Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 609: Family Dating Agency, focusing on the protagonist’s marriage!

Wang Linchi's dating agency took three months to complete the decoration and renovation, with two floors above ground and eighteen floors underground.

It does sound a bit strange. The two floors above ground are serious matchmaking agencies, while the eighteen floors underground are a complete base with a lot of experimental equipment.

At present, Wang Linchi has produced various preset genetic seeds. Next, he only needs the protagonist to come to order and he will be able to catalyze them. No matter whether they are male or female, they can produce them.

He not only targets male protagonists, but also female protagonists. Whether it is three thousand harems or three thousand faces, Wang Linchi has a corresponding package.

"I don't know if it's too late. It's been three months. The other party's harem should be open." Wang Linchi couldn't help but feel a little melancholy.

Naturally, what he was thinking about was the young miracle doctor. Wang Linchi checked the local news and found that there was no relevant information on the Internet. It may be because the Internet is not developed now, so many things have not been published on the Internet.

As for the news in the newspaper, it was all about singing and dancing, and there was no news about the young miracle doctor. It was as if the other party was cut off from the underlying information channels.

Most of the protagonists are actually like this, and what they do cannot enter the mainstream view.

"Family Dating Agency?" Outside the door, a somewhat arrogant person looked at Wang Linchi's dating agency and then at Wang Linchi.

He actually looked a little confused.

It wasn't that he had never seen a dating agency before, but it was just the first time he saw a young man doing this, and he was a man.

For a moment, I was confused in my heart, whether I would lose my status if I went in to collect protection money.

If you take a closer look at the decoration, you'll see that it's actually very average, and it doesn't look like there's much oil or water left.

This is secondary. The main reason is that Wang Linchi looks a bit strong. Will he be beaten?

"Looking for a partner?" Wang Linchi asked.

After the dating agency opened, Wang Linchi opened up his luck and made some adjustments so that he could more easily interact with the protagonist.

So here it comes, the other party may be a gangster, but what if it is the protagonist's subordinate? After all, the protagonist conquering the gang is a common case.

Especially the gang leader may be a woman, which was always the case in ancient times.

"What am I looking for? Boss, you haven't paid this month's health fee yet." The other party walked in and sat down.

"Can I issue an invoice to deduct tax?" Wang Linchi asked.

These words silenced the other party. It was not his first day doing this job, but this was the first person he had met in his career who could name the person who asked him to issue invoices.

"Can't." He held back these two words.

"That can't be entered into the account. I can't report it." Wang Linchi refused directly.

"Boy, you don't understand what I mean, do you think..." Seeing this, the other party directly threatened him, but his figure became smaller and smaller as he spoke.

Because Wang Linchi pulled out a pistol from the drawer and started loading bullets in front of him.

This can shock the other party.

"You... Xingguo has banned guns." This gang member was almost scared to death. Those who can get this thing are not ordinary people.

Wang Linchi slowly installed the silencer on the pistol again: "It doesn't matter, my silencer is of very good quality."

The gang members are all green in the face. Is this a problem with the silencer? This is a matter of you breaking the law.

"By the way, you just said that my health expenses cannot be invoiced, right?" Wang Linchi loaded the gun as he spoke, looking like he was planning to take action.

"Yes, I can drive it!" At this time, you must be honest.

"That's good. When are you going to collect it?" Wang Linchi smiled like a smiling tiger.

It looked like this gang member was in a state of confusion.

"No... no need, we'll wait for someone to collect the health fees and so on." At this time, we have to collect ridiculous health fees. Saving our lives is the most important thing.

"That would be bad, otherwise I..." As he spoke, Wang Linchi stood up and raised his pistol.

Seeing this, the other party turned around and fled without hesitation, shouting "killer" as he ran.

This person was indeed forced out. Judging from the opponent's speed, it was indeed fast.

Wang Linchi dared to bet 50 cents that the other party had never run so fast since he was a child.

After seeing that the gang's minor problem of collecting health fees was solved, Wang Linchi casually threw the pistol into the drawer. This thing looked real, but in fact it was a lighter.

However, some people are really short-sighted, and this lighter can also be turned into a real pistol.

"Have I ever experienced this scene before..." Wang Linchi yawned. Looking at the crowded scene, he couldn't help but think of the time when he opened a medical clinic.

At least there were some patients at that time, but now there are really no one.

Fortunately, this time he is not making money, but the protagonist, so it is normal for there to be fewer people.

After all, there are only about 500 protagonists in the world, and they all have their own regions. It is not that easy for Wang Linchi to meet them.

"Unfortunately, there is no way to report the gang." Of course Wang Linchi knew the setting. The gang was either colluding, or it was the white gloves of some hidden local families or special organizations.

Just as I was thinking about it, I suddenly felt a vibration and some kind of explosion sound.

"Earthquake? It doesn't look like it." Wang Linchi immediately suspected it was an earthquake, but earthquakes would not cause movement, only vibrations.

"That should be the battle between extraordinary beings. With the current energy level of the world, there is no problem in reaching this kind of movement."

Wang Linchi didn't care too much about this matter, since it didn't affect him anyway.

Unless there is a fight around him, then don't blame Wang Linchi for letting them see what it means to crush them.

The vibrations and sounds didn't last long and soon calmed down.

As usual, Wang Linchi took the newspaper and began to understand the outside world's information. Now the best way to understand the outside world's information is newspapers, so Wang Linchi basically ordered a copy of all newspapers and delivered them on time every day.

"The daughter of the richest man in Yingzhou City is holding a birthday party tonight. This thing can also be published in the newspapers..."

"Oh, we also held a charity donation by the way."

"Plus she's getting engaged. Hey, this routine looks a bit familiar." Wang Linchi continued reading. The richest man's daughter was engaged to a very mysterious person. It was said that he was extremely valuable. He was the heir of a certain helmsman in Yingzhou City.

"I understand, it's a hidden family, I understand."

Of course Wang Linchi understood this setting. The richest man seemed to be the biggest, but in fact he was not as good as a dog from a hidden family. He had to rely on him to live. Even a single word from a servant of a hidden family could make him. The richest man loses everything.

It's a bit outrageous, but it's normal in this world.

"Then should I join in the fun and expand my business?"

It stands to reason that conflicts will definitely occur, and when the time comes, the reclusive family will have to be trampled to pieces by the young miracle doctor. He can take advantage of it and at the same time... cough, introduce the target.

In fact, this is considered normal. After all, what is even more explosive is that it may be bride snatching.

"You can go, but the question is how do I get in?"

It looked like he needed an invitation, but he didn't have one. Otherwise, how could the young miracle doctor pretend to be a slap in the face at the door?

If Wang Linchi wants to go in openly, he must have some means.

"Let me think about it, let me think about it..." Various plans came to Wang Linchi's mind.

In the end, I chose to forge the invitation.

This is the simplest and cheapest method.

"Then there are clothes. You have to dress appropriately, otherwise you will be blocked at the door."

"My destiny does not include pretentiousness and slaps in the face, only some intelligence-lowering effects."

The effect of reducing intelligence is relatively limited. There is no way to really reduce the opponent's IQ and common sense to zero. It is more of a support.

As for the option of using extraordinary means, it was not within Wang Linchi's consideration.

The reason is naturally related to cost issues.

Because it is not a doomsday world, Wang Linchi's time cost is not valuable, and using extraordinary means requires the use of mana. His mana does not come out of thin air. Compared with doing it himself, the mana cost is definitely more expensive.

Now that he is still in the latent stage, he can naturally use the abilities outside of this world system, and it is not impossible to solve it with his own hands.

It was like his own eighteen-story underground base. The materials were 'borrowed' by him, and the entire project was dusted, built, and watered by himself. During that period of time, he almost completed the innate civil engineering body. .

Therefore, the entire base was actually prostituted for free, and he paid the labor cost and time cost.

Including a large amount of gene seeds, it is not his own expenditure.

In terms of being stingy, Wang Linchi felt as if he had reached the half-step peak of perfection.

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