Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 616 I chose you as the career-oriented protagonist.

"Cooperation with New Energy Heavy Industry Group?" Sun Rui looked at the letter of intent for cooperation in his hand with a puzzled expression, and began to think about what kind of company New Energy Heavy Industry Group was.

Relying on his unique numbers that allow him to see the rate of return, he started from scratch and has gone through a lot of things. Now he has finally established a firm foothold in Xingyuan City. All he needs to do next is to work steadily.

And today, in the letter of intent for cooperation he received, it was 100%~? ? ? The rate of return shows that you can definitely make money, but the upper limit is not clear. You may only be able to make a guaranteed profit, or you may make more profits than your net worth.

What he gets can only be achieved by himself.

Looking through the letter of intent for cooperation, I really can't remember what kind of company this new energy heavy industry group is.

However, it can be seen from the name that it should belong to the energy and real industries.

"Other cities come to Xingyuan City to develop new businesses, but they do so by cooperating with local companies."

Cooperation must be cooperation, this is a business with a minimum return rate of 100%, but Sun Rui is more confused as to why he chose his own company.

Although my company is of potential type, it should not fall into the eyes of such a large group.

The potential type means that the development prospect may be good, but the actual strength is temporarily insufficient, and if the potential is not realized, it is normal to be killed midway.

There are companies that are stronger than him in Xingyuan City.

"Qing'er, what's the status of this letter of intent?" Sun Rui asked?

Yin Qing'er was his childhood sweetheart. After graduation, she joined his company and became his secretary. She lived a life of doing things and doing things for others. Apart from these things, she also worked with people such as Sun Rui's Bai Yueguang and Qiao Widow. A day of fighting.

The other party glanced at it and then said, "I'm not sure. It was just sent over this morning. Is there something wrong with it?"

"No problem, just go and get in touch, make an appointment at a time and place, and talk about cooperation." Sun Rui was not serious when he was working, but in private, that was another matter.

"I understand, let's do it right away." Yin Qing'er took the letter of intent for cooperation and then contacted the other party.

This was her job.

In just five minutes, Yin Qing'er came back.

"The other party said they would arrive at the company in an hour. Will there be any problems so soon?" Yin Qing'er instinctively doubted.

For example, liars and the like. Otherwise, if they can be so active, they are still a big group, not like they are just a medium-sized company.

Logically speaking, it was them who went to see each other, not the other party's doorstep. What was more important was that the other party was so active.

"There is a possibility. Then go make arrangements first and collect information about the New Energy Heavy Industry Group." Although Sun Rui saw the rate of return, the other party's behavior was indeed abnormal.

Therefore, he suspected that something might have happened within the New Energy Heavy Industry Group, and this was why his highest return rate was a question mark.

Without the opportunity of internal problems, Sun Rui doesn't think he can really tear off a large piece of flesh from a large group.

After reaching his current position, he naturally knows the importance of opportunities.

"Don't you need to be more cautious?" Yin Qing'er was stunned. She didn't expect Sun Rui to be so decisive.

"People are coming, let's take a look first and then talk." Naturally, it is impossible for Sun Rui to say that he can see the rate of return, and this is a business that is guaranteed to make money without losing money.

"If it turns out to be true, we will make a lot of money."

"As for fake ones, it's easy to tell."

Since Sun Rui said so, Yin Qing'er didn't continue to say anything and went to the conference room to prepare.

Sun Rui was not idle either, but began to prepare his company's information.

Since you are doing business and the other party is a customer, you must make corresponding preparations, such as introducing your company's advantages, otherwise why would the other party choose your company?

What he sees is the rate of return. If he fails to seize this opportunity and ultimately fails to negotiate a cooperation, then it is not a problem of the rate of return, but his own problem.

The rate of return capability is also limited, and what you see is not the success rate.

It's like robbing a bank. The rate of return is directly high, but whether the robbery is successful or whether you will go to jail later has nothing to do with the rate of return.

An hour passed in a blink of an eye, but Sun Rui was not nervous at all. He had made all the preparations. As for whether it would succeed, he could only say that he would leave it to fate.

A commercial vehicle soon stopped at the door of their company. Sun Rui looked at the license plate and recognized that it was a person from the New Energy Heavy Industry Group who came to negotiate.

When communicating via mobile phone before, I mentioned the license plate.

When he opened the door, the person who came down was beyond Sun Rui's expectation. He thought he was a sophisticated middle-aged man, but it turned out to be a woman whose appearance and figure were exactly what he liked. His eyes widened when he saw her. .

"Hello, this is Mr. Sun." The other party walked over with a step that made him feel scared, and stretched out his hand.

Sun Rui immediately restrained his eyes and immediately went to shake hands: "Hello, I'm Sun Rui, please."

With that said, he led the woman towards the company conference room.

Yin Qing'er on the side was a little disgusted when she saw this scene. She naturally saw the change in Sun Rui's eyes, but due to her identity and the upcoming cooperation, she restrained herself. Otherwise, she would have been there now. The conversation started.

"Mr. Sun is really young and promising. He can build such a big foundation at such a young age and start from scratch. It's really remarkable." After entering the conference room, the woman deliberately walked over and said this.

The unique charm coupled with this ambiguous atmosphere made Sun Rui feel a little numb.

Fortunately, Yin Qing'er arrived in time and stopped the next behavior.

Then the discussion started, and the original ambiguity suddenly disappeared and turned into a verbal battle.

But the more this happens, the more Sun Rui appreciates the other person. There is no vase, but he is capable and happens to be in his aesthetic point. This is not easy.

The discussion lasted for nearly five hours, and the cooperation was finally finalized.

Sun Rui was also extremely excited. He didn't expect to be able to negotiate such a large deal. Once successful, his company would definitely be able to make further progress in Xingyuan City.

"So, Mr. Sun, I wish us a happy cooperation." the android said with a charming eye.

As soon as she recovered, Yin Qing'er's face darkened. How could she have two faces?

When we were talking about cooperation and now, we were completely different people.

In fact, this is indeed the case. He is not a person in the first place, but a composite personality model, specially designed to target Sun Rui.

"Of course, then I'll see Director Yang off." Sun Rui stood up quickly.

He knew that he couldn't rush, and the time was not right now. He didn't see that the childhood sweetheart beside him had a dark face and was about to kill him.

Fortunately, this time it was cooperation, otherwise he would really have no peace.

After sending the artificial man to the door of the company, the artificial man deliberately provoked: "Then we will see you tomorrow."

"Ah? See you tomorrow?" Sun Rui was a little confused.

"The cooperation has been negotiated. I will stay in Xingyuan City to communicate with Mr. Sun until the cooperation is over." The artificial man said, and then planned to be ambiguous: "What? Mr. Sun is not willing?"

"Yes, of course I do." Sun Rui was naturally happy.

"So we'll see you tomorrow~" After saying that, the android got in the car and left.

"Fuxingzi~" Yin Qing'er cursed after the car was gone, and then stared at Sun Rui: "I tell you, you can't see this vixen alone!"

"Yes, yes, I know." Sun Rui said with a wry smile. Fortunately, the prospects for this cooperation were so great that even Yin Qing'er had to swallow his anger.

The main reason is that the other party is very generous, and the preliminary cooperation intention payment has been received, a total of 100 million, and subsequent cooperation will continue to follow up.

However, Yin Qing'er, through a woman's intuition, determined at a glance that the other party was evil. If there was not enough protection, something might happen next.

As for the possibility that the other party is plotting Sun Rui's industry, it is unlikely. After all, his company's market value is not even 100 million, so they generously used 100 million to pave the way, which shows that their company is just a pawn.

"Go and notify everyone of the meeting. This should be our biggest cooperation this year. If it succeeds, the company can go public directly!" Sun Rui put away his bitter smile with a serious tone. Live when you should live and work when you should work. He never mixes life and work.

"I'll go right away." Yin Qinger did not continue to pester at this time, but focused on work.

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