Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 620: Seizing luck and inheriting it, a way to gain profit behind the scenes

The battle between Hsingyuan City and Liusu City finally came to an end after seven months.

The winner is Sun Rui from Xingyuan City. The reason for victory is that the other party has the ability to see the rate of return and is a career-oriented protagonist. The heroine from Liusu City is more inclined to romance in terms of genre positioning. similar, and his own abilities are mainly based on luck.

However, luck was directly affected in the struggle for luck, which made her originally invincible noble help directly ineffective.

The final outcome was that Aimenghuagui Company went bankrupt, and after the female protagonist lost her destiny and luck, she naturally fell into the clouds. The male lead's love brain disappeared, taking away everything in the company, and setting up her own business, taking everything in the company with her. Networks and clients start over.

After the people around her lost the halo of the heroine, they immediately discovered that the other party was just a pretentious and double-standard person. In addition, due to the snobbish nature of the relationship, they all wished to stay away from her.

Wang Linchi didn't care too much about what happened next.

If Sun Rui loses, he will also end up like this.

The most basic thing is betrayal and separation. If he wasn't the protagonist, how could he be surrounded by so many women, and all of them are in love and would only fight for him and be jealous?

Moreover, the opponent's ability to see the rate of return will also be disabled. Without this ability, he will be unable to make a comeback even if he wants to.

His current achievements depend on this rate of return. Otherwise, how could he find the opportunity? It is not that easy for an ordinary person to ride on the wind.

Wang Linchi does not deny that both protagonists are capable. However, being capable does not mean that they can rise. They must have opportunities.

There are many thousand-mile horses, but without Bole's knowledge they are just ordinary horses.

"The competition for luck is over. There was a chance to win, but it's a pity that the loss depends on the type of ability." Wang Linchi sighed. In terms of strength, Aimeng Huagui Company is far better than Sun Rui's company. It's a pity that the other party relies on The ability of love brain and luck, only the former takes effect when competing for luck.

Otherwise, Sun Rui will most likely lose.

If the opponent's abilities are complete and a large number of noble people will help him due to good luck, Sun Rui's rate of return will be heavily pursued and intercepted, and it will not be that easy to find a breakthrough.

“The world is starting to restrict.”

Wang Linchi suddenly discovered that Sun Rui was forcibly bound to Xingyuan City when he was the winner of the competition to accommodate the loser's destiny and expand.

Otherwise, according to common sense, Liusu City will also be included in the scope of his destiny, and then affect the protagonists in the surrounding cities.

Of course the world didn't allow it, so it forcibly restricted Sun Rui's destiny, causing him to expand and influence the surroundings only within Xingyuan City.

It's not without its benefits. His destiny and luck have been inherited from the heroine's abilities in Tassel City, giving him good luck and a love brain aura.

This makes him, a career-oriented protagonist, add a romantic route, which is equivalent to swallowing and merging.

"This competition for luck..." Wang Linchi's eyes widened after reading the results. This was simply too awesome.

"If I fight for it, wouldn't it be able to add various effects to my luck?"

Wang Linchi's luck has no other effect, only good luck, and his good luck is not like the heroine of Liusu City, who is designated to help noble people.

As for those he collected, such as King Yama, Ye Tian, ​​and Bai Xuan, although they are the protagonists, like Wang Linchi, they have become the protagonists of the blank slate, just like King Yama, without the related auras of intelligence, hatred, etc. Ye Tian also lost the advantage of being a reborn person.

The main reason is that Wang Linchi has no relevant data and cannot reproduce it.

Although he already has the corresponding acquired rules, he does not take too much care of the protagonist.

And they are not Wang Linchi's protagonists. They are essentially the protagonists of other worlds. Wang Linchi is equivalent to taking over. They are still in the process of assimilation and can only be considered under control.

"If I succeed, I should be able to develop my own profit system for the protagonist."

"These special effects are probably part of the profit." Wang Linchi did not expect that the winner of the competition for luck would inherit everything of the loser. He thought that at most he would only inherit the other party's destiny, which would only increase his luck.

"Am I going to end up personally?"

At this time, Wang Linchi was involved in another problem, how to do it.

If you go out in person, there will be no variables, and you can see the entire operating system more intuitively, after all, you have experienced it yourself.

However, this idea was immediately rejected by Wang Linchi.

It is true that a gentleman does not stand behind a dangerous wall. There are benefits, but there are also huge risks.

Sun Rui only reached 2 levels of destiny and was restricted by the world. Not only did Wang Linchi have all of them stacked on him, as long as he had three or five levels of destiny, he would be classified as an anomaly by the world and investigated.

By then, maybe even his human skin won't be able to hide his identity.

Once your identity is exposed, you will definitely be swallowed up by this big world. Although this world is definitely not your opponent in terms of combat, if you want to win and profit from it, don't even think about it.

Therefore, the best way is to choose an agent who controls the other party as the mastermind behind the scenes.

"For example, traveling through the book flow and also having a villain system."

Wang Linchi found a solution immediately.

"No, the cost of the villain system is too high. After all, it has to go against the will of heaven. What I need is to go with the flow."

"Then change the opponent's identity to be the villain, get the plot system, and then use cool operations to crush the protagonist."

It is said to be a showy operation, but in fact it is just following the trend, twisting the process to change the results.

It is equivalent to the plot being definitely over, but the corresponding goal has not been achieved, and this is repeated to complete the struggle for luck.

The principle is probably that if you want to live forever, you will be turned into a stone or a handful of soil. The result is achieved, but it is different from the result you want, and it is directly distorted.

This is what Wang Linchi had in mind.

"Create a villain protagonist who travels through the book, and hinders the rise of the other protagonist by pulling over other protagonists, including cutting off the harem, opportunities, etc., but on the surface, the other party is still required to abide by the process."

"No, it has to be two. One is not enough."

"A rich second-generation male villain and a vicious female supporting role."

"And they can't be the same. One is a book-traveling system, and the other is a fast-traveling cannon fodder."

A large number of plans were recorded in the thinking mirror, but there were three insurmountable difficulties.

The first one must be fate and luck. If you are not the protagonist, why should you compete with other protagonists? Although one is a rich second-generation villain and the other is a vicious female supporting role, these are just disguises of identity. Their true identities are naturally main character.

The second is the system. It has to be equipped with golden fingers. Otherwise, if there are not enough golden fingers, the other protagonists will definitely be defeated. The destiny and luck that Wang Linchi can give are all blank slates. He is born with a poor quality and can only Make up for it the day after tomorrow.

The last one is more troublesome, and that is the plot. Whether it is a book travel system or a fast travel cannon fodder, in theory, only by knowing the plot, foresight and then combining it with your own system can you successfully target the protagonist.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be that easy to just find two people and make some changes to make things happen.

Even if he could, Wang Linchi wouldn't do it. The investment has already been invested, and if the cost is thrown in a little bit more, why bother with Soso.

"Destiny and luck are not a problem. It is not a problem if I get two equal parts."

"As for the system, I can also make it. After the soul seed technology is expanded, it will not be a problem to transform the soul. Moreover, it can also be connected to civilized computers for real-time calculations."

"That is, the final plot is more troublesome. Although I have never been exposed to the secret deduction, I know a little bit about it, but it is not very accurate."

"If you want to be more precise..."

Wang Linchi couldn't help but look at his book of records. Theoretically speaking, this thing is a history book. If Wang Linchi further combines the Holy Emperor's priesthood, he can indeed achieve the ability to peek into destiny, but doing so is risky. Be noticed by the world.

"Let's improve the technology..."

"Investment without risk is more likely to be a trap." Wang Linchi has always adhered to the principle that investment and return should be consistent.

After improving this technology and using civilized computers to perform calculations, the possibility of discovery will be greatly reduced, but the corresponding expenditures will also increase simultaneously.

Fortunately, Wang Linchi was never stingy where he shouldn't be, and he was very generous.

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