Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 602: It is an inherent virtue that the rabbit will die and the dog will cook.

"So, when will my energyization start?" The place where Wang Linchi lives now is no longer the original prison, but an extremely luxurious manor, but there are a lot of surveillance and jailers around to avoid Wang Linchi left.

And the range of activities is also relatively limited. Most of the time, you can't leave the room and enter the blind spot. However, there is no so-called blind spot here.

"We are already making arrangements for you. In view of the final cooperation between the two parties, I still want to ask one last time. Are you sure there is no technology that has not been shared?" the great elder asked.

There were many heroic spirits with lie detection abilities standing around to prevent Wang Linchi from finishing his sentence.

"No, it's all been handed over." Wang Linchi replied without hesitation.

None of the heroic spirits responded, which meant that the other party was not lying.

"I understand. The energy-enhancing equipment will be delivered to you tomorrow. Is there anything else you need?"

"After all, after being energized, you can no longer enjoy the things you originally enjoyed. If necessary, you can say it now and someone will prepare it for you." The great elder did not immediately go down just because the other party explained everything. Killer, you can't rush this kind of thing, you have to do it with dignity.

"There is nothing necessary. I just want to leave here as soon as possible and get away from your surveillance." Wang Linchi looked dissatisfied.

"Okay, then have a good rest tonight and recharge your batteries to prepare for tomorrow's transformation." After that, the great elder stood up and left.

"Tsk, face forward when you are using people, face backward when you are not using them." Wang Linchi said sarcastically.

The Great Elder left without looking back, and did not argue or make a noise with Wang Linchi. For him, there was no need to worry too much about a dead man.

After leaving the manor, the great elder spoke: "Prepare a last meal for Elder Wang so that he can leave peacefully."

"Yes, Great Elder." This order was quickly spread, and the cooks in the manor immediately started working.

The last meal will definitely be sumptuous.

As for leaving peacefully, it means poisoning the food so that the other party dies unknowingly.

After all, he was an elder. He definitely couldn't die by being shot or injected with poison. The best way to die was from food poisoning. It would be easier for people to accept it if it was announced.

But now that an elder has died, it’s not a big deal. After all, there are even crazier ones.

For example, using your own brain as the basis of a computer and so on.

Even the dignity that should be given should still be given.

The manor kitchen was in full swing, and delicacies were quickly delivered to the table.

"I didn't expect you guys to be very efficient. Now let me serve the food." Wang Linchi couldn't help but said jokingly as he looked at these delicious dishes.

There is no poison in the food, but the poison is on the tableware, and it is a chronic poison. There is no feeling when the attack occurs. It will only make the poisoned person drowsy, and finally die without any consciousness in his sleep.

People with insufficient status cannot take this kind of poison.

"It was arranged by the great elder. He said that he wanted you to rest early, Elder Wang, so that you won't be able to get up tomorrow." The staff on the side quickly explained.

"You are still thoughtful. I hope you don't wake up and find me in the coffin." Wang Linchi teased, then didn't care, sat down and started eating.

As expected of a top chef, the food he makes tastes really delicious. Especially this time, as a decapitated rice cook, he even showed off his opponent's unique skills.

It's a pity that Wang Linchi didn't taste it at all, he just opened his mouth and took it all in.

Seeing Wang Linchi using the tableware, the people around him didn't care. You can eat as much as you can, as long as it doesn't affect your death anyway.

As for the heroic spirits, when the summoner 'Wang Xianyu' dies, the heroic spirits will naturally dissipate.

It's a pity that such a special heroic spirit will definitely shine in the hands of others, but here it has to dissipate again.

I don’t know if someone will summon him again next time. After all, this King of Tianqi has left a strong mark on the three dynasties.

An hour passed and Wang Linchi had not stopped eating. Only then did everyone realize that something was wrong.

Even if the summoner can eat, he can't eat so much, which means something is wrong.

"Elder Wang, stop for a moment. It's better not to eat. You've already eaten so much. What if something goes wrong if you continue to eat?" The people on the side hurriedly stepped forward to stop him.

But Wang Linchi pushed him away.

"The last meal will be gone if you don't eat it." Wang Linchi muttered, "I really thought I had no sense of taste and couldn't taste the poison you put on the tableware."

"Unexpectedly, I ended up falling into the hands of the Federation for the third time. If I had known better, I wouldn't have revealed my trump card."

"I am still too young and easily believe what politicians say." Wang Linchi sighed and said with a sad look on his face.

These words made everyone stunned. They really didn't expect Wang Linchi to notice this.

"Elder Wang, you..." The person on the side wanted to say something.

But he was interrupted directly by Wang Linchi.

"Tell the elders that there must be something wrong with Bai Xuan." Wang Linchi said calmly.

"Okay!" Someone responded, then hurriedly left and started to report to the great elder.

In less than five minutes, the person came back.

"The Great Elder said that he understood. It was the Federation that could not stand up to Elder Wang." The visitor only left this sentence.

If you want to save him, you can still save him now, but the great elder’s intention is very clear, that is, ‘Wang Xianyu’ must die here to avoid future troubles.

"Oh, you heard me. If you don't want this day to happen to you, please turn it into energy as soon as possible." After Wang Linchi finished speaking, he threw away the tableware and stood up to leave: "Tell the kitchen that you don't need to do the rest, I'm full. "

But no one did it. Only one person recycled the fragments of the tableware. This thing was highly poisonous. Even if it was intangible and insubstantial, it had to be disposed of.

No one came to Wang Linchi because it was meaningless.

‘Wang Xianyu’ will definitely die.

Back upstairs, Wang Linchi was also happy. To him, the so-called poison was not poison at all, but more of a chemical substance.

Unless the opponent inflicts annihilation disaster on Wang Linchi, there is nothing in the federation that can hurt Wang Linchi.

But if they could really control the annihilation disaster, they wouldn't have to kill Wang Linchi.

"Leave a body here, it's almost time for us to escape." Wang Linchi collected the heroic version of himself, and then all he had to do was wait.

As long as the Ark plan is completed, Wang Linchi will kill the protagonist, swallow up civilization, and eat the world. After a dragon goes down, he will run away and leave the world.

To be honest, he didn't expect that the Federation would really dare to attack him. This kind of back-tracking was not a rare case.

Mainly because everything is done in private without public supervision, so in the end, the other party has the final say.

"Heroic spirits are not omnipotent. With their little lie detection ability, how could they detect my lies."

Wang Linchi actually didn't lie. Everything he said was true. He just concealed some plans, such as the final result of the Ark Project.

On the plane, the First Elder was having an online electronic conference with the Second Elder and the Third Elder, and told what happened in the manor.

"What do you think about Bai Xuan's matter?" the great elder asked.

"Initial suspicion is that Wang Xianyu is trying to spread suspicion. He may be planning to drag Bai Xuan into the water." The third elder spoke immediately.

"Bai Xuan is not simple. He escaped from the monitoring of our personnel. This is not something that a summoner who has awakened three times can do." The second elder had a different view.

This surprised the third elder, because he really didn't pay much attention: "When did it happen?"

"Just some time ago." The second elder did not say the specific time.

"Since there is a problem, let's check it out. Maybe we can find some clues." The third elder didn't really care about this matter. There were so many heroic spirits on the other side, so how strong could they be.

"You lead a team there and don't let the news out." The first elder said to the third elder.

"What? Me? I'm leading a team to catch a summoner who has awakened three times. Are you kidding me?" The third elder was a little unbelievable. He had no idea that the great elder would issue such a strange order.

"I never joke with you. Should you go or not? If you don't go, I can arrange for someone else to go." The great elder said calmly.

The third elder also became serious at this time: "Okay, I'll go."

He knew that the Great Elder would not give random orders. It was very likely that the Great Elder had really discovered something.

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