Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 606: Shadow of the Great Ruins·King of Hell

"Is this the power above the Nine-turn Inner Alchemy Golden Pill?" Bai Xuan felt the changes in his body. He felt that he seemed to be integrated with the whole world. With every move, he could make the mountains and rivers change colors. , making the world turn into chaos again.

"No, this is not the power of the Nine Revolutions Inner Alchemy, but the power of the world." A voice interrupted Bai Xuan's words.

Bai Xuan's eyes narrowed and he looked at that person. He was a man in casual clothes, about the same age as him, with a hot charm.

"Who are you?" Bai Xuan couldn't see through the other person, and couldn't even detect any difference in the other person. However, it was simply impossible for an ordinary person to be so close to him.

"My name is King Hades. Well, I am a person who has returned from history. What I did before was the same as yours, which was to save the world." The other party smiled, and his expression seemed to be full of nostalgia.

"King Yama? Okay, what do you want?" Bai Xuan didn't quite understand. He had never heard of this person who was resurrected in history and saved the world.

"It's nothing, it's just that my old classmate entrusted me to take your life." King Yama said helplessly: "Actually, I don't really want to come. You are here to save the world. Although your methods are a bit poor, you are still a fellow traveler after all. .”

These words made Bai Xuan more and more confused, but he understood the meaning.

"Ha, my life is not that easy to take!" Bai Xuan snorted coldly, and the next moment a Human Emperor Sword appeared and took the head of King Yama.

He fused ten heroic spirits and naturally obtained everything from them, including their equipment.

The Human Emperor Sword directly shattered the space with a terrifying aura.

However, King Yama didn't care at all. He reached out and grabbed it lightly, ignoring the space, and easily grabbed the Human Emperor Sword that had been snatched from Bai Xuan's hand.

"The sword is good, but the moves still lack a lot of firepower." King Yama commented, and then flicked the blade of the Human Emperor Sword with his index finger.

The majestic force was transmitted through the sword blade, and Bai Xuan felt a terrifying force constantly shaking the hand holding the sword's hilt.

Before he could react, the power of the shock transformed into many powerful forces and spread into his body. His right arm exploded into blood mist due to the many powerful forces on the spot.

Even the Human Emperor Sword fell down, and King Yama reached out and caught it.

"Let me tell you how to use the sword." As he spoke, King Yama took the Human Emperor Sword that was struggling in his hand and stabbed Bai Xuan between the eyebrows.

Bai Xuan subconsciously wanted to hide, but he suddenly discovered that this ordinary stab had locked all his escape routes, making it impossible to hide even if he wanted to.

Fortunately, he was not helpless. His right arm regenerated instantly, and all the methods of the heroic spirits emerged, forming many obstacles. In just an instant, the two were thousands of miles apart.

However, King Yama's sword easily pierced through all his means, and even the distance in space had no effect.

The long sword easily landed between the opponent's eyebrows and penetrated Bai Xuan's head.

However, Bai Xuan did not die. He took this opportunity and with the help of the Human Emperor Sword's independent struggle, he forcibly took back his Human Emperor Sword from the hands of King Yama.

When the Human Emperor Sword was taken off his head, he was also frightened.

"What kind of sword is this?" Bai Xuan asked after taking a few steps back.

"The most basic thrust in swordsmanship." King Yama didn't hide anything. What he said was true, but he added: "In addition, he has the ability to hit the target, be sharp, break the law and other rules."

"..." Bai Xuan doesn't know what the rule ability is, but he can know one thing. Simple stabbing is definitely not the point. The point is the blessing of the rule ability.

The awakened ones in the soul world are all masters of rules. They were suppressed by the Dajing court and had a limited upper limit. However, after King Yama changed the world and attached himself to the world of Wang Linchi, he successfully unlocked the upper limit.

In addition, after Wang Linchi opened up all the rules, King Yama can form a large number of abilities through his soul phase, the Almighty King.

And these abilities are also helped by the ten thousand times amplification system, and their power is even more incredible.

A simple basic sword thrust can exert such incredible strength.

"Your world is hopeless. My advice is to wait for death." King Yama kindly reminded you.

When he faced Guixu, he thought about risking his life. It wasn't until Guixu really hit his world that he realized that everything was in vain.

King Yama also understood that the disaster of annihilation was simply not something human beings could resist.

"It's useless to talk more!" Bai Xuan would definitely not listen to King Yama. How could he be willing to wait for death.

He didn't know how much hardship he had gone through for his current strength and status, and the so-called space-time rifts and annihilation disasters had never been a problem in his eyes, especially since he had gained such a powerful power.

Therefore, he believed that this was just scaremongering by the other party, and this was just to make him slack off.

"Forget it, it's good to see the real seal in your hand." King Yama had actually known Bai Xuan's attitude for a long time, but he still wanted to persuade him. If that didn't work, then he would just kill him.

Originally this was his goal.

Bai Xuan didn't say anything, and immediately came to kill him. This time he did not use the Human Emperor Sword. He felt that the opponent's attainments in swordsmanship far exceeded his own, so he was not suitable for using a sword.

"Nine Jue, all ten directions will be destroyed!"

Reflections of countless heroic spirits appeared behind him. This was a powerful ability given to him by the tenth heroic spirit, which could imbue him with the root experience of heroic spirits that had appeared in all eras.

The power of this move was extremely powerful, causing the heaven and earth to change color, and even the cracks in time and space to fluctuate as a result.


However, King Yama shook his head and sighed: "You are still a little bit behind. It has its form but no meaning."

"This is a trick I learned while watching the Great Ruins before I died. I only used it once before I died."

"I thought I would never have the chance to use it again in this life."

After the words fell, Bai Xuan could only see a vast expanse between heaven and earth. The strange situation caused by the destruction of all directions was smoothed by the invisible force.

Bai Xuan was a little overwhelmed by everything. He didn't know why it was like this.

But the next moment, he saw it.

In the distance, a huge object that could not be described in words came towards him, and the word "Da Rui" appeared in his mind for no reason.

He felt his own insignificance and the entire world's insignificance.


The vast world shattered, and he roared. Countless cracks appeared on his body. These cracks continued to expand, and a large amount of light emerged from the cracks.

These rays of light are his destiny. Being the son of destiny is the destiny favored by heaven and earth and favored by all things, and what it embodies is the simulator system.

Death has come.

Bai Xuan exploded, and the whole world broke with it.

Along with the shattering, the effect of the Nine Turns Inner Alchemy began to take effect, and the spiritual energy that swept the world burst out.

"As expected, not everyone can see the shadow of the Great Ruins." King Yama said regretfully.

"What the hell, what did you do? Why did the world explode???" Wang Linchi rushed over, feeling a little confused.

He had just finished devouring the civilization of the Federation, and was about to open his mouth to devour the world, when he discovered that King Yama had used his power and the characteristics of Bai Xuan's nine-turn inner alchemy to directly blow up the entire world.

"It's just a small trick. Besides, the world didn't explode, it just cracked." King Yama joked.

"You're a little too outrageous, and why has your personality changed?" Wang Linchi complained.

"There is great terror between life and death, not to mention that I have experienced life to death, and then back to life, and witnessed many horrors. Naturally, I have a profound enlightenment and let go of my own obsessions." King Yama said the reason.

All his life, he lived to save the soul world. Now that it was over, he naturally lived for himself.

"One more thing, there seems to be something wrong with this destiny." King Yama reminded him, this is what he felt when Bai Xuan died just now.

"It's not that there's something wrong with destiny, it's that something's wrong with the world." Wang Linchi looked at the rift in time and space, where a dead behemoth was approaching.

This is precisely the end of the Dharma world that perished due to the end of Dharma catastrophe, and is now about to collide with the world of heroic spirits.

There are also problems in the world of heroic spirits. After Bai Xuan's death, he merged with the heaven and earth, forming a resurgence of spiritual energy. Once the two collide, he doesn't know what it will develop into, but it will definitely become fragments and scatter throughout the void.

‘It’s not a good place to stay for a long time. Fortunately, I’ve made enough money and can run away. ’ Wang Linchi thought to himself.

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