength will be stronger after breaking through to the black iron level.

The disadvantage is of course that it takes too long.

Whose white porcelain grade card has been stuck for five years?

It's not like cultivating immortals. A person who has been practicing Qi refining didn't make a breakthrough until he was seventy or eighty years old.

Not to mention, if Wang Linchi continues to improve, he might be able to break through the black iron level to 70 or 80, but the black iron level at that time may be able to beat the mithril level or even the fine gold level by a pound.

However, Wang Linchi would definitely not do this. It would be too time-consuming, and his mental strength would also be declining at that time. As he gets older, his physical functions will decline, which will naturally affect his body.

The mind and body are inherently one, not a single existence, and can influence each other.

The older you get, the more difficult subsequent breakthroughs will be. This is common sense among awakened people. Only if you become a morning star awakened person can you get rid of this law.

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