Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 623 Truck Man appears and transports you to a different world!

Sun Rui looked at the time and saw that it was already half past one in the morning. He had been working overtime recently, mainly because the projects were tight recently.

"It's so late again." He muttered, and most of the others had already gotten off work.

He had to do a lot of the work himself, and the funds and plans involved were not that easy.

He stretched out and left the company directly.

When he was downstairs in the company, he planned to drive home to rest, but he heard some noises, which made him a little confused.

Before he could figure out what the movement was, he noticed a ray of light shining from behind him, which startled him.

He quickly looked back and saw that the light source was actually the headlights of a large truck. It was still on high beam, and the bright light made him unable to open his eyes.


He exclaimed, threw away the briefcase, threw his legs and started running wildly.

If nothing else, it was just because the large truck hit him, which made him completely unexpected that such a thing would happen.

At this time, he couldn't care whether it was an accident or someone paid to kill him, thinking that saving his life was the first priority.


He narrowly missed a large truck, and his car was directly hit by the large truck and was totaled.

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw the big truck make another eye-shattering drift and flick, then it changed direction and rushed towards him again.

You don't need to think about it at this time to know that someone must want his life.

Seeing this, he turned around and ran towards the company without hesitation. He didn't believe that the truck could hit him on the second floor.

Unlock it with your fingerprint, open the door, and rush toward the stairwell in a smooth motion.

It's definitely too late to take the elevator at this time.

During the escape process, he also took out his phone and called the police directly. Don't hesitate about what to do at this time.

After running to the second floor, he also heard the sound of the impact downstairs. He could also feel the vibration caused by the impact on the second floor.

"Huh~ I escaped the disaster."

Although he said so, he actually didn't relax at all. Instead, he quickly found a mop from the second floor, removed the cloth from the mop head, and used it as a weapon to defend himself.

If the other party didn't hit him to death with a truck, he would definitely not give up and would only continue to persecute him.

Now that you have started, there is no chance of giving up.

In his mind, he began to screen the suspects. Before, he thought that there might be something wrong with the mentally ill person who suddenly came to the door. Now that he took a second look, he probably had someone behind his back who was preparing to deal with him.

For example, if a mentally ill person kills someone, they are not responsible.

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but stand on end.

It must be that you make too much, make people jealous, and it also involves the interests of other people, so you will encounter this kind of thing.

"No, you have to strike first." A hint of ferocity flashed in Sun Rui's eyes. The other party wanted to kill him, so why should he care about killing people.

Between going to jail and waiting for others to burn incense during festivals, he naturally chose the former.

He carefully lurked at the door. As long as the other party came in, he would take action without hesitation. If the other party had weapons, he would find a way to seize them.

As soon as he arrived at the door of the second floor, before he was ready, he noticed a sudden loud noise behind him.

Looking back, he saw a robot with the same color and appearance as a large truck, which made Sun Rui's expression freeze.

What the hell is this? Why did the big truck turn into a robot?

"You can just go to another world honestly, but you still dare to resist. Without you, I won't be able to complete my business this year!" A mechanical voice came from the mouth of the big truck robot.

"Wait a minute, I don't want to go to another world!!!" Sun Rui didn't expect that the other party could still speak and let him go to another world.

Now that he has a successful career and a happy family, he has no thought of going to another world.

"It's useless for you to tell me, I'm just the big truck responsible for driving you there."

"The superiors have appointed you to pass, so you'd better not resist." The big truck robot was sincere and briefly summarized the situation.

"Wait, who is up there?" Sun Rui shouted as he tried to open the door, but found that the door could not be opened.

"Of course it's God, who else could it be."

As the big truck robot spoke, it raised a fist larger than Sun Rui's entire body and hit him.


Sun Rui couldn't help but exclaimed, and then felt a huge iron fist falling on him, and the severe pain continued to erupt from head to toe.

‘It turns out that this is what it feels like to be beaten into a pulp. ’ An idea came to Sun Rui’s mind.

In the blink of an eye, he suddenly stood up and saw an unfamiliar ceiling.

On the other side, the large truck slowly stopped and then gradually disintegrated into a ball of scrap metal.

Wang Linchi climbed out of the scrap metal.

"Damn it, why are you like this!" Wang Linchi cursed.

He calculated the time for Sun Rui to hit the road. Even without his help, Sun Rui would get into a car accident later due to fatigue driving, and eventually be sold to other worlds to become a time traveler type protagonist.

Wang Linchi's help was not only to send Sun Rui on his way, but also to obtain the coordinates of another world.

Then not only could he go and play with Sun Rui, but he could also explore the world's sales... platform trading system. As a result, the other party sent the person over with just one click, and Wang Linchi couldn't even chase him.

Obviously he had experienced this kind of thing, so he took all the precautions he should have, which made Wang Linchi return without success.

"It's a pity that Truck Man will never see Sun Rui again in the future." Wang Linchi sighed. He was actually looking forward to the scene when Truck Man and Sun Rui meet again.

It's a pity that I don't know which world he was sold to... and traveled to. It's a bit difficult to find it.

The siren sounded, and Wang Linchi knew it was time for a truck man like him to leave.

If you stay, you will be caught.

As for whether today's matter would become an unsolved case, Wang Linchi didn't care. Anyway, as long as it didn't become an unsolved case for him.

"Without Sun Rui, Ruixing Technology will definitely collapse."

"Fortunately, it's not without gain. I still paid a little in the end."

After Wang Linchi left the scene of the crime, he took out his harvest.

A drop of golden liquid.

This is the condensed golden original substance. On top of the gas, it becomes a liquid.

"Projection, gas, liquid, then the next level up will be a solid?" Wang Linchi felt that with this increasing situation, what else could it be if it were not a solid?

"But the liquid ones are so difficult to obtain. It is estimated that the solid original substances cannot be obtained from the protagonist."

There is a high probability that the final harvest will only reach the level of liquid. If you want to obtain solid matter, you will probably have to dig it out from the world.

The original substance in Sun Rui's body is already in its final stage, and the protagonist who belongs to the other party has been harvested.

In addition to the main character Sun Rui being harvested, Chu Wen, the peerless doctor, was undermined by Wang Linchi's excessive interference some time ago, so he also retired after holding a grand wedding.

It is equivalent to the opponent being harvested directly after completing the plot finale.

Wang Linchi also obtained corresponding benefits from the other party, but compared with the golden liquid on Sun Rui's body, it was only at the level of golden gas, so the gap was still very big.

In fact, Sun Rui had more than one drop of golden origin substance, at least about five drops. Wang Linchi did not take all of it.

If you really want to take it all, if the world cuts the leeks and finds out that there is no income, then there must be an investigation. Wang Linchi can easily be found out by the other party.

So Wang Linchi didn't take them all.

For him, all he needed was a sample.

Based on the world's behavior of trading the protagonist out this time, Wang Linchi also knew the world's external circulation situation.

The world is not created out of nothing, but circulates through buying and selling transactions, which is equivalent to a wholesaler.

The product is the main character that is used up.

It is estimated that the protagonist is still a best-seller, otherwise it would not be so easy to sell.

It only took three months from the time Sun Rui's destiny level was raised by 2 levels to the time he was sent out to be a time traveler.

If one protagonist is sold in three months, it is probably not only a best-seller, but also a product that is in short supply.

The protagonists of Ascension and Shattered Void were probably drained by the world and then sold, but the way of selling was different.

"I have harvested two protagonists, and now I have to create another one. I have to seize this opportunity, disguise myself and sneak in." Wang Linchi muttered, his identity must be changed to another one, and now this one must be discarded, otherwise it will be easy There is a data problem.

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