Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 624 Substitution, the identity of the protagonist with a favorability system

"So many, eleven protagonists were thrown out at once." Wang Linchi looked at the new protagonists.

I can only say that there are really many protagonists in reserve, but it is not that easy to become the protagonist.

Wang Linchi made a selection and soon found a more satisfactory candidate.

"Although it's not the route I want to take, it's still an ambiguous harem type, but it's the best fit for me."

"I'm definitely not going to follow his path."

Wang Linchi's chosen identity is that of a high school student who is about to take the exam. He has obtained a golden finger called the favorability system, and can obtain various rewards by conquering the opposite sex.

These rewards include physical attributes, social status, in-kind benefits, and more.

Protagonists of this type should be relatively low-cost, as they don't involve transcendence, they just need to be given things.

Wang Linchi immediately replaced it. As for the favorability system, he sealed it directly and continued to input false data to create the illusion that he was following the plot normally.

The replacement went smoothly. Wang Linchi appeared in the toilet and received all the other party's memories.

There will be an exam in three days, and the other person is going to the toilet. His current academic performance is not satisfactory, so the predecessor is very distressed.

"Don't be too outrageous about this system..."

When Wang Linchi took a look at the favorability system, the first task was to gain the favorability of a woman with a face value of 95 or above. As long as the favorability reached 50 points within three days, he would be able to gain proficiency in all subject knowledge.

"You don't even have to study. It's a waste of time." It was Wang Linchi's fault, otherwise he might not have been able to do it.

And Wang Linchi saw that this so-called favorability system was an LSP system, otherwise it would be able to issue such weird tasks.

Wang Linchi returned to the classroom and took a glance. Oh my god, in a small academic exam class, there are such things as school belles and class belles.

This really caught him off guard.

What's more important is that this is still a key class, but everyone seems to be jealous instead of focusing on review.

If you switch to normal study, if you don't have to study hard in the key classes of the third year of high school and you don't have the energy to think about other things, it is all the dereliction of duty of the teachers and class teachers in each subject.

As soon as Wang Linchi sat down, he heard a sarcastic voice.

"You didn't fall into the toilet, or you're not good at something." The person who spoke was a well-dressed big boy.

The other party comes from an extraordinary family and looks like a playboy.

"There are three days left for the exam. Aren't you going to study hard?" Wang Linchi didn't care at all about the other party's sarcasm. This person was considered a class bully. He had no contact with his predecessor... on weekdays. Why did he suddenly say such a sentence? , probably because he became the protagonist.

"Review? Even if I don't take the exam, I can still..." the other party said dismissively.

Then the squad leader, the school belle, started to stop him. Wang Linchi liked the plot, but the school belle helped to speak, which made the class bully's hatred for Wang Linchi even higher.

"Have you ever heard of a saying that ruining a person's future is like killing his parents?"

"Since you can go to a good school without reviewing, why bother to stop me from studying."

"I am alone, and you are blocking my future. Aren't you afraid that I will fail the exam and take your whole family away?" Wang Linchi interjected slowly.

This made the class bully couldn't help but be stunned. He didn't expect that someone who usually had no sense of presence would actually say this.

"I will live a better life after I get into a good university. If you stop me from living a good life, it will cost me my life. If I can't stand it and kill your whole family one day, do you think it's worth it?"

"You will inherit the family business in the future. If you die young because of this little thing, you really have a choice."

"My life as a fatherless and motherless orphan is worth it for the life of a rich second generation like you."

Wang Linchi's series of words jumped out, coupled with Wang Linchi's temperament and serious expression, he couldn't help but shrink his neck and immediately gave in.

"Don't make noises." Wang Linchi glanced at the other party's bastard and wanted to say: "If his whole family is taken away by me, where will you go with such a good big brother? You will have to be as miserable as everyone else. I go out to work, and then I work overtime every day because of my stuttering.”


When the loser heard this, his face turned green. Naturally, they were following the elder brother because he gave them benefits.

All of them are adults, but they have not yet entered society, and they actually know everything they should know.

In the end, everyone could only smile bitterly and did not dare to continue talking to Wang Linchi.

What? Going head-to-head with Wang Linchi to save face?

The other party said they dared to fight tooth and nail. As the eldest class bully, they gave in. How could their younger brothers dare?

"I didn't expect you to actually..." The school beauty also spoke.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Wang Linchi: "Sorry, I still have to review. If there's nothing else, please do so."

Seeing this, the other party was a little embarrassed, and finally had no choice but to leave.

On the surface, Wang Linchi was reading a book, but in fact he was further analyzing the so-called favorability system.

‘The halo of the protagonist is really troublesome, especially for those with ambiguous harems, who can’t escape from the four words of pretending to be cool and slapped in the face. ’ Wang Linchi was thinking about how to get rid of the influence of the protagonist’s type next.

At present, he has successfully blended into the business system of this world. Although he is currently pretending to be the protagonist of leeks and commodities, the harvest has also begun.

For example, the most important golden source substance, he is checking the generation process of this thing bit by bit.

The most basic one is synthetic transformation.

‘Does it feel like a merit to me? ’ Wang Linchi looked at the golden source material.

This kind of merit is called merit when all evil is done, merit is called merit when all good is done, and only when it benefits all living beings can it be called merit.

For the first two, the protagonist is generally a positive character, so eliminating evil is inevitable, and as a positive character, it is inevitable to do good deeds. In the end, blessing all sentient beings is more troublesome and needs to be processed by the world.

That is to say, drain the protagonist and sell it to other worlds to add an origin to the world.

When the world becomes stronger, it will naturally bring blessings to all living beings.

So it is actually suffering for human beings, and the world takes away the benefits.

At this time, Wang Linchi finally understood one thing. If the golden material origin he obtained was really similar to merit, then he must have the raw material in his hand, and the final step of synthesis was still needed.

If he guesses wrong, it doesn't matter. To him, it's just a title.

‘If you want the complete golden origin substance, it seems that you have to operate the protagonist’s identity to the highest authority level. ’

‘We have to break away from the original character design of the protagonist, otherwise it will only be in the gaseous state, and it may not even be able to meet the standards of the liquid state. ’

There are many thoughts in my mind, but time in the outside world keeps passing.

Soon it was time for get out of class to end, and Wang Linchi left directly without stopping at all.

"Damn it, I was frightened by this kid. With his life, why should he replace my whole family?" Looking at Wang Linchi's leaving figure, the class bully couldn't help but curse.

"Let's go find Brother Kite. He's a member of the local Black Wolf Association. Ask him to help teach this kid a lesson. It's best to kill his hands." A loser hurriedly suggested a plan.

However, the class bully hesitated. The other party said it was easy, but the problem was that asking the other party to take action required good cigarettes, good wine and money.

Thinking about Wang Linchi's statement again, I suddenly felt that these thugs surrounding him were taking him for granted.

The thought just passed by and disappeared from my mind.

Let’s talk about money later. It’s better to vent your anger on yourself!

"Do you have connections?" the class bully asked quickly. He did get to know some people from society outside the school, but they were not on the stage, and they were not as good as the Black Wolf Society.

"Yes, I know my cousin, but I just need some..." the loser said quickly, just for the benefit.

He was also happy in his heart. After all, after all, he could try some good cigarettes and collect some agency fees.

Everyone chose him as the boss, of course because he is rich, and maybe they also care about whether the other person is good-looking.

"Okay, you go get in touch now. We'll meet up later. Tomorrow night, after self-study, I want to see that kid get his hand broken." The class bully knew that he would definitely get a lot of money this time, but it was just his pocket money. If you give me a lot of money, the worst I can do is stop smoking and drinking well in the next month, and the frequency of going out will decrease a little bit.

Wang Linchi heard their exchange from a distance, and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his eyes. He decided to take a different path for self-study tomorrow night.

This is definitely the influence of the protagonist's aura. Otherwise, if he had been timid before, why would he still be hot-headed and attack him again?

"When I succeed in becoming a high-ranking member of the Xing Kingdom, I will start cracking down on crime and evil as soon as possible..." Wang Linchi complained about why there are these illegal gang activities everywhere.

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