Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 618 Let’s fight! Fight!

"Aimeng Huagui Company? I remember this is a company in Liusu City next door. It is much larger than us." Sun Rui frowned.

This morning, he discovered that one of his company's businesses seemed to have been destroyed by a company in the next city. The two parties had always been in harmony with each other, and the company's main business direction was also different.

The other party is a cosmetics company and belongs to the luxury goods industry.

As for him, he prefers the real industry. The two sides are not in the same track at all, so why did a conflict suddenly arise.

The artificial man smiled: "Mr. Sun has no conflict with the Aimeng Huagui Company, but our New Energy Heavy Industry Group has opponents who can support people to suppress our partners."

"That's true, but we can't be close to each other." Sun Rui was not stupid, and he immediately saw the problem, that is, there was no communication between the two parties at all.

"The other party did it on purpose. It has nothing to do with being out of touch." The artificial man continued to provoke.

When Sun Rui heard this, he actually agreed. Otherwise, how could he have been successfully destroyed by the other party.

After thinking about it carefully, I also discovered a problem: "If this is really the case, there will be a big problem."

First of all, the main business directions of the two parties are different, which leads to different tracks. The result is that the circles are also different, so they simply do not have enough ways to retaliate.

The second is the industrial issue. Their industry is only in Xingyuan City and does not involve Liusu City. If they want to reach out and retaliate, they will not be able to do so.

"It's better to wait and see for the time being and wait for the follow-up." Sun Rui thought for a while and finally decided to wait. The current situation is unclear and it is not suitable to break up with the opponent directly. Besides, even if there is a breakup, there is no way to fight the enemy.

You can't let them make cosmetics. They don't have experience at all. If they really do it, they will easily die.

"Of course there is no problem, but Mr. Sun, you have to be clear about one thing." The artificial man suppressed the charm on his face and said seriously: "The contract signed between our group and your company has performance indicators. If it is damaged for too long, If the indicators fail to meet the standards for the first time, the group has the right to divest."

"If it's too serious, I can ask you for compensation, which is not a small amount of money."

Sun Rui naturally knew these terms, so he nodded: "I understand this."

"No, Mr. Sun, you don't understand." The android dispersed solemnly, showing a hint of cunning.

"What?" Sun Rui didn't understand what the artificial man meant.

"If you can find out that the reason why Aimeng Huagui Company destroyed this business is against our group, then our group will further support you and let you go to the arena with Aimeng Huagui Company. If you lose, we will cover it, and if you win, we will make additional investment. .”

"After all, being able to defeat the hostile group's targeting arrangements shows that Mr. Sun's ability is enough for us to further cooperate."

Sun Rui was a little confused by the artificial man's words. What was this? Do you have to let him go against the cosmetics company in the next city?

He would like to, but there is no way or channel.

"You can sign the contract!"

"As long as it can be confirmed, the group will provide corresponding resource support." The artificial man added.

As soon as these words came out, Sun Rui's eyes lit up. Look, what is atmosphere? This is atmosphere!

Just thinking about it again, he discovered a pitfall, that is, he had to prove that Aimenghuagui Company was supporting the group's enemies in targeting him, and not just Aimenghuagui Company deliberately targeting him.

Collecting evidence is not a simple matter at all.

In particular, he is not very clear about how much evidence New Energy Heavy Industry Group needs. Otherwise, if he jumps into the pit and the other party refuses to admit it, then the problem will be huge and he will not be able to get out of the pit. .

His company cannot withstand such a big impact.

"This matter can only be slowed down. The risk is too great." Although Sun Rui was moved, he still had some sense. He didn't want to lose his huge family fortune like this.

From here, he also saw how wealthy New Energy Heavy Industry was. In order to defeat the enemy, he was actually willing to invest more in himself, and even gave up the money if he lost.

"Yes, I don't force it, but I will report it truthfully if the performance indicators decline in the subsequent evaluation." The artificial man looked businesslike.

"There's no problem with this." Although Sun Rui had successfully gotten rid of the 'director' sent by the group, he was still very serious about his work, and then asked: "If evidence is collected, what evidence is needed to pass the review? "

"The evidence that passes the review is actually not as difficult as you might imagine. The simplest point is to destroy the cooperation projects between the group and the company more than three times."

"Of course, it's okay if you can have more direct evidence. For example, Aimeng Huagui, like Mr. Sun, accepted investment." The artificial man said casually. It doesn't matter what the evidence is. Anyway, as long as it is handed in, it will definitely pass.

Sun Rui is thinking carefully. Compared with destroying three cooperation projects, accepting investment is easier to detect because it needs to be disclosed.

Even if the investor's situation is hidden, but a large amount of money is put into the account, as long as Sun Rui is not blind, he can see that there is something wrong.

"If Mr. Sun is free, it would be best to arrange for someone to go to Liusu City to check the disclosure status of Aimenghuagui Company. If there is any capital injection, it can be handed over to the group as evidence."

"As long as you show your willingness to accept support and compete with Aimenghuagui Company, the group will provide corresponding help and assistance as soon as possible." The artificial man continued to encourage.

The reason why I went to Liusu City to inquire was naturally because the place where the announcement was made was in Liusu City.

At this stage, the Internet is not developed, many documents are in paper form, and the informatization is incomplete, so this is the only way to do it.

Sun Rui nodded, picked up the internal phone on his desk and dialed: "Old Liu, come up here."

Soon, a middle-aged man came to the office and asked: "Mr. Sun, what's the matter?"

"Put the project on hand aside for a while and go to Liusu City to check..." Sun Rui asked this old employee who made his fortune with him to check.

In fact, he is not a random person. The business that was destroyed by Aimeng Huagui was originally the business of this old employee, so it was naturally his in advance.

Therefore, the actual interests of the other party are lost, and it is safest to let the other party pass.

After listening to Sun Rui's explanation, the old employee also looked unhappy. He thought it was an accident, but he didn't expect that his business was artificially destroyed.

"Okay, I'll book the tickets right away." Lao Liu agreed without hesitation.

If you go to the next city, you have to take a long-distance bus. Subways and high-speed trains have not yet become popular in this era. Most business trips are done by bus, train, or plane. As for private cars, forget about this. Sun Rui's company Not a big group.

It is impossible to say that each person has one car.

"Go back quickly." Sun Rui also told him.

Old Liu nodded and then left the office, preparing to go back and pack his things.

This is considered a business trip. If you can book a ticket today, you have to leave tomorrow, and you won't be able to come back tomorrow. At the earliest, it will be the day after tomorrow. If you can't book a ticket or the flight is a little worse, the time to come back will be even longer. Night.

"I hope there will be some results, but if we really want to compete with Aimeng Huagui, there is nothing we can do."

After the person left, Sun Rui opened his mouth and complained to the artificial person. His main purpose was the follow-up investment of the New Energy Heavy Industry Group.

He is still quite resistant to competing with Aimeng Huagui Company. He doesn't know whether it's because he is in a different industry than his counterpart or because the other company is more powerful than him.

"You can try to transform or open up new business directions." The artificial man sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, looking like he didn't care about the situation, and then said: "If the money is in place and the technology is in place, there is nothing that can't be done."

Sun Rui looked straight at it, but he was thinking about the idea of ​​artificial humans. He had thought about opening up new business directions, but he just didn't have the chance.

If it's suitable this time, I can give it a try.

When it comes to making money, the more the better, and it just so happened that this time someone got the scoop, which was a godsend.

As for offending Aimenghuagui Company? Sun Rui didn't care. The other party had already attacked him first. How could he endure it?

Before, I tolerated it because I had no money, but now I cannot tolerate it because I have money.

"Aren't the groups afraid of losing money in the end if they spend so much money?" Sun Rui asked tentatively.

"This amount of money is just a drop in the bucket for the group." The artificial man cooperated with the other party's gaze and spoke indifferently.

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