Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 603: The protagonist beat the third elder until he knelt down and begged for mercy, trying t

"You bastard, cough!" The third elder looked in disbelief.

Three days ago, he accepted the order of the Great Elder and went to capture Bai Xuan. He was delayed for a day due to some things. As a result, he received the news that one of the secret warehouses of the Federation was stolen. There was no need to ask who the murderer was. The surveillance cameras captured it. It was Bai Xuan who came down.

The other party took away all the awakening materials from it, and he tracked it for a whole day before he found the other party's traces.

But when they met again, the other party actually had a heroic spirit who had awakened ten times. More importantly, this heroic spirit was the famous Emperor of the Universe in ancient times, and was too powerful. He was seriously injured when he met him.

"Third Elder of the Federation, ha." Bai Xuan smiled disdainfully. The other party's heroic spirit was indeed very powerful, but how could it compare to the Human Emperor of the Universe who he had accumulated for more than 200,000 years.

Just in terms of ability and talent, there is an indelible gap.

"The Federation has never been sorry to you, why did you do such a thing!" The third elder scolded with some sternness at this time, mainly because he was about to lose, so he could only use reason to fool Bai Xuan first.

"Oh? Are you really pretending to be stupid with me? Aren't the people who investigated me some time ago not the Federation Council of Elders?"

"In these days, you have been tracking my traces." Bai Xuan is not stupid. What you did is not consistent with what you said. How could you believe it.

The third elder said with a twinkling expression: "It's Elder Wang Xianyu Wang. He said you have a problem."

Let’s throw the pot away at this time. Anyway, ‘Wang Xianyu’ is just a dead man and can’t speak.

Bai Xuan, on the other hand, was completely speechless. The other party really thought that he was a fool. Two days ago, the federation issued an announcement that 'Wang Xianyu' died of food poisoning.

The point is, they didn’t even hold a memorial service and just buried her hastily. This is not in line with the treatment of an elder at all.

This indicates a possibility, that is, 'Wang Xianyu' has died a long time ago, instead of dying of food poisoning three days ago, pushing the blame on a dead man, and using it to fool him.

"So you came to investigate me?" Bai Xuan didn't care about this matter at all. Not only did he now have a heroic spirit who had awakened ten times, but other heroic spirits had also reached their eighth awakening at the same time.

Next, you only need to continue to loot the secret warehouse of the Federation to obtain enough awakening materials. In a short period of time, you can completely obtain nine unparalleled ten-time awakened heroes.

Originally, he had to think about how to take action again. After all, after he took action before, the entire federation's protection of the secret vault had increased to a higher level.

As a result, it was not that easy for him to sneak into it again.

But it's different now. With this third elder, his difficulty will plummet.

All I can say is that the other party arrived just in time.

The third elder also felt something was wrong. Bai Xuan was too much like a mother-in-law and was not as decisive as before.

"This is just a necessary risk assessment, not a real investigation." The third elder said, already preparing to leave.

As a result, the next moment, he suffered a backlash.

After the death of a heroic spirit, there will naturally be a backlash, and it is impossible to just say that it is dead.

His heroic spirit was killed by Bai Xuan's heroic spirit, causing him to be seriously injured. This injury was not caused by the body, but the injury in the soul.

"You...how dare you!!!" The third elder's eyes were splitting. He wanted to regroup his heroic spirit and recover from his injuries. The time and resources required could make him bankrupt.

"What's wrong with this? I'm doing necessary risk control." After Bai Xuan finished speaking, a big hand pinched the third elder's neck and dragged him to Bai Xuan.

"Third Elder, I have a little business and need your help."

Bai Xuan came closer and said with disgust in his expression.

The third elder understood what the other party wanted to do in an instant, and then struggled and said: "Don't even think about it..."

He is not a stupid person, so he naturally understands that Bai Xuan wants to use his identity.

If he really agreed, then his status as the third elder would definitely be removed, and he would even be imprisoned.

If he causes huge losses to the Federation, let alone his elder, he will have to pay a sufficient price.

"Whether you can help me with this or not is not your decision." Bai Xuan chuckled. The other party was still too naive and really thought he could refuse.

If the opponent's heroic spirit is still there and the soul has not suffered backlash, it is indeed not that easy to control the opponent, and it is possible to break free.

For now, forget it, the other party has no power to resist at all.

"No, you actually..." The third elder also realized that the other party did not need to cooperate at all, he only needed to control himself.

"Wait, I know you have a system!"

Before Bai Xuan took action, the third elder shouted out without hesitation. He knew that this was his only chance to survive.

The other party will definitely not let him go after using him, and will only kill and silence him.

As soon as these words came out, Bai Xuan's movements did freeze, but his murderous intention became more serious.

"Not just me, the first elder and the second elder also know about this!" The third elder added, he could see Bai Xuan's murderous intention.

"Ha, that's interesting. How did you know?" Bai Xuan suppressed his murderous intent and wanted to make a lie.

"It's Wang Xianyu. He also has a super technology system, which is why the New Energy Heavy Industry Group has so many incredible technologies."

"The person who discovered your system is Wang Xianyu."

This made Bai Xuan stunned. He didn't expect to get such a result, but then he realized, so what, 'Wang Xianyu' was already dead.

"No wonder you are targeting me." He didn't care about what 'Wang Xianyu' revealed about him, because the other party had already paid the price for his stupidity.

Everyone is dead, and there is no point in pursuing the case.

On the contrary, it is the three elders of the Federation who must not stay. None of them will survive if they know their secrets.

"I...yes, we want to know what your system is." The third elder felt that he seemed to be in a hurry and made a mistake.

You shouldn't open your mouth to reveal that the other party has a system.

But having said it all, there is no other way now.

The murderous intention in Bai Xuan's heart became stronger and stronger, but he did not show it.

"So why did you kill Wang Xianyu?" Bai Xuan returned to the starting point, and he felt that there must be something wrong here.

It stands to reason that 'Wang Xianyu' can detect his strangeness, and the super technological system on his body can act on the federation. This kind of talent should be well protected, why is he dead?

"He..." The third elder hesitated. It couldn't be said that it was because they suspected that Wang Linchi might take the initiative in the Ark plan with the help of the super technology system.

In the end, he became cruel and immediately shifted the responsibility to such a dead man: "He wanted to use the super technological system to control the federation, but his plan failed in the end!"

"..." Bai Xuan wanted to say, he doesn't look like a fool.

You are too inconsistent. Earlier you said that 'Wang Xianyu' exposed him as a system, and now you say that 'Wang Xianyu' is anti-federal. He doesn't think much of 'Wang Xianyu', but the other party's character I still know, I didn’t know how to succeed before, but now it seems that the other party is indeed for the Federation.

"You think he has a super technological system and is hindering your way." Seeing the other party's slander, Bai Xuan suddenly thought of his own experience. If he is caught, the subsequent treatment will probably be the same. 'Wang Xianyu' is the same.

It might be even worse. 'Wang Xianyu' is an elder, so he will still give him some face. If it were him, he would be able to catch him and bring him to justice just by giving him any reason or excuse. With the current chaos in the Federation, Even if his relatives, friends and confidante want to stand up for him, there is no way.

The Council of Elders holds the highest power in the federation.

"How is it possible? We have absolute goodwill towards the system owner." The third elder denied it without hesitation.

However, when Bai Xuan heard this, he laughed out loud: "In that case, then you can do me one last favor."

Behind Bai Xuan, a heroic spirit came out.

"Wait a minute, you can't do this to me. I'm the third elder of the Federal Council of Elders!!!" Of course the third elder knew what he was going to face. He was nothing more than being controlled by the other party and becoming a puppet in his hands.

"I know, if you didn't have this identity, I wouldn't have talked to you so much, and I would have sent you on your way long ago." Bai Xuandu has committed the act of stealing the federal secret treasury, how could he care about the high position of the third elder? Weight, everyone is no longer in the same group, why should you care about your identity.

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