Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 615 Randomly select another protagonist to cause harm

Chu Wen's order was finally completed, and everything went smoothly. The artificial man successfully sneaked into the harem of the genius doctor. Because the structure was realistic and in line with Chu Wen's XP, his status quickly began to rise.

Wang Linchi also received his first income from Chu Wen.

There is a very serious problem now, that is, Wang Linchi doesn't know what the income is.

"The golden light is a bit strange." Wang Linchi looked at the golden light in his hand that was as big as a grain of rice. It had no entity, just an illusory projection.

If you look carefully, you can't tell what the purpose of this thing is, just like the sticker.

Of course, it is definitely not a sticker. If he had to calculate it, Wang Linchi thinks it should be a check. Before it is cashed, it is just a piece of paper. However, this piece of paper has financial value. The disadvantage is that Wang Linchi cannot get this value. Because he didn't know where to cash it.

"Although I don't know what it is yet, there is a high probability that this thing has something to do with the fact that the world can still make money by cultivating so many protagonists."

What is the principle? Wang Linchi has just obtained it. After checking a lot, he didn't find much substantial findings.

"Is it because the protagonist Chu Wen hasn't matured yet?"

Wang Linchi suddenly thought of this, so this is the illusory golden light. Under normal circumstances, there should be something inside. Otherwise, it is impossible to just give something with nothing.

So Wang Linchi got it early and got nothing.

"No matter, since people have been put in anyway, you don't have to worry about too many problems." Wang Linchi knew that this kind of thing should not be rushed. After all, the plot of Chu Wen, the peerless miracle doctor, had just begun.

In fact, there is a good way, that is, disguise yourself as the protagonist, and experience first-hand the world's investment, operation, and profit-making process for the protagonist, and then you will be able to directly grasp the entire process.

However, it is unclear whether this system is harmful, so Wang Linchi can only wait and see for the time being.

Otherwise, what if he really stabs his head in and sells himself out?

"Since Chu Wen can't be impatient, let's change the protagonist. By the way, we can also try to induce the intersection of the two protagonists."

Chu Wen must not be able to move. As a new born leek in the world, the growth process is very useful for Wang Linchi. Once he finds out the opponent's data, he can use it to harvest other protagonists simultaneously.

Because this world has no end, Wang Linchi guessed that the protagonist’s responsibility is to serve as some kind of leek for the world.

Open the map, and a colorful area tile comes into view.

Wang Linchi divided the territories occupied by the protagonists in this world on the map, and divided them into categories by different colors, and the colors from dark to light divided the years of the protagonist's existence.

"The aspect of artificial humans does not apply to all protagonists. Some protagonists are one-on-one, some protagonists are ambiguous stock traders, and some protagonists are directly abstinent."

"So the person I choose should be a harem stallion type."

"This kind of meeting a protagonist who never misses a girl is the goal I choose."

Naturally, Wang Linchi would not choose to challenge a difficult difficulty.

Basically, don't expect to succeed in poaching one-on-one, and even less so in ambiguous stock trading. People only want to watch, never get started, and cannot use the full power of artificial humans.

Forget it if you are abstinent, since the other person has no desire and is strong, so it is of no use to the artificial person.

You need to choose the right customer group so that you can maximize your advantages.

"If there is such a stall, the number of people is actually not that big." Wang Linchi took a look and saw that there didn't seem to be many harem stallions.

The Dragon King's son-in-law is still a housewife, so the plot has not yet begun. Even if he gives the other party a daughter, the other party will not want her. The plot will not officially begin until he is kicked out of the house after the divorce.

The new generation of Shura Soldier King is still working hard abroad, and his reputation has just emerged. Even if he is a harem stallion type, it will not officially start until he comes back, and the people he comes into contact with are all either princesses of a certain country or the apple of a big power's eye, Wang Linchi The artificial humans are not yet up to such a high status.

The older generation of military kings have retired and now live in seclusion in the mountains with their beauties. Because of old age and frailty, the harem can barely cope with it. In addition, after the plot, the harem are all as smart as ghosts. You can't even get in, and even if you get in, you can't fight the opponent.

Therefore, there are really only a few protagonists who can meet Wang Linchi's options.

In his eyes, more than five hundred protagonists are indeed a lot, but in fact they are not many.

But if there were a little more, the bottom class would really not be able to bear it.

Thinking about these protagonists, millions of billions of funds were thrown at them casually, and all of them were liquid funds. Under the random disasters, the Xingguo was able to ensure that the entire economic system was still running. In fact, it was already very powerful.

Just like not long ago, the boss lit a nuclear bomb as a fireworks to cheer up. This was already considered a small operation, and more high blood pressure problems existed.

"Actually, the most profitable one is to choose the one-on-one one. It's a pity that all these pits have been taken." Wang Linchi sighed. It's not that he didn't want to choose this way, but that there was no such suitable pit at all. Five hundred How can it be so simple for multiple people?

"Then let's go to Xingyuan City. The protagonist keeps jumping between Bai Yueguang and his childhood sweetheart. He also has an affair with the pretty widow and the pretty landlord. Plus some..."

After Wang Linchi took stock of the protagonist of this business wizard, he felt that this was feasible.

The opponent has reached the mid-term stage and has risen to prominence. He is considered a moderate entrepreneur in Xingyuan City. The next step should be to start attacking the richest man in Xingyuan City.

There is no need to worry about them leaving. According to Wang Linchi's observation, all protagonists will only stay within their own area, that is, a certain city, and rarely leave their own area, unless they are soldiers, mercenaries, etc. , occasionally go out to meet old lovers or deal with some old enemies.

Otherwise, most of them operate on their own one-third of an acre of land, and each one has its own niche.

As for polygamy and polyandry, the people at the bottom are indeed monogamous, but the protagonist's class is definitely different. Even in a world where warriors, cultivators, and people with supernatural powers exist, Wang Linchi does not need to worry about these.

It makes no sense to tell a group of people who can ascend and ignore thermal weapons.

People are trying to live with you. If they don't blow up your house because of fighting or harm the whole city on your birthday, it's already a great blessing. You actually want to interfere with other people's private lives. You're not courting death. I found it this way.

"The other party is an entrepreneur, and it seems a bit troublesome to contact him."

"And more importantly, the harems around the opponent are all bad. Can I, the artificial human, be able to fight against the opponent if I send them there?"

Wang Linchi felt that in front of this kind of people, it seemed a bit unsatisfactory to rely solely on figure and character. Ability and family background were also needed.

As for killing him or scheming to alienate the business prodigy from his harem, I'm afraid that's impossible. He's a cool writer, so it's impossible for such a thing to happen.

Doing this will only be self-defeating. There are many protagonists in this world, but it does not mean that their destiny and luck are incomplete or of poor quality. This world already has a mature system, and it is impossible for this kind of thing to happen. It has the complete fate of the protagonist.

Unless Wang Linchi takes action himself or lets the protagonists such as Yama Ping Wang and Ye Tian take action, there is no way he can get anything out of artificial humans alone.

It's not like traveling through books or having a system that can target the protagonist. Non-protagonists are unable to fight against the protagonist.

As for being able to defy the odds, just shout slogans. There are really a few who can defy the odds and succeed. You are all in the world, relying on the systems developed in the world, and using the resources produced by the world. , and then still want to rebel against the world, I’m afraid it’s not just a whim.

Therefore, Wang Linchi has never shouted this sentence, firstly because he himself is also in the ranks of heaven, and secondly, he also understands that without external help, going against heaven is a joke.

Most of the time, he goes with the flow, just like arranging androids as a harem for a protagonist with harem stallion tendencies, so as to seize the opponent's resources, instead of stepping on the opponent directly, which will be counterattacked. of.

Wang Linchi has been a protagonist before and knows that when trouble comes, it will bring some opportunities.

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