Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 607 A wonderful new world...what kind of weird world is this?

"One-third of the world, the entire federal civilization, makes the history books authentic, coupled with a sturdy and durable human skin, a complete civilization computer."

"There is also Taishan Xi who hits people and hurts them."

Wang Linchi took stock of his gains. He just ran away yesterday.

I watched with my own eyes as the Dharma-ending world smashed the entire world of Jiu Juezi heroic spirits into pieces that looked like human beings. They were everywhere, like a stinky person.

He also took the opportunity to eat one-third of the world. The reason why he stopped eating was because the Tribulation of the End of Dharma and the Disaster of Annihilation gradually merged to form something even more terrifying.

Wang Linchi called it Death Silence. The good news is that because the two worlds collided, this thing didn't know where it was hit.

So don't worry about getting entangled with him. Of course, this is because he pulled away early. If he had been slower, he might have been entangled by the other party.

Now he has arrived in the new world, and the good news is that this world is no longer the end of the world.

He used a coordinate search method that eliminated doomsday as the basic logic, so the world he arrived in was peaceful and a modern urban world.

The technological level is around the millennium, but the energy level is a bit high, which makes Wang Linchi a little strange.

Because of the improvement in my strength, the choice of identity this time is no longer limited to a few choices. Instead, I can directly open the directory and choose by myself.

"What a wonderful world, this time it's finally over!" Wang Linchi was happy.

Unfortunately, because I am too big and not adaptable, I don't know the situation of the world for the time being. I only know that the energy level of the world is high.

【Destiny·Peerless Miracle Doctor】

[Destiny·Dragon King's Son-in-law]

【Destiny·Queen of the Night】

【Destiny·Shengshi White Lotus】


When Wang Linchi pulled up the list, Wang Linchi was stunned by the outrageous identities.

"I seem to have discovered why the energy level of this modern city is so high..."

"Damn it, can it still be displayed properly?"

There are so many protagonists with destiny prefixed by them. I'm afraid there may not be problems everywhere. At first, he was just pretending to be a slap in the face in the city, and then warriors, superpowers, immortal cultivators, etc. all jumped out from the corners. , there may be Chaos God King, Heaven Defying Sword Emperor and the like appearing in the future.

In the end, Wang Linchi could only scroll down to the bottom and choose an ordinary office worker with no friends or relatives. His main job was to keep one page of his household registration book. In addition to going to work and getting off work every day.

The company I work in is not a so-called beauties, it is just an ordinary small company. The only woman is a cleaning lady, who is over sixty years old.

"This is the first time I met a world with so many protagonists. What is this world like?" Wang Linchi was a little confused.

One protagonist is already a huge amount of money. Now that there are so many protagonists, the world is not drained. This is really incredible.


[LV1: (0/???) Upper limit:? ? ? class】

[Occupation: Holy King]

He opened his own human-skin game character again. After fusing the heroic spirit, he naturally gained more abilities and qualities. However, this time, he encountered Waterloo.

"The upgrade experience is unknown, the level limit is unknown, and the energy level is also high. It seems that it will take a long time to completely obtain the data of this world."

Seeing this, Wang Linchi felt that he should keep a low profile.

"I can only be an ordinary person for a while."

He doesn't mind living such a peaceful life. Anyway, he obtained a lot of qualifications in the previous world, so he doesn't have to worry about the need to become stronger. He has a large number of projects to become stronger.

"But I can't continue to be a cowboy in this small company. I have to go out and start my own business."

There is no problem with Wang Linchi's choice of identity, but it is impossible for him to go to work every day. If he can fish at work, of course he will be happy to go there.

But not only can't you fish when you go to work, but you are also squeezed every day. It's better to go out and set up a stall... It doesn't seem to work. If it doesn't work, just continue to speculate in stocks based on luck.

Anyway, it's not that difficult for him.

The replacement was over quickly, and Wang Linchi successfully integrated into this special world.

The clothes also changed into ordinary appearances, and the appearance became that of an oppressed sub-healthy white-collar worker.

"Apart from the fact that I can't afford a house, a car, a wife, and a child, and I only have a few coins left after paying the rent, water, electricity, phone bills and meals every month, my life is actually pretty good."

After Wang Linchi received the memory of this naughty horse, he couldn't help but sigh that the salary calculation was so accurate that it was hard to think about it even if it wasn't moonlight.

If you get sick in a certain month, you can only borrow some loans or borrow some money to make ends meet.

Fortunately, this cow horse is also very sensible. Because he is alone, he can bear minor illnesses and wait for death from serious illnesses, and his medical expenses are basically zero.

"I have to go to work again tomorrow, so I just happened to resign." Wang Linchi looked at the small rental house where he lived. The environment was very simple.

It was so shabby that even Wang Linchi couldn't stand it. There weren't many things, just daily necessities.

For example, there are no major appliances, such as refrigerators, TVs, range hoods, etc. The communication equipment uses mobile phones. Smartphones have not yet appeared, and they are still the old-fashioned button machines.

Fortunately, the predecessor didn't need these large appliances. He went to work at eight o'clock and got off work at eleven o'clock. After he came back to wash up and eat, it was twelve o'clock. He fell asleep until seven o'clock in the morning and had to get up at seven o'clock in the morning. I arrived at the company in half an hour and started working.

Therefore, these appliances are just like the lighting in a rental house and are completely unnecessary for the predecessor.

As for the holiday, it is one day a month. Occasionally, it may not be taken, and it will be given to you directly.

It’s not certain when you will be transferred to take a break, but you can be sure that even if you don’t take a break, you will not be given three times the overtime pay.

It's not that the predecessor is unwilling to resign, but that once he resigns, he may not be able to find a job, and he may starve to death by then.

So he could only grit his teeth and work hard. Even though the benefits belonged to the company and the salary belonged to the landlord, he could still survive.

"It's strange. Logically speaking, this is a modern society. It is unlikely that people will starve to death or fall into this kind of situation." Wang Linchi was actually a little confused.


Wang Linchi couldn't help but think of the large row of protagonists, including both men and women, and possibly female characters, such as bosses and heroines.

These are high-level people with high status, which means that the group of people at the top of the pyramid is very large and squeezes them hard, which leads to this situation at the bottom.

Think about a boss who spends a lot of money on a little white girl, but then doesn’t move his property at all. So where will the cost go? You don’t need to think about it to know that it has been transferred to the middle and lower classes.

"Thinking about it, it's really possible. Maybe even the scene where the boss lights a nuclear bomb as fireworks to celebrate his girlfriend's birthday may happen."

Wang Linchi couldn't help but complain. Fortunately, he didn't choose the identity of the protagonist, otherwise there might really be problems.

"King Yan Ming, Ye Tian and others also need to cover up tightly and don't let them come out, otherwise they will definitely suffer." Wang Linchi muttered softly.

His body now contains the history of civilizations from all the worlds he has experienced. The protagonists, supporting characters, and villains are just the foundation. There is also an entire civilization structure running through the civilization computer.

I was originally thinking of throwing some family members out once the compatibility was a little higher, but now that I think about it, I really can’t do that, as it could easily cause trouble.

If he offends someone he shouldn't, and his family is ruined, that's fine. But if he is thrown in and steps on a sewing machine, that would be very bad.

There must be such a group of existences, such as aristocratic families, secret organizations, etc.

Although not all destiny protagonists can be involved, some of them also have life styles such as the Shenhao system and space farming, but the number is overwhelming.

Wang Linchi counted and found that there were 547 people in total.

"Hey, why is there one missing?" Wang Linchi suddenly realized that there were only 546 people left. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be, so he carefully compared the list.

"It can't be that he has ascended..."

Wang Linchi took a look and saw that the smaller one had a sign-in system, so the map was probably changed.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to disappear out of thin air. Each of these protagonists has his own territory. Because of the isolation of destiny, they will not contact each other, or even ignore other destiny people.

"Hey, I added three more... There is no fixed number of co-authors."

Looking again, there was one missing person, but three more people came in, bringing the number to 549 people.

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