Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 611 Fate is wonderful

Half an hour after the banquet started, the whole scene was in a mess, with messes all over the floor.

Xun Yi's face was extremely ugly. Just now, when he was about to announce the engagement, Chu Wen intercepted the person who was about to become his fiancée.

This is the second time tonight that this poor boy Chu Wen has slapped him in the face.

The first time was when I was giving a birthday gift. The gift I gave was completely overshadowed by the other party, and even made me look like a clown.

Not only is he a clown now, he also feels like he has a green head.

"Young Master, this boy is already an Dark Force warrior, we must not keep him!" the old man beside him whispered.

"This is impossible, just a poor boy, how can he be an Dark Force warrior..." Xun Yi's face was ashen, he simply couldn't believe this was true.

But he soon calmed down. The dark strength warrior is indeed very powerful and can kill him with one move. However, as a hidden family, it is not that there are no dark strength warriors, not to mention that the ancestor of the Xun family has become a Huajin warrior. Killing this poor boy was just a matter of chance.

The old man next to him is an Anjin warrior, and he has been in Anjin for many years, but has been unable to break through the Huajin.

Finally, he was given the job of housekeeper and bodyguard.

It was precisely because of the old man's presence that he had no problems, otherwise Chu Wen would have killed him on the spot.

"Now that the matter has come to this, let's get rid of this poor boy." Xun Wen showed hatred in his eyes.

"Yes, young master." The old man agreed without hesitation, and then said: "Young master, you should go and deal with the aftermath as soon as possible to avoid anything happening."

"What a mess, let's go." Naturally, Xun Yi and the organizer hated him.

Fortunately, there was no announcement, so he still had a fig leaf on his face. Otherwise, if he waited until after the announcement and then was intercepted, he would be very embarrassed.

However, even if you have a fig leaf, you will inevitably be laughed at.

On the other side, he caught a glimpse of Wang Linchi who was watching the excitement. The other person smiled at him, and Xun Yi could see ridicule and disdain in this smile.

This made him particularly hate Chu Wen, which was already a joke.

In the end I could only leave in shame and anger.

Wang Linchi was a little confused. What was going on with this guy?

How could you have such a weird emotion?

"Forget it, I've finished watching the fun and sent out business cards. It's considered a success."

"Let's go back to sleep." Wang Linchi saw that Chu Wen's special system should be similar to martial arts. It cultivates energy, energy and spirit. Its combat effectiveness is actually not bad. According to Wang Linchi's observation, the opponent can temporarily It can deal with some small thermal weapons, but not many.

Of course, even at this level, you can already fly over the walls.

The spiritual warriors of Dajing in the previous world were only at this level in terms of combat, but the opponent's system should not be as magical and changeable as the spiritual warriors. After all, the spiritual warriors' spiritual methods are more like talents, while the opponent's martial arts are more advanced. The route seems a bit rigid.

If we really want to fight, there won't be much comparison, mainly because the biases are different.

The spiritual warriors are relatively poor in combat, and are more involved in maneuvering and political fighting, while the opponent's warriors have a killing system.

Let a gridman compete with a murderer. What is the competition? Than handling official business or killing people? Neither is the same system.

It's unfair to the killer than to handle official business, and it's unfair to the grid members than to kill people.

The messy things in the hotel quickly calmed down, but Wang Linchi didn't care at all and just left.

On the way back, I changed my conspicuous clothes into the default costume of the game character, and turned off my charm effect to avoid causing trouble.

"Stop, don't move!" came a familiar voice.

Wang Linchi looked back and saw that it was the gang member from this morning who came to rob him.

The other party probably didn't recognize him, otherwise he wouldn't have dared to shout like this.

"Then what?" Wang Linchi replied.

The other party also recognized Wang Linchi's voice and turned around and ran away without hesitation.

I felt regretful in my heart. I never expected that I would meet this evil star when I went out to make extra money at night.

"Try running one more step for me." After Wang Linchi finished speaking, the fleeing figure couldn't help but froze.

For no other reason than because the other party saw Wang Linchi take out a familiar outline from his pocket.

"Come here, or I will randomly open a hole in your body." Wang Linchi shouted.

The other party came back very honestly. He was very self-aware about whether he was faster or the bullet was faster.

"Big...big brother, what's the matter with you?" Li Yang felt that he was simply unlucky to meet him in the morning and again in the evening.

"You work overtime even late at night. I didn't expect you to work so hard."

"The fate between us is really good. We have met each other sooner or later." Wang Linchi joked with him shoulder to shoulder.

Li Yang felt that it would be better if there was no pistol pointing at his heart.

Wang Linchi didn't feel anything before, but now that he thought about it, he probably came here to give him a chance. After all, his luck had improved, so it was normal for him to find an unlucky guy to be a courier to deliver things to him.

"Don't dare, don't dare, there's no chance of fate." Li Yang didn't want to meet Wang Linchi at all.

It stands to reason that Yingzhou City is so big, so he ran to the downtown area, and ended up meeting Wang Linchi.

"It's easy to talk about. If you work overtime at night, I will catch some mistakes."

"Here, hand over all the valuable things you have on you. If you satisfy me, I will let you go."

"If you can't satisfy me..." When Wang Linchi said this, he looked Li Yang up and down.

This made Li Yang feel agitated, fearing that Wang Linchi would do something to him.

"I'll just tear apart a guy like you who weighs more than 100 pounds, and you can still get your money back." Wang Linchi continued.

He didn't quite appreciate the other person's complete appearance. After all, some things together were only worth three thousand yuan a month, but if they were taken apart, the value immediately increased sharply.

"Yes, yes, I have it." Liyang naturally knew what it meant to dismantle it.

If he were treated like this, he would probably be able to travel around the world separately in the future, and maybe live a better life than he does now.

While talking, he quickly took out a small piece of jewelry. It was similar to a bronze vessel and was only about the size of a little finger. From the appearance, it looked a bit like a special tiger.

"This thing is..." Li Yang immediately handed Wang Linchi the thing he grabbed from a street stall at noon. As for the origin, of course it was according to the street stall owner.

In short, as long as you ask, the other party will dare to give you something worth 80,000 yuan.

It doesn't matter if it's true or false, let's fool Wang Linchi first.

Wang Linchi reached out and took the tiger bronze ornament. He looked at it carefully and found that it was indeed genuine. However, neither Li Yang nor the stall owner could tell whether it was genuine or not, so they thought it was fake.

Logically speaking, this thing should have fallen into Chu Wen's hands, but Li Yang bumped into Wang Linchi first, causing this opportunity to be intercepted by Wang Linchi.

"You told me 80,000 yuan for this thing? Even if it costs 8 yuan, I think it's fake." Wang Linchi's pistol was pressed against Li Yang's head this time, waiting to see if anything else could explode.

Liyang also felt bitter. He was just a low-level gang member, so there was nothing valuable.

If I really wanted to, I wouldn't have to work overtime at night or go all the way.

‘When I escape this disaster, I must leave Yingzhou City! ’ Liyang secretly made up his mind.

"It's really gone. It's just a mobile phone that I just stole." Li Yang took out a brand new mobile phone from his pocket with a grimace.

This is what he found by chance on his way here.

Wang Linchi glanced at it, picked it up, looked at it, and then put it in his pocket.

"It's barely enough to save your life. Next time we meet, if you use these things to fool me again, I can remember our friendship, but whether you can remember the gun in your hand depends on your friendship with it. "Wang Linchi put away his gun and gave a warning.

"Yes, yes, I won't dare to fool you next time." Li Yang hurriedly kept his smile, and sighed in his heart: "I went to buy a ticket and leave at night. I want to have a next time, I'm afraid I won't even lose my life." here. ’

There certainly wasn't a trace of it showing on his face.

"That's good, let's go." Wang Linchi said and left.

After the people walked away, Li Yang's legs softened and he sat on the ground.

It was impossible to say that he was not afraid. The gun was pressed against his head, but he had just held on.

"Huh, let's go, we have to leave Yingzhou City!" Li Yang stood up unsteadily and rushed towards the station.

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