Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 621 What should I do if the villain in the book enters the mental hospital?

Zhu Youwu suddenly opened his eyes, with a hint of evil in his expression.

"Is he actually the mid-term villain this time?"

"System, receive memories and plots." As he spoke, Zhu Youwu opened his own system.

His system is called plot villain. He will be transported to various worlds to serve as the villain for the protagonists. As long as he completes the plot, the mission is completed, and then he will be arranged to go to another world to continue the execution.

As long as you complete ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine missions, you will be able to return to your own world with powerful power and immortal lifespan.

At the beginning, he was indeed conscientious in his work, but later, he found that these protagonists were so stupid that he couldn't stand it anymore. He even used a little trick to win over the heroines. In addition, he had With the help of the plot, he can not only complete the task later, but also abuse the protagonist.

So he has always insisted on robbing the female protagonist and torturing the male protagonist. This is what a villain should do.

The system immediately implanted the person he replaced and the plot into his mind, and Zhu Youwu accepted it instantly.

"Another loser who relies on golden fingers to do business." Zhu Youwu said with disdain on his face. This time he was going to deal with a protagonist who could see the rate of return.

And he is the president of another large company, with strong strength and corresponding backstage.

In the plot, he will provoke the other party without thinking, and then be stepped on by the other party, and finally his family will be destroyed.

"It's a pity that it's the middle period, otherwise we can get the heroine." Zhu Youwu was a little regretful. He naturally has rich experience. He only needs to hook a little and step on the protagonist to expose their stupidity, and the heroine will He immediately threw himself into his arms.

But he doesn't collect broken shoes, so it doesn't matter.

"In the next plot, I have to go to the protagonist's company to show off my power? Then I will be kicked out by the other party." Zhu Youwu's eyes rolled, and he was thinking about how to torture the protagonist next.

"Call out, then call the police."

"With my relationship, I can just let the other party go to jail." Zhu Youwu couldn't help but chuckle. These protagonists didn't understand the law at all, and even had all kinds of stupid logic, just for him to deal with the other party.

"And the company that cooperates with the protagonist, that New Energy Heavy Industry Group, has to find a way to bring him down."

"If the other party learns this news in prison, I'm afraid his face will turn green."

Zhu Youwu felt that it was indeed very easy to solve this time.

What's the use of having money? It's better to have a system.

"Boss, the place is here, the total is seventy-two yuan." The taxi driver's voice interrupted the swimming in Zhu Youwu's mind.

This makes Zhu Youwu a little dissatisfied. He is a villain, and you dare to accept his money. It is simply ungrateful.

However, due to the other party's strong character, I am just an ordinary person now, so I can only honestly take out the money from my pocket. When I succeed in the future, I will make this ungrateful taxi driver pay the price.

After getting out of the car, I looked at the company called Ruixing Technology with an increasingly disdainful expression.

"That's it? Ha." He felt that the protagonist was too shabby, and the company's offices were all rented.

Arrogantly walking into Ruixing Technology, the front desk immediately shouted: "Hello."

"You're not polite at all, how can you talk about cooperation?" Zhu Youwu was not hypocritical at all. With his background and strong strength, the other party dared to neglect him like this.

"Hello, do you have an appointment?" The front desk asked hurriedly when seeing the other party being so arrogant.

Mainly because of the other party's clothes. To be honest, he looks more like a liar. He has to dress appropriately when discussing cooperation.

"Appointment? I came to you to make an appointment. I still need to make an appointment. Your company doesn't want to make it."

"Do you know who I am?" Zhu Youwu continued to shout.

The receptionist was also a little scared, not because he was arrogant, but because he was afraid that he had mental problems. Otherwise, how could he behave so strangely?

"Wait a moment, I'll notify the supervisor to come see you immediately." The front desk said this, but he also kept it secretly, not only notifying the supervisor, but also notifying other people.

Ruixing Company does not have security guards. For them, this is not a necessary expense.

After all, it is not used in most cases, and since society is so stable now, accidents are unlikely to happen.

It's just that after this time, the front desk felt that it was necessary to make a suggestion to Sun Rui. No matter what, two security guards had to be arranged to avoid this situation happening again.

It took about five minutes before the supervisor came down and started discussing with Zhu Youwu.

The main purpose is to ask about cooperation. Sun Rui has also confirmed that there is no other business dealings. Now most of their business is actually with the New Energy Heavy Industry Group, and other businesses are also taken over. , but they will choose the best. It is impossible for them to cause problems with their projects with New Energy Heavy Industry just because of a small amount of money.

"Are you Sun Rui?" Zhu Youwu smiled charmingly and looked at the other person up and down.

But in the eyes of the supervisor, the other person suddenly showed a strange expression, and he was still looking at him with a malicious look.

"No, I just..." The supervisor would definitely not admit it, so he wanted to explain.

As a result, when Zhu Youwu heard the word "no", his face immediately darkened, and he slapped the other person in the face: "If you are not Sun Rui, are you worthy of talking to me?" Zhu Youwu immediately began to curse.

When the supervisor saw this situation, he did not take action. Instead, he persuaded the other party to calm down: "Sir, don't worry, we..."

However, before even saying a few words, he immediately raised his fist to greet the supervisor in the face, and the punch landed directly on the other person's nose.

The force of the move was not light at all, and it directly broke the bridge of the supervisor's nose.

This scene frightened the front desk, but fortunately other employees also rushed down. Seeing this scene, they hurriedly stepped forward to stop the other party.

Zhu Youwu, like Kai Wushuang, picked up the decorative vase placed on the small table and smashed it out, then picked up the small table and continued to attack the employees who came down.

This incident was indeed beyond everyone's expectation.

"You guys, you losers, are you worthy of playing this with me?" Zhu Youwu said proudly.

This look looked like a mental illness in the eyes of everyone.

"Call the police!" someone shouted.

This makes Zhu Youwu so angry, how dare you call the police to arrest him?

But soon he turned into a sneer, let's see who he catches when the time comes.

Every time the protagonist is played by him, they are just a bunch of trash relying on cheats and cheats.

With just a simple provocation, the other party will tell you all the stupid things they have done.

"Quick, hold him down while he's in a daze!" I don't know who shouted this. The supervisor whose face was covered with blood was the closest, so he pounced on him and pinned him to the ground.

The rest of the people also rushed over immediately. They got ropes from nowhere and tied them up in one go.

"Do you know who my uncle is? He's the magistrate of Lou County!" Zhu Youwu shouted loudly after being held down.

Everyone couldn't help but look at each other in confusion. What was the situation of Lou Zhixian? Where in modern times could there be such an official position as a county magistrate?

"I was beaten by a lunatic. I suffered a big loss." The supervisor's face also turned green. Who could shout this, could he be a normal person?

"Xiao Zhang, take me to the hospital first..."

Now I can only go by myself.

"You dare to scold me? I will let my uncle destroy all nine of your clans!!!" Zhu Youwu had a look of madness on his face.

In the eyes of everyone, this must be the onset of the disease.

About fifteen minutes later, the police came. After listening to everyone's explanations and watching the surveillance, they planned to notify the mental hospital first.

"They framed me. I came in and sat down, but they tied me up for no reason." Zhu Youwu shouted.

The police are speechless. They are under surveillance and can clearly see everything you do. Yet you still want to frame yourself.

Fortunately, no one paid attention to Zhu Youwu. Now he just waited for the people from the mental hospital to deal with it.

"Police officer, do we need to notify his family?" the front desk also asked.

"We've already sent people to investigate. He probably escaped from home, but how did he know about Mr. Sun?" the policeman also asked curiously.

"Maybe it's because our Mr. Sun has become so famous during this period. The local station broadcast it a few times and it was remembered by the other party." The receptionist thought for a while before answering.

The other party did not continue to ask. No matter how bizarre a mental illness is, people would not be surprised. They would only be shocked and fucked.

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