Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 614 The miracle doctor’s object customization business

Three months passed, and Yingzhou City was very peaceful. The main reason was that the Xun family had become honest, and the various arrangements originally planned for Chu Wen were also revoked three months ago.

Many people heard the news and said that the Xun family had offended people they shouldn't have offended.

So many people focused on Chu Wen. After all, this was too much of a coincidence.

"Why, didn't you rob someone before, and now you are alone again?" Wang Linchi said jokingly.

Chu Wen paid a formal visit three months later, probably because he had some free time.

The other party quickly rose to prominence after the Xun family contracted. Through his own medical skills and the cooperation of his two fiancées, he quickly established a business.

"They are all busy people, nothing like me." Chu Wen was also relatively relaxed. In fact, he had already guessed that his predicament was solved by the person in front of him.

"Oh, so you came here this time to find a partner, right?" Wang Linchi said after taking a sip of tea.

This made Chu Wen smile bitterly: "How is that possible? I'm here to say thank you. You helped me with my previous affairs."

"It's not my help, it's mainly because that boy from the Xun family didn't have a good eye. He sent someone to follow me and gave him a lesson, so he became more honest." Wang Linchi didn't deny it. When he was showing favor, he denied what he was doing.

"I guessed it was you." After learning who helped, Chu Wen also breathed a sigh of relief. Although the other person was doing it for himself, it was good to get the answer. In fact, he was more worried about some big conspiracy of the Xun family. That's why we stood still.

"So why don't you take care of my business and consider it as repayment." After saying that, Wang Linchi took out a tablet, handed it to the other party, and continued: "Big data blind date, you only need to enter your XP... Yes If the conditions are met, the corresponding candidate in the database can be retrieved.”

Chu Wen was also a little embarrassed. He wanted to say that you had spilled the beans, but he accepted it very honestly.

Open it and take a look. Not to mention, the conditions are densely packed, and you can even choose by yourself.

It looks like a blind date software, but it is actually an artificial human gene customizer. As long as you input it, it can further generate an artificial human blueprint that conforms to Chuwen XP.

After some checking, a figure appeared on the tablet.

"This thing of yours is really easy to use. With the touch screen and the data, hey, there really is a suitable candidate." Chu Wen is still very agile in his mind. Otherwise, he could achieve such a level of medical and martial arts at such a young age. A magical place.

You can say that he is short-sighted or has character problems, but you can never doubt his understanding and learning ability.

"It's just some small tricks. How about it? Let me see." Wang Linchi took the tablet back from the other party's hand and examined it carefully. He found that the other party's aesthetics was still very good.

"You kid, you picked out a beautiful woman as soon as you came here. Come, fill out the form, and I will send your data to the woman later. If everything goes well, I will arrange a meeting for you two tomorrow." Wang Linchi said and took out the A form was handed over.

"Ah? Are you serious? I already have a fiancée." Chu Wen didn't expect that Wang Linchi really planned to introduce him to someone.

"It's okay. Anyway, you already have two, so this one is not enough. If it doesn't work, just treat it as a job to improve my performance. I haven't opened a single order since I started my business." Wang Linchi expressed his bitterness.

Chu Wen really couldn't refuse. Since Wang Linchi had helped him, the worst he could do was go there tomorrow and go through a formality.

Of course, it’s best if the woman doesn’t like his conditions.

The person I introduced was beautiful, but he was not the master of the lower body.

He quickly filled out the form. After Wang Linchi took it, he filled in the data into the tablet.

"If a woman falls in love with you, I will also inform you. It's not too demanding. You just open an order for me and I'll consider it as repayment."

"If I open two orders, you will be my benefactor." Wang Linchi looked confused.

This actually made Chu Wen smile bitterly and say: "Goodbye, your status is extraordinary, why bother to torment me."

"Idle time is idle, just treat it as an exchange of feelings." Wang Linchi had an indifferent expression.

In the end, Chu Wen didn't force him, mainly because he really couldn't afford to offend Wang Linchi. Besides, the other party didn't ask him to do anything treacherous and evil. The other party probably had been holding back for a long time and wanted to prove himself, so he just We can only go with the flow.

After another exchange, Chu Wen felt that the conversation was almost over, so he said goodbye and left.

As soon as he reached the door, he was stopped by Wang Linchi.

"Wait a minute, the woman replied. Let's meet at the coffee shop at No. 75 Nanling Street at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

Wang Linchi's words struck Chu Wen as a mistake and it was not timely.

"You agree now? Can the other party like me with such good conditions?" Chu Wen was a little confused.

"Are you kidding me? You even captured the daughter of the richest man in Yingzhou City." Wang Linchi complained, and Chu Wen's understanding of his numbers fluctuated a bit.

"Remember not to be late." Wang Linchi warned.

Chu Wen was very helpless for a moment and could only nod: "Okay, I will definitely arrive tomorrow."

"If nothing happens, I will go back and prepare." Chu Wen just wanted to leave as soon as possible.

The purpose of his coming here was to reminisce and express gratitude, but he ended up going on a blind date tomorrow in such a confused way, and he also had two fiancées. He didn't know how to explain it when he went back.

It was said that Wang Linchi forced the button. If you have any questions, come to Wang Linchi.

This was fine, but he was afraid that if those two came looking for him, he would be in trouble.

It's not difficult to deal with a blind date. You can just sit down and have a cup of coffee and say it's not suitable.

"Go slowly and don't see him off." Wang Linchi naturally knew what Chu Wen was thinking, but the artificial human he created had extraordinary charisma, possessing a series of passive features such as charming humans and improving temperament, plus conversation, image, etc. They were all top-notch, and Wang Linchi didn't believe that the other party could not take the bait.

This was his first order, how could it fail.

After this successful experience, he will be able to chain Hejiahuan dating agencies throughout the country.

As for foreign countries, forget about that. Most of the protagonists are in the Kingdom of Xing. Even if there are some overseas, they are characters such as the King of Soldiers who have not returned from their missions. They will come back sooner or later.

Therefore, the foreign market is really not good.

After sending Chu Wen away, Wang Linchi took out the book of records. As the book solidified, countless words were flying in it.

"The next step is to have a legal identity and corresponding experience."

Wang Linchi can tamper with history, so if you want to register, you don't need to bother at all, just make simple changes.

"The first payment, I hope I can make it back from Chu Wen, don't let me lose money..."

Different words fell on the book of records, and history began to change slightly.

His behavior is not like Bai Xuan, which will have a huge impact on history, because he only made minor changes, it is more like inserting a brand new data, and this data is still illusory, not real.

This means that the other party does indeed exist, but it has no influence, just like a person who only has records but no entity.

This is normal, because the entity has not yet developed. Wang Linchi just sent a message to the artificial intelligence in the underground base to prepare the artificial human.

The current artificial man is still in an embryonic state, and if he wants to fully develop, he has to wait until twelve o'clock in the evening for complete development.

The rest of the time is naturally about implanting the personality model, instilling memory, common sense, and some other things.

The overall difficulty is not great, but it takes a little longer, and the development time cannot be shortened. The implantation of the model and the infusion of inheritance need to consider the acceptance data of the artificial human.

So it has to be at least until tomorrow.

"Done." Wang Linchi looked at the information about the artificial man recorded in the book of records. There was no need to worry about the artificial man's betrayal. Everything about the other party was recorded in it and was directly controlled by Wang Linchi as a resource tool.

There is no need to worry about Wang Linchi playing NTR, he has long since given up these desires.

"Birth certificate, ID card, graduation certificate, real estate certificate..." Wang Linchi extracted various certificates of the artificial human bit by bit, and then used technology to make them old.

"The next step is to prepare physical things, such as cars, houses, and household items."

It's not that easy to forge everything about a person, especially since Wang Linchi used false data to modify history. So in theory, artificial humans have these things, but in fact they don't, and Wang Linchi needs to buy them.

Otherwise, if real data is used, it will have the same impact on history as Bai Xuan did.

"Just think of it as a dowry." Wang Linchi didn't value these entities. For him, they were all simple things.

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