Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 625: Send people to receive guests without giving face

Three days later, the academic exam was held as scheduled, and Wang Linchi was not late. He dealt with the Black Wolf Club, changed the so-called kite brother, and then threw him into the brothel. The rest of the matter settled down.

During these three days, Wang Linchi has not been idle, further suppressing the extra effects of the protagonist's luck on himself, that is, attributes such as attracting women, being provocative, spreading hatred, and being targeted for no reason, so that he will no longer be able to do so. Produce corresponding effects and make them take effect, which is a positive effect in Wang Linchi's opinion.

For example, it increases the probability of being appreciated by senior officials, and it is easier to meet noble people for help.

After he suppressed the negative effects of the entire academic examination process, there were no more problems. Otherwise, he was sure that he would be blocked by some black wolf when he went out.

After all, he made the opponent's gang members disappear. As a "loyalty" gang, there must be a result. As for whether the result is Wang Linchi giving money or Wang Linchi being beaten, it has nothing to do with not being able to find Brother Yaozi. .

Then, he began to forge a series of genuine certificates and awards to pave the way for his subsequent achievements. These were all recorded in files and could be seen as long as they were opened.

Coupled with his grades, it is guaranteed that people will know at a glance that he is a scholar, and he is also a person with both good character and academic performance. In this way, there will be no problem with his academic test scores.

His predecessor was an ordinary person. If he had not been replaced and could not complete the first task, Wang Linchi's guess was that he would have had to drop out of school.

"It's done." After Wang Linchi saw that there were no flaws in a series of complete low-key student characters, he felt that he had added so many settings to himself in vain.

He looked at the favorability system again and saw that a series of tasks had been completed during this period. The data must be false, but the rewards were real, and they were all swallowed up by Wang Linchi.

There are also some useful things, such as mind-reading cards, which can read a person's psychological activities. Although it has a time limit and is only a disposable item and can only be used on women, it is still valuable to Wang Linchi. , can be used as a reference.

What other favorability cards are there? If you use them on a woman whose appearance reaches 100%, you can increase your favorability by 1 to 10 points. If you have enough favorability cards, you can forcefully distort the other person's thinking.

Wang Linchi was quite helpless about this. Whether it was a mind-reading card or a favorability card, if there weren't so many weird restrictions, it would definitely be a very unnatural thing.

After adding these restrictions, the cost plummeted, and the original high-precision products became wholesale products.

"Applying for the photography major at Southern University of the Arts? What a weird thing..." Wang Linchi took a look at the latest content. This is definitely not a serious system.

Because the reward is photography mastery.

This means that as long as Wang Linchi registers, the photography skills will be sent directly to him. The word "proficient" represents the upper limit of most photographers, and can make people become experienced photographers in one fell swoop.

Then why should he major in photography? If he were to go there, he would definitely not be able to do anything serious.

"With such a system, it is indeed easy for people to lose their health." Wang Linchi couldn't understand why. There is a system to help grasp the general direction, and there are various magical props and skills given by the system. Anyone who wants to be a puppet can do it. Enjoy these things.

‘It would be great if I had traveled to this world and obtained such a system. "Wang Linchi doesn't mind being a puppet. If he had been in this world and guaranteed to live a stable life, with a life of wealth and freedom, even if he was aware of the existence of extraordinary power, he could only It will be treated as invisible.

After all, from the beginning, he was a person with low taste and just wanted to get married and have children.

However, now, even if he messes up, he can't mess up much. Many things are forcing him to move forward. Even if there is no end of the world now, it doesn't mean that he can relax.

As for losing his original intention, what original intention can he have? Today he wants this, and tomorrow he wants that. It cannot be that his original intention is to do good deeds and accumulate virtue.

Then he wouldn't be alive now.


A text message flashed on the phone.

Wang Linchi thought there was something wrong with his ID, but when he opened it, he saw that it was the school beauty monitor who had sent him a text message, explaining that the class meeting was tomorrow and asking him not to be late, and also sent him the address and time.

"Class reunion? What plot point..." Wang Linchi couldn't read it back and pretended not to see the message.

He wasn't familiar with this group of so-called 'classmates'. What did he do in the past to watch them show off?

What's there to see when you see a group of grown-up kids who have never even been out in society causing trouble?

"Fortunately, I have blocked the favorability system, otherwise I would be assigned tasks to join in the fun." The fake data Wang Linchi gave to the favorability system did not involve reality, but it happened to be consistent with reality.

"Without the class reunion, there shouldn't be much to do next. I have to consider moving."

Wang Linchi doesn't intend to play any jealousy games with a group of people here. He intends to kill the other protagonists, so the level must be high, and at least it must reach the level of Xingguo.

"But then again, I've blocked out a lot of negative effects on my body. How come you can still find me at a class reunion?"

"Where did that guy get my mobile phone number?" Wang Linchi suddenly thought of this.

Before the academic exam, Wang Linchi did not buy a mobile phone and did not have a mobile phone number, so under normal circumstances the other party would not know his number at all.

After applying for a mobile phone number, he also invested in the forgery of various documents and certificates, and did not go out at all. According to common sense, the other party did not know that he had a mobile phone number at all.

Wang Linchi read the script directly and discovered something.

"Hei Langhui?" Wang Linchi's face darkened. Heilanghui actually knew his mobile phone number and passed it on to the other party.

As for who asked Heilanghui for help, it must be the dog-licking class bully.

"It's a shame I don't have any ideas. If I had any ideas, would you still have to help push them forward?" Wang Linchi complained.

However, the other party also had sinister intentions, thinking that after Wang Linchi passed by, he would deliberately suppress and step on him.

How Heilanghui got it was relatively simple, because Wang Linchi went to the business office where he applied for a mobile phone number. They went to collect protection fees several times, and after some threats, they quickly retrieved Wang Linchi's information for them. .

"This thing is really twisty."

"But Brother Yaozi's matter should have been exposed. Doesn't that mean that members of the Black Wolf Society are already on the way to blackmail me?"

Just as Wang Linchi was thinking about it, someone kicked the door open, making his eyes jump.

His senses have indeed all been restrained, mainly because they don't have much meaning to the outside world. They can't beat him one by one, and they will be consumed if they are released.

The only thing that can pose a threat to him is the world itself. If he is exposed, the world will not be able to hide his actions from him.

"Are you Wang Linchi?" A fierce and strong man showed a sinister smile.

"No, my name is Wang Xue Shu." Wang Linchi said calmly, hoping that these gang members would not be ungrateful. He would give them a step and just come down quickly.

Otherwise, it would be bad if Wang Linchi changes it later and throws it into the brothel.

"Ah?" The strong man at the head was also stunned. Could he have gone to the wrong place? Looking back at his little brother, he was also a little unsure.

The main reason is that Wang Linchi is too calm, so he doubts himself.

"This is here, this guy is fooling us." The younger brother also confirmed the address information, and then made a special call to Wang Linchi. Unfortunately, the phone on the table rang.

"You kid, you dare to lie to me. I have to take off one of your hands today." How could the strong man not see that he was being tricked?

"Alas, we can't have a peaceful talk..." Wang Linchi sighed, and the Holy Lord quickly emerged.

Before the gang members could react, they were all knocked unconscious.

"The public security conditions are so bad. What is the situation in Xingguo?"

Gang members are so arrogant and domineering, and they can actually become popular.

"Send it to the previous underground base, change it to her, and then teleport it out." Wang Linchi did things in an orderly manner.

If someone doesn't follow the rules and it's your fault, then change him to her or her to him, and then send them out to receive guests. This will ensure that this group of ignorant people will be happy.

Forget it if he kills someone. Wang Linchi is now a good law-abiding citizen.

And there is no need to worry about stepping on the sewing machine. After all, no one knows what he did. Those who know are already working 24/7 and probably won't survive for a few days.

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