Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 617 Golden gaseous state, the second stage of the world’s original substance

The cooperation between the famous New Energy Heavy Industry Group and the protagonist Sun Rui began in full swing. With the cooperation of the artificial man, Sun Rui naturally got together with the other party as expected, and successfully promoted from the female supporting role to the female protagonist. And began to fight with other heroines.

The current cooperation is also very smooth, all thanks to Wang Linchi's krypton gold.

But there was a reward, a ball of solidified golden gas in his hand.

If the checks produced by Chu Wen could only be cashed at the bank, they were checks without money, and this ball of golden gas was banknotes that could be used directly.

It's just that this banknote is of a small denomination, not even a dollar, and can only be regarded as a penny at most.

Probably because of Sun Rui's own nature and his immaturity.

The protagonist Sun Rui belongs to the third level, which is the type of protagonist that does not involve extraordinary beings.

The other party does have a golden finger that can see the rate of return. However, the golden finger is not that extraordinary, and the effect is relatively limited. Only the business rate of return can be seen, and other aspects cannot be seen.

Therefore, Sun Rui was restricted to starting a company.

Compared to Chu Wen who involves the extraordinary, the other party's priority should be of a relatively low type.

Fortunately, the priority was low, and Wang Linchi was relatively easy to handle. The opponent simply couldn't resist the charisma of the artificial man, so he fell at first sight.

And the time for Wang Linchi to benefit from the other party was much shorter than that of Chu Wen.

"What is certain at present is that golden light will be divided into different quality levels according to different forms."

"A projection that can only be seen but not touched is the lowest level, and there is no profit in it."

"The next level should be in the gaseous state, which is of small denomination and the lowest value."

"Then the question is, what is the use of this thing?"

Wang Linchi further analyzed it and could see that this thing should be similar to some kind of origin. At first he thought it was destiny or luck, but after testing, it was not these two things, but it had a small part of a similar structure.

"If an ordinary person has this golden gas state, he will be favored by the world, and his luck may not improve, but someone will come to help at the critical moment." Wang Linchi found out the golden gas based on a small part of the similar structure. Partial efficacy.

"This function should be inseparable from the ability to turn misfortune into good fortune and turn adversity into good fortune in destiny and luck."

"The question is, can ordinary people really get this thing?" Wang Linchi thought about this.

If it were the protagonist, it would still be possible, forget about ordinary people.

The ordinary people Wang Linchi talks about refer to all living beings, not like a certain ancestor or a certain great power.

"Positioning is a high-end product, does that mean it is exclusively for the world?"

"Once the protagonist matures, the golden origin substance in their body will be recycled by the world as a benefit. This is the world's income, and it is also the reason why the world can mass-produce so many protagonists."

Since the protagonist is a leek, it must be harvested, and it can be harvested multiple times.

"I understand the entire harvesting system, but there is one thing I don't understand, and that is the conversion rate issue."

Wang Linchi understands one thing, that is, this golden source material will not be born out of thin air. Even if there is circulation inside, even if there is no loss, it cannot be created from scratch.

If this world has this ability, it doesn’t need a protagonist. It can be produced by itself.

Leeks also need a leek field. Even hydroponic leeks need nutrients. So where do these nutrients come from?

Therefore, Wang Linchi needs to find the most upstream of the supply chain to master the foundation of this harvesting system.

How to find this is indeed a difficult task. There is indeed no corresponding data for the two protagonists Chu Wen and Sun Rui he monitored.

"So we need some variables to help." The variable Wang Linchi can think of is actually very simple, which is the intersection of the two protagonists.

Otherwise, the development trajectories of all protagonists have been restricted. They will not go astray or deviate from their own framework. The possibility of being uprooted from the leek field is far higher than the possibility of being transplanted back to the leek field. big.

The protagonist here is indeed a bit worthless, especially a protagonist that does not involve extraordinary beings.

When Wang Linchi chose Sun Rui, he was not only interested in him as a harem stud, but more importantly, in his geographical location, there was a protagonist of the same type. Next, he only needed a little trick to guide the two The protagonists meet.

Of course, the intersection was conducted by artificial humans.

In fact, there is one difference, that is, the protagonist next to Sun Rui is a woman and a female CEO.

The situation of making a fortune is a little bit special, that is, the other party claims to rely on themselves, but in fact they all rely on men, claiming that there is something wrong with it.

For example, if you open a company and mess up after taking over the cooperation, you can only rely on the help of licking dogs to solve the problem.

In essence, the main line is the romance between the heroine and the hero. Unlike Sun Rui, who is very rational in business and never involves love.

Moreover, this female CEO mostly relies on luck. For example, if a certain project is about to fail, the old lady who helped her when crossing the road in the morning happened to be a big help.

There are countless such situations. In addition to being unstable, he can be regarded as a smaller Wang Linchi.

After all, Wang Linchi's luck was very stable. Accidents, troubles and the like were kept out, so they couldn't be bad at all.

"The two of them must not understand each other, so they have to go over to the New Energy Heavy Industry Group to help."

"The artificial man must also create a male, otherwise he won't even have a stir-up, and he will act as a licking male lead." Wang Linchi actually wants to have a male lead, and have sex with the female CEO.

But the problem is that when the male lead is already in place, and it's a one-on-one situation, it's really difficult to pry a corner.

So I can only choose the second male lead who licks the dog.

"But the second male lead who licks dogs still seems a bit inadequate..."

According to his investigation, the female lead may not be very good, while the male lead is also a love brain, but he is indeed very capable. The female lead's company is still standing today, thanks to the help of the male lead, otherwise it would have died long ago.

"So we need a vicious female lead to help. Only by cooperating internally and externally can we control the direction."

Wang Linchi just thought about it and always felt like he was adding to the other person's romance line.

This inexplicable sense of déjà vu made him think that he was the mastermind behind the scenes. If he was discovered, he would not be facing a protagonist, but a group of protagonists.

Fortunately, this group of protagonists is a mess, and there are only a few protagonists with extraordinary abilities. There is no need to worry about being beaten to death on the way home one day.

Moreover, he has a good relationship with Chu Wen, so he has a friend of the protagonist.

"First try an indirect fight between the protagonists. If there are no problems, then come to a big one."

There are also aristocratic families and secret organizations in their respective areas where Sun Rui and the female CEO next door are located. The only difference is that because the protagonist does not have any extraordinary abilities, these two types of forces are also forced to interfere. They only I can play with myself at home.

In fact, Wang Linchi felt that it wasn't that they didn't want to interfere, but that they were recovering. After all, they were run over by the previous protagonist with extraordinary power, and they couldn't even reach out.

When they recover, a new protagonist with extraordinary power will appear.

Therefore, when these forces will regain the power to interfere in their cities depends on when the protagonist with extraordinary abilities is born.

For the protagonist of leeks, this kind of force is like fertilizer. There is no reason to start fertilizing the leeks before they are planted. What if the fertilizer is applied in advance and other varieties of leeks are burned to death?

"In terms of order, among the worlds I have experienced, this world is the most rigorous."

I can't say it's strict, but it's very organized. Overall, you don't have to worry about any bugs. Even if there are any, they will probably be repaired as soon as possible.

And it also has high-end combat power. Unlike the previous game world, the energy level is high, but most of the combat power is isolated in the underground world.

Various systems flourish here to serve as a defensive force, and there may even be some transactions with other worlds. This gave birth to the Ascension of Cultivators and the Shattering Void of Warriors.

By trading the protagonist who has drained all the value, you can also obtain a sum of resources.

Even Wang Linchi speculated that the world may have the services of time travelers, which can be sold to other worlds as mercenaries or helpers.

Mainly due to these methods, coupled with the golden source substance that is suspected of being currency, it is difficult for him not to think so.

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