Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 610: First customer contact·Peerless miracle doctor

At night, the Pearl Hotel is brightly lit.

This is the largest hotel in Yingzhou City, and it was booked today.

At this time, Wang Linchi was at the door, slightly releasing his charm attributes, changing from ordinary to extraordinary. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell with just one glance that this person was no ordinary person.

The clothes on her body are also extremely expensive, both in terms of fabric and workmanship, and cannot be worn by ordinary people.

This is produced by the civilization in his own body. Currently, the civilization in his body has entered the electrical age and is still developing at a high speed, and the subsequent progress will be faster and faster.

Therefore, it is actually very simple to produce clothing that is considered expensive by the general public.

‘What a coincidence, it seems luck worked. ’ When Wang Linchi got out of the car, he saw a familiar person.

It was the young miracle doctor. Unlike the other well-dressed people, he was wearing cheap casual clothes and looked a little careless.

In this way, it is very eye-catching. After all, there is an ostrich mixed in a group of flamingos, how can it not be eye-catching.

Even Wang Linchi was overwhelmed by him.

This is normal, but most people look at each other with disdain.

On the other hand, Wang Linchi was curious and cautious, wanting to know which family this noble young master belonged to.

A family that can cultivate such temperament and charm must be extraordinary.

"Sorry, sir, you are not allowed in if you are disheveled." The security guard at the door stopped the young miracle doctor.

Even if the other party has the invitation in hand, he cannot enter. This is deliberately making things difficult for the other party.

Wang Linchi could tell that someone was instructing the security guard behind his back. Otherwise, how could he do this if nothing happened.

After all, she has an invitation from the host, and her clothes are indeed not in line with the mainstream, but she is still a guest, so there is no reason for you, a security guard, to stop her.

Just as the young miracle doctor was about to get angry, Wang Linchi interrupted first.

"There are invitations representing guests. Do you stop him because you think poor relatives can't come in?"

"No matter how poor you are, you are still the guest of the host. You are just a hotel employee. What qualifications do you have to stop others from entering."

"By doing this, you are not upholding the rules of the hotel, but you are slapping the host in the face."

Wang Linchi spoke very gently, but the majesty he exuded made the security guard in front of him have cold sweat on his forehead.

Charm is his main attribute. Even though he doesn't use it on weekdays and keeps it sealed, it doesn't mean he can't use it.

"Sir, the rules are set by our hotel." The security guard said bravely.

"The hotel has rules, so I don't think it's better for your hotel to make a rule that all the people in Xingguo will give you money. Why don't you just sit back and collect money? What kind of hotel should you open?" Wang Linchi sneered.

Many people looked sideways and thought it made sense.

They are here as guests, not to follow your hotel rules.

The customer is God, so it turns out that you are better prepared to make yourself God.

"I..." The security guard was also secretly resentful. Why did he encounter such a thing? He was obviously just making things difficult for a loser, so why did a rich and handsome man jump out of the way to help.

Fortunately, the hotel manager came to the rescue soon.

The other party is still very experienced in this area. In a few words, he dismissed the matter as a misunderstanding and then let it go.

"Thank you for your help." After the young miracle doctor entered the hotel, he looked at Wang Linchi seriously and said thank you.

He was not blind. Many people present wanted to watch the excitement. Only Wang Linchi helped, so he must respect the other party.

"You're welcome, it's just a little effort." Wang Linchi discovered an interesting thing, that is, the other party seemed a bit innocent?

He was not as arrogant and domineering as Wang Linchi imagined, but rather he seemed to have little experience and looked like an immature child.

"Meeting is fate. Come and sit in my shop when you have time." Wang Linchi said and handed over his business card.

After the young miracle doctor took the business card, his face looked a little strange.

"You run a dating agency???" The young miracle doctor really didn't expect this.

"Yes, doesn't it look like it?" Wang Linchi asked back.

"Not really, more like... a child of a noble family." The young miracle doctor said it bluntly.

"Then you are mistaken. I have had a rich and colorful life. I have held an iron job, worked as an errand boy, and even worked as a barefoot doctor. Finally, when the recession hit, I opened a dating agency."

"Let me tell you, you are a high-quality resource. Last time I saw you in the park, you cured someone. If you come to me, I will introduce you to a partner, and I won't charge you a matchmaker fee. From now on, if I get sick and come to you for treatment, you will give me priority treatment in the entire green channel..."

Wang Linchi talked a lot to the young miracle doctor, which made the young miracle doctor a little unable to react.

Then he vaguely agreed to go to Wang Linchi's shop for tea.

Then, Wang Linchi began to suspect something.

That was the young miracle doctor he met. So what happened to the gang member this morning?

It won't be another protagonist.

It shouldn't be, after all, the protagonist has a sense of territory and rarely crosses the territory.

Wang Linchi didn't think of a reason, so he gave up quickly. He would deliver it to his door later, so he didn't have to worry about it.

When the two entered the main hall, many people had already arrived. They were all dressed like Wang Linchi and looked like dogs. They were also talking about finance, economics and other topics.

The young miracle doctor obviously didn't adapt to this environment. Fortunately, with Wang Linchi, he could still chat with him.

The origin of the other party has not been revealed by Wang Linchi yet, but his name is known.

His name is Chu Wen, and he is still an unemployed vagrant, mainly through his medical skills. He is not very short of money, and he has no goals. It is said that he is ready to make a living.

"Aren't you the mysterious man who is engaged to the richest man's daughter?" Wang Linchi joked.

"No." Chu Wen denied it. Although he came here to rob people, he couldn't say it clearly.

"That's a shame, but there's another question. You practice medicine like this every day, do you have a medical qualification certificate?" Wang Linchi asked.

It's a little better now, after all, no one will hold on to it, but that won't be the case in the future.

This made Chu Wen stunned. He really didn't expect this.

"It's not there yet, right? Then go take the exam quickly, otherwise there's nothing you can do if you practice medicine illegally and get blackmailed." Wang Linchi said slowly.

This thing is still very important to the protagonist. Chu Wen just came down the mountain, how could he know these things.

"Well, I will go." He said this, but in fact Chu Wen had no such intention.

He knew that if he robbed someone next, he would definitely offend the local Xun family, a reclusive family. Would he still want to verify it then? I'm afraid it's not difficult to move even an inch.

But he has no regrets.

While the two were chatting, many people came over to chat with Wang Linchi.

No matter how you say it, Wang Linchi is in a high position and has great authority. He is naturally able to deal with them with ease, and his conversational style makes the other party feel like a spring breeze.

But at the end of the conversation, Chu Wen left on his own. Wang Linchi didn't care about the situation very much. He was just preparing to rob someone, so as not to become the center of attention.

The banquet started soon, and many people started giving gifts.

It was originally going to be mainly a birthday party, and then added a charity gala and an engagement announcement.

That's right, it wasn't a real engagement, it was just the time to announce the engagement. Wang Linchi didn't even know why the other party wanted to do this, specifically to give Chu Wen a chance to rob someone?

"You seem to know that poor boy?" A young man came over, handed Wang Linchi a glass of wine, and asked intentionally or unintentionally.

"It's a one-time relationship." Wang Linchi did not drink, but swayed the glass, not paying much attention to this person.

Of course Wang Linchi knew what his identity was. He was a playboy from a reclusive family, and he was also engaged to the daughter of the richest man.

"That's good, stay away from him, because he is going to be unlucky, and be careful of it affecting you." After hearing Wang Linchi say that it was a one-time relationship, the young man also breathed a sigh of relief.

He suspected that Wang Linchi belonged to a higher-level reclusive family. If he helped Chu Wen, his subsequent suppression would be in trouble.

"Are you threatening me?" Wang Linchi stopped moving his hands, with a joking tone in his tone.

The young man's heart tightened, and he couldn't bear the questioning and pressure that was coming at him.

"No, it's just a reminder. After all, it's not worth it for a poor boy." The young man still gave in. He didn't dare to mess around.

"Whoever I'm communicating with, it's not your turn to interfere. As a human being, take care of yourself so as not to bring disaster to yourself and your family." Wang Linchi warned the other party, and after speaking, he turned and left.

The young man's back was wet with cold sweat, and he was muttering in his heart: 'Which family member is this, who can actually have such power...'

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