Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 605 Historical Anchor, the Tenth Heroic Spirit

"I don't know whether to say that Bai Xuan is ambitious or world-ambitious."

Wang Linchi felt that the entire world was changing. When Bai Xuan started the simulation of the past, the tampering began.

The simulator system has three anchor points. One is the birth of the heroic spirit system, the second is the establishment of the Federation, and the third is the birth of Bai Xuan and the preservation of strength. These three anchor points will not change and serve as the basic logic. Running.

Therefore, no matter how much Bai Xuan tampered with history when he went back to the past, he could not change these three results. Just like the nine dynasties in the Dharma-ending world, because of Bai Xuan's interference, Guo Zuo may grow or grow on the original basis. Reduce, but not disappear.

Of course, the other party's tampering with history cannot affect Wang Linchi. With his size, he can completely stand firm.

However, he didn't just sit back and watch, but also inserted corresponding anchor points into the simulator system.

The first anchor point is the Ark Project, the second is the death of 'Wang Xianyu', and the last anchor point is the birth of New Energy Heavy Industry Group.

These three anchor points serve as the nails of the entire overall situation. Even if Bai Xuan has changed, when he opens his eyes again, what he will see will no longer be a normal federation, but a country that has completed the Ark plan but because of him A terrifying civilization trapped in the world because of.

He can interfere and tamper with history, and Wang Linchi can naturally do the same. After all, he followed the opponent's vision into the past.

Influence the other party's thoughts and thinking, and only a few trivial changes can make his plan and execution run counter to each other.

The principal said that students who are lively will turn into naughty students when it comes to the class teacher and must be carefully controlled.

It doesn't matter what you went through in the middle, what matters is that you distorted the other person's meaning.

As for maybe that was the original meaning, then if something happens in the future, I can only say that I deserve it.

"History is really incredible." Wang Linchi watched as the changes in the world subsided and everything returned to its original state.

He collected all the changes immediately and compared them.

The Federation exists, heroic spirits exist, and Bai Xuan naturally also exists.

The execution of the Ark Plan has been completed, and the entire world, both human and civilization, has been transformed, and it was completed not now, but a year ago.

'Wang Xianyu' died a long time ago. It was also because of the persecution of the Federation that New Energy Heavy Industry was born. It was still the promoter of the Ark Project. However, with the death of 'Wang Xianyu' and the completion of the Ark Project, the The smoke cleared.

The anchor point did indeed take effect, but it did not survive successfully due to changes.

But for Wang Linchi, this was nothing at all.

The real key is the Ark Plan. The remaining two anchor points are just to cooperate with the execution of the Ark Plan.

"It's a pity that Bai Xuan can't be energized because of the anchor point. It's such a pity." Wang Linchi felt a little regretful.

"But it doesn't matter. The goal has been achieved anyway, and it can be devoured."

Wang Linchi relied on the simulator system's ability to tamper with history. When Bai Xuan achieved his goal, he also achieved his own goal.

"Bai Xuan must be very broken now." Wang Linchi couldn't help but smile.

Regarding the actual situation, Bai Xuan did achieve his goal, but the way he accomplished it was different from what he imagined.

In his imagination, he had successfully turned the tide and put the Federation on the right track.

In fact, this is indeed the case, but this right track is the Ark Plan, not the perfect ending of him blasting the cracks in time and space with a pair of iron fists, annihilating the disaster with a kick, and finally returning to seclusion with his beauty.

"Just in time, it has been accomplished by refining the false and turning it into the true. Coupled with the ability of cause and effect and history..."

A semi-illusory huge book appeared in Wang Linchi's hand. This was his book of records. The pages turned and a large number of words were recorded on it.

He stretched out his hand and fiddled with it, and it was quickly fixed on the first page of history.

This represents the first world, the soul world.

On the page of the book, a man with sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes appeared.

"Past, history, cause and effect."

"As long as you and I have crossed paths, I can use cause and effect to resurrect the people I need to resurrect from the past history."

"This is the record."

While speaking, this page of records was torn off by Wang Linchi from the semi-illusory giant book, and a figure gradually emerged.

"Can you please help me go there? It just so happens that you two should be able to speak a common language." Wang Linchi said with a smile.

Seeing old friends again is a rare joy.

Bai Xuan opened his eyes, and a large number of memories that did not belong to him appeared in his memory.

And the location has also changed. Originally he was in the wilderness, but now he is in an extremely luxurious palace.

"This... this is impossible..." Bai Xuan looked unable to accept it. He succeeded, but he also failed.

He indeed successfully abolished the Council of Elders system and made the parliament the mainstream. He also became the president of the parliament, holding all the power in his hands, and successfully guaranteed the construction of the time and space base and maintained the stability of the time and space rift.

However, the Ark Plan was successfully implemented a year ago and has now entered the final stage, which is to start the world struggle to leave this world and avoid the disaster of annihilation.

What's more important is the issue of heroic spirits. After the universal energy was energized a year ago, the heroic spirit system he guided was eliminated.

If you want to become a summoner, you can only be a human being. Once it is energized, you will lose your identity as a summoner. Without the summoner as a support, the heroic spirit will naturally disappear.

The past simulation he obtained took him back to the beginning of the birth of the heroic spirit. He was the father of summoners and the creator of the Federation. However, when he returned, everything became so strange.

"President of the Parliament, your energy transformation ceremony is ready." Such a voice came from outside the door.

Bai Xuan was in a daze. In his memory, he didn't want to implement the Ark plan, nor did he want to energize it. However, as the speaker of the parliament, he had to compromise. This was politics.

Therefore, he chose a high-sounding reason, that is, he, who serves the country and the people, will be the last to be energized. As long as there is a federal citizen who has not been energized, he will not choose to energize, in order to express his coexistence with the federation.

This declaration, coupled with his practice, kept his approval rating in the federation high.

"I understand, you just wait." Bai Xuan looked at the nine heroic spirits around him, their faces expressionless.

"Tell me, what should I do?"

As the oldest heroic spirit in the world, the Human Emperor spoke at this time.

"Perhaps you can summon the tenth heroic spirit."

Bai Xuan couldn't help but be stunned, the tenth heroic spirit? Where does he go to get 10th…

Wait, there really is!

"Can it be successful? After all, heroic spirits do not exist in the real world, and there is no corresponding medium." Bai Xuan's mind kept churning.

It doesn't take long to find out.

He didn't know the success rate, but he did have a summoning medium.

That medium is himself.

Bai Xuan didn't realize why the heroic spirit version of himself knew this. He knew what the heroic spirit of the Human Emperor of the Universe knew.

"Come here, I need..." Bai Xuan asked without hesitation.

At the same time, he saw a plus sign appearing on the Nine Turns Inner Alchemy on his system panel.

"I see……"

At this moment, he realized that the reason why he could not successfully break through the Nine Transformation Inner Alchemy Technique was because he had not penetrated the last layer of window paper.

"Give me more!"

A lot of memories are constantly being stuffed into my mind.

"Nine-nine to one?" After Bai Xuan read it, his expression was filled with surprise and disbelief. He did not expect that he would be so bad at this step.

The Nine Transformation Inner Alchemy Technique has been successfully broken through, but he has not yet perfected it. He needs to return to unity before he can completely transform himself.

However, this transformation is very cruel. He needs nine heroic spirits as auxiliary materials, plus a tenth heroic spirit as the main material, to successfully break through.

"How can this be."

Bai Xuan is naturally reluctant to let go. If he does this, he will lose his heroic spirit forever, and the heroic spirit system will also be cut off.

As he watched the energized humans under his hands transporting the materials he needed, his expression became increasingly gloomy.

It wasn't until the last piece of material was delivered that he whispered: "Since the heroic spirit system was started by me, it should be destroyed by me."

He didn't know why he did this, but he knew he had to do it.

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