Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 622: Failed experiment, the protagonist of the peerless miracle doctor who is about to retir

Wang Linchi watched Zhu Youwu being sent to a mental hospital. This scene made him silent for a long time.


He also checked the reason for the failure. As a foreigner, he was detected by the anti-virus software of the local world, and then directly killed.

The whole process is smooth and smooth. The patient is mentally ill first and then develops the disease. If he dies, he will probably not die. He will spend his whole life in a mental hospital. In fact, there is not much difference between the other person and the mentally ill person.

As for the destiny, luck and system on his body, they were also eliminated, leaving nothing behind.

What Wang Linchi can use does not mean that the other party can also use it. The two sides are not of the same size, so there is no way to compare.

Not only Zhu Youwu, a villain, but also another vicious female supporting character also failed.

"So how on earth did those group of villain protagonists who traveled through the book genre be able to step on the protagonist and steal the heroine's chance? I was investigated and sent to a mental hospital as soon as I came in..." Wang Linchi complained.

He was influenced by the inertia of his thinking. He felt that this could be done, and it could indeed be successful in theory. After all, it was supported by paper data.

As for the actual situation being different, that is another matter.

If Zhao Kuo's paper talks were successful, how could this idiom spread?

"This world has strict monitoring of the protagonist and related matters. In addition, the intersection of the protagonists has just occurred, making the supervision even more stringent."

“This harsh estimate is not going away, it’s here to stay.”

"Then if I continue to upgrade my technology, can I do it again?" Wang Linchi began to deduce the data in his mind, and finally came to an unfavorable result.

And if it continues, it will be easily noticed.

The world must have sensed the threat, so it started an all-round investigation.

Fortunately, Wang Linchi had escaped in time, otherwise he would have been caught by the world following the two lines of book-traveling villain and fast-traveling female supporting character.

"A non-native protagonist simply cannot gain a foothold in this world." Wang Linchi found the reason.

This also means that book-traveling villains and fast-traveling female supporting characters can no longer be used as a means of harvesting.

As for not giving the other party the corresponding destiny and luck? That can only serve as a stepping stone for the protagonist.

On someone else's home court, fighting with someone else's own son, the other person's dad not only wants to deflect, but also uses tricks to deal with you, how can you possibly win?

Although this biological son is as numerous as leeks, the other party is not biased, and every biological son will not let outsiders bully him.

Another thought, unless he's using the other protagonists to achieve his own ends.

However, once there is a direct intersection between the protagonist and the protagonist, there will be a competition for luck and cannot be used effectively.

As for using means, that's difficult. It's not that easy to cover up.

Every protagonist receives the attention of the world, and the attention of this world is particularly strong. Anyway, among the worlds he has experienced, none of them will take such thorough care of the protagonist.

Of course, it may also be because the previous world was an apocalyptic world, and the world itself could not protect itself, so the protagonist could only be kept free and could not be cultivated personally.

"So I can only be the protagonist and lurk in, so that I can fully understand everything?" Wang Linchi couldn't help but fell silent, and in the end he could only sigh.

He was thinking of letting King Yama, Ye Tian and others handle it, but this was indeed inappropriate. They had their own protection, and if the protagonist was not involved, there wouldn't be many problems.

Once it is really related to the world's profit-making projects, problems will be noticed immediately, so there is really no one who can do this.

The dependents are better. Although they are not aborigines, the dependents and the New Energy Heavy Industry Group have nothing to do with destiny, so even if they are in direct contact, there will be no problems.

"That's fine, but what type of protagonist should I choose?" Wang Linchi was thinking about this.

There are three levels of protagonists, and the types are also different.

He wanted to choose a harem type, for no other reason than to open a harem. Even if he said he couldn't get started, it would be pleasing to the eye.

Fortunately, he just thought about it and didn't really choose this type of protagonist, mainly because it wasn't suitable for him.

"Those who are masters in black technology are more competitive." Wang Linchi quickly found his needs.

With this identity, he can completely involve all the protagonists in this world. As long as his technology is strong enough, and then merge into the Ying Kingdom, he can achieve the identity he wants with the help of the country's general trend.

"But before that, we have to find a way to deal with Sun Rui. This guy has priority over other protagonists."

Wang Linchi naturally did not intend to let the other party go.

Of course, Wang Linchi is not the only one who does not intend to let go of the other party, the world itself is also like this.

He suspected that the world had already negotiated a price and only needed an opportunity to send Sun Rui to time travel.

After selling it, you can still make another profit.

As for which world to sell to as a traveler or protagonist, Wang Linchi is not sure.

"Can I help?" Wang Linchi felt that a person must have a beginning and an end. He helped the other person reach the peak of life, and he also had the responsibility to send the other person to time travel.

Thinking of this, Wang Linchi began to collect corresponding data. He had to help at the right time, otherwise he would not be able to send the other party away.

A large amount of data floated in his mind, and Wang Linchi counted the time bit by bit.

Dong dong dong~

Outside the door, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in." Wang Linchi responded. It was Chu Wen, the peerless doctor, who came.

Since the other party came down from the mountain, he has become more and more mature, and he no longer maintains his innocent heart, and has become an extremely experienced warrior.

As for the Xun family, he had already destroyed it three months ago.

After he successfully broke through the energy transformation, the ancestor of the Xun family was no match for Chu Wen and was killed on the spot.

Chu Wen also adhered to the idea of ​​​​eliminating the roots and eliminating harm for the people, and killed many people in the Xun family.

To say that this Xun family really deserves it, there is no good person from top to bottom. Otherwise, how can it set off the legitimacy of Chu Wen? The other party is the protagonist, how can he kill innocent people indiscriminately.

"Hey, the busy guy is here. The news hasn't stopped in the past few days." Wang Linchi joked.

Chu Wen also smiled: "It's just propaganda."

"What's the business of coming to me? You don't go to the Three Treasures Palace for anything." Wang Linchi asked, if the other party had nothing to do, he would definitely not come to him.

The two of them didn't have much friendship at all. Wang Linchi only used him as a tool to extract the golden source material, and the other party didn't really want to have contact with him.

After all, in his eyes, Wang Linchi was from a "big aristocratic family", and if he had too much contact with him, it would be bad if he provoked Wang Linchi's enemies from the aristocratic family.

"I'm getting married in two days. Mr. Wang will treat me to a glass of wedding wine." Chu Wen invited me directly.

The wedding was a real invitation, mainly because Wang Linchi couldn't get around it.

And if you don't invite them, it seems that you look down on the other party.

But if the other party doesn't go, that's another matter.

"Getting married so soon?" Wang Linchi was a little surprised. Logically speaking, he shouldn't be.

In situations like this, most of the time, the harem is married in the finale, and the wedding is held in a grand ceremony.

It's not like there are no couples who get married halfway, but most of them are one-on-one types. I just asked how this situation could be one-on-one.

Wang Linchi looked at the invitation. He was the only man, and there were thirteen women.

He wanted to complain that this was directly the crime of bigamy.

Then he quickly learned how to do it. They went to a country that accepted polygamy to get a marriage certificate. Although there were no immigrants, this kind of thing was done in a few clicks.

"I won't go. I plan to go back tomorrow. I really can't get away." Wang Linchi refused and was ready to leave.

Because the value of Chu Wen's body has been greatly reduced, it is no longer suitable to continue to stay and observe.

"That's... okay." Chu Wen didn't mind, as he was doing it as a courtesy, and then asked: "When can you come back?"

"I'm not sure, I might never come back again." What Wang Linchi said was true.

The main reason is that this shop is meaningless. He has already groomed most of the protagonists... He has given an android as a gift, and even sent several to some suitable ones.

This caused his dating agency to lose his job directly.

As for when the new protagonist will appear, Wang Linchi is not sure, let alone that he has other things to do.

Chu Wen also fell silent. He thought Wang Linchi was leaving temporarily, but he didn't expect that he was leaving permanently. However, he did not persuade him. In his eyes, it was the family behind Wang Linchi who asked him to go back.

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