Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 601 Compromise, Madness Under the Ark

With the federation's compromise and Wang Linchi's deliberate cooperation, the Ark Plan was finally implemented.

This incident naturally caused an uproar in the Federation. Even if it was beautified, it could not get rid of the various cruel projects in the plan.

But soon, after the Annihilation Disaster was revealed, everything calmed down.

The Federation stated that if citizens are unwilling to participate in the Ark Project, they can allow the other party to find a way out on their own without violating federal laws.

It means that if you don't want to, then the Federation will give up on you.

This behavior ultimately silenced many people who wanted to cause trouble.

They just want to vent, not want to die.

Especially after energizing oneself, one can gain an almost immortal lifespan. The only disadvantage may be that he loses his physical body for the rest of his life. As for the subsequent use of the physical body, it actually has no impact. For the person who has energized the physical body, It's more like a useless body that has been shed.

Under the guidance of the Federation, a large number of people began to energize, resulting in the creation of a batch of brand new life forms.

In the process of guiding this, there have been several large-scale conflicts, but they were all suppressed, and all the anti-federal organizations that deliberately led the conflicts were reduced to ashes.

Those who take action are those who are energized. They have special powers, can travel through electronic devices, can form various elemental attacks by guiding magnetic fields, and even have powerful immortal bodies. When facing heroic spirits, they can If it cannot die completely, it will at best be beaten into magnetic field fragments and resurrected after a period of time with the help of human magnetic field.

So many abilities make everyone crazy. Everyone wants to master powerful power instead of just being an ordinary person.

The price is my useless body? This is simply not enough.

For a time, the entire federation fell into madness.

Bai Xuan opened his eyes, with a tired look on his face. He was hiding here and there. Not long ago, he found out all the truth. The Federation's elders seemed to notice his strangeness. However, this was not a good thing for him. , so he left early before the other party attacked.

After obtaining the summoning medium through interception in the black market, the simulation began.

This time he spent half a month, simulating one hundred and fifty times, and with the help of the system panel, he completed the last heroic spirit simulation.

And the harvest is extremely rich. All the skills, abilities, and talents on the system panel are fully charged, especially the nine-turn inner alchemy.

However, he discovered that the Nine Revolutions of Nine Pills in the Nine Revolutions Inner Alchemy Technique was not the end point. There seemed to be another level above, but he did not have enough ability to break through.

He couldn't even bring his own system panel with him, and his proficiency level became (0/1), which meant that there was only one layer of paper between him and the highest level.

But it's just stuck.

After other perfect abilities cannot be improved, the subsequent proficiency will disappear, unlike the Nine Turns Inner Alchemy where there is still proficiency.

This proves that there is a higher level above it.

"The Federation is getting more and more crazy." Looking at the latest news, especially the Ark Project, Bai Xuan felt shocked and had an uneasy feeling.

He actually wanted to stop it, but his strength was limited, not to mention that the Federation was still staring at him. Once he showed up, he would definitely be affected.

What's more important is that his nine heroic spirits are all of unparalleled quality, which is bound to be even more coveted.

"We have to collect the materials for the tenth awakening of heroic spirits as soon as possible." For this reason, he also encountered difficulties.

The improvement of the ninth heroic spirit quickly caught up with the other eight heroic spirits due to the accumulation of awakening materials.

All members have awakened seven times, and the materials required to achieve ten awakenings are huge. Bai Xuan even sold himself and couldn't even get nine shares.

What's more important is that for every additional heroic spirit, the awakening materials for the heroic spirit's improvement are 100% more, and his nine heroic spirits require 900% of the awakening materials.

Otherwise, why don't other summoners choose to summon more heroic spirits, because more awakening materials are needed to share the extra load.

"The fastest solution at present is probably the federation." A gleam flashed in Bai Xuan's eyes.

It is unrealistic to enter the space-time rift area by himself. Instead, he will attack the Federation. As long as he intercepts the Federation's awakening material warehouse, not to mention more, just one, he can make one of his heroic spirits awaken ten times.

Use this as an accumulation and keep snowballing.

Doing so will indeed cause irreparable damage to the Federation. However, what is the current situation? If it is irreparable, will there still be chaos?

The Ark Project has made the entire federation feel like purgatory, and two more space-time rifts have appeared in such a short period of time. With this frequency, in a few months at most, the entire world may have problems.

So it's already pretty good that he can take care of himself.

"The Federation's rule is still very stable, but a large amount of manpower has been mobilized, and the rear area is far more empty than before."

Bai Xuan actually had a plan for a long time, but the plan was a plan, and the actual execution was not that easy. Especially the materials needed for the ninth and tenth awakenings were the focus of federal protection. No matter how lax he was, he would not be able to defeat them. Got in.

Therefore, he needs enough help, such as his connections.

The implementation of the Ark Plan has caused the Federation to pay less attention to him. As long as he is more cautious, he will not attract much attention.

What he wanted to do was not to rob by force, but to obtain it by stealing.

"After all my heroic spirits awaken for the tenth time, I must let the Federation recover, instead of this mess."

As for the annihilation disaster, he didn't pay attention at all. Can other summoners have his strength? It's nothing more than insufficient strength.

【Destroy Disaster】

[Content: Preventing the Ark Plan or destroying the Ark Plan]

[Reward: Source Points × 100000]

"The mission of 100,000 source points? It seems that it must be because of the elders."

"But where did the technology of Project Ark come from? The Federation has never heard of such a heaven-defying technology?"

"Could it be that I got it from the New Energy Heavy Industry Group?" Bai Xuan quickly targeted the New Energy Heavy Industry.

The disappearance of 'Wang Xianyu' has naturally caused a huge blow to the New Energy Heavy Industry Group. Without the protection of 'Wang Xianyu', the high-ranking president, the entire group has been dismantled by the federation and has become There are countless companies and departments, large and small.

Of course, most of the original employees have also resigned.

This can also indirectly explain that this matter has little to do with 'Wang Xianyu' and the New Energy Heavy Industry Group. It would have ended up in this situation if it really had something to do with it.

Therefore, the culprit can only be the elders, and the council is not qualified.

After all, the group of elders were the ones behind the investigation and tracking of him, so he naturally had a lot of bad feelings about it.

He even suspected that 'Wang Xianyu' had died a long time ago, otherwise how could he not have shown up until now.

"The Ark Project is so crazy..." The great elder looked regretful. He had not thought that the progress would cause everything to get out of control.

The current Ark Project is no longer under the control of the Council and the Elders. Because after energy, humans have become brand new life forms, causing everyone to forcefully advance the entire Ark Project. Even if they want to stop it, they don't have enough. ability.

Partially energized humans invaded the federation's strong artificial intelligence through their own special properties, thereby obtaining all the plan contents.

This content is copied and transmitted crazily among all groups of energized humans, so anyone who is energized human knows how to execute the plan.

"The leak has become a fact and cannot be changed."

"The top priority now is to confirm whether Wang Xianyu has anything to hide."

"If there is no concealment, he can be executed." The third elder's face was gloomy.

That's right, the elder group had no intention of letting Wang Linchi go from the beginning. The other party had too much control. What if it finally directly controlled all the energy-enhanced common thinking bodies through a certain technology of the super technology system?

When the time comes, he will be the ruler, which no one can accept. The best way is to be conciliatory. After there is no value anymore, kill the other party, so that everyone can rest assured.

"Still confirming, it's not that fast." The second elder has calmed down a lot, but underneath the calmness, he can't hide his exhaustion. The outbreak of various things has put the three elders under tremendous pressure.

"And Bai Xuan..." The great elder spoke again.

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