Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 628 The birth of the life-span potion series

"Longcheng Express, at 9 o'clock today, a major traffic accident occurred on Qingyu Road South Street..."

The real-time news was broadcast on the TV. A certain big shot in Dragon City was hit and killed by a big truck while he was out, and he was not the only one who died. Unfortunately, his whole family was in the car, so they were wiped out immediately.

This is quite a sensation, and someone will definitely come to investigate in the future, but it has nothing to do with Wang Linchi.

As for those who run errands for big shots, as long as they are involved in Wang Linchi's affairs, they have learned a moderate lesson. This does not involve much. The main reason is that this business is not the business of the big shot, but the son of the big shot. Business, the other party is also a student of Longcheng University.

Therefore no lives were lost.

Naturally, there was no sound after that, not even the big shots nearby were gone, and the people running errands below must have also dispersed.

On the other hand, Wang Linchi's skills quickly reached Tianting, and many senior officials attached great importance to him. This was ten years younger, and it was a great temptation for them.

What’s more important is that technology can advance. If we are ten years younger now, will we be twenty or thirty years younger in the future?

Although even they themselves thought this idea was a bit fanciful, there was at least some hope.

However, when the technology first appeared, everyone was just interested, but no one was really willing to use this technology for themselves. Who knows if there will be any sequelae.

It was not until three months later that Wang Linchi once again submitted the complete experimental progress, turning a fifty-year-old middle-aged man into a forty-year-old man, and confirming that there were no sequelae, that many people... Continue to wait and see.

It doesn't matter what happens now, it hasn't waited until the time of harvest.

However, Wang Linchi's behavior was beyond their expectations. He was directly preparing to cooperate with the New Energy Heavy Industry Group to promote this special technology with a ten-year lifespan.

This incident naturally aroused the sensitive nerves of the top officials of the Ying Kingdom, and they stopped it immediately.

For no other reason than because the products produced by this technology are extremely cheap, even ordinary people can afford them. Although everyone only has the best effect when they use it for the first time, if they use it again later, the effect will be better. This will continue to decrease.

But how can such good things spread to the bottom?

It would be best if the ten-year lifespan potion could only be circulated among the upper echelons of the Ying Kingdom, and the middle and lower levels would not be able to know even a little bit of information.

"Xiao Wang, I didn't expect that your potion is indeed extraordinary." A middle-aged man who looked only thirty years old looked in the mirror and praised Wang Linchi.

The other party was the prime minister of the Ying Kingdom, a figure second only to the president. His status was naturally lower than that of one person and higher than that of ten thousand people.

Logically speaking, the other party is already sixty-five years old, but because he holds a high position and takes good care of himself, even before using the ten-year lifespan potion, he looks about forty years old. Once the potion is used, he immediately becomes thirty years old. appearance.

The hair that was already a little white has turned black again.

"Master Zaifu must be physically strong, otherwise ordinary people will not have this effect." Wang Linchi said with a smile.

Of course he knew what the Prime Minister of the Ying Kingdom was doing here. It was nothing more than two things. The first thing was to verify the authenticity of the ten-year lifespan potion. He did not inject it directly as soon as he arrived, but had someone else inject it before. , he also looked here, and only carried out it after confirming that there was no problem.

The second thing is that the ten-year lifespan medicine must be owned by Yingguo and cannot be given to the New Energy Heavy Industry Group to be sold as a commodity.

This kind of thing that can have a huge impact can only be in the hands of Xingguo, not a company.

"You also understand my purpose of coming. What do you think of this decision?" Zaifu did not forcefully ask to leave immediately, but asked Wang Linchi to make conditions first.

As long as the price is right, Xingguo is not unwilling to give it. If it is really taken by force, what will happen if the other party ruins it in the future.

A person like this who could develop such a magical potion as soon as he entered Longcheng Academy is definitely a talent. He can only focus on recruiting and appeasing, rather than suppressing and suppressing.

"Of course I believe in Xingguo, but the investment is indeed huge, and the funds have not been withdrawn yet." Wang Linchi sighed, and then continued: "I still owe the university a large amount of project funds. In the future, If you can't pay it back within three years, Zaifu, you also know what will happen to me."

"It's true that I didn't think carefully about this. I will ask the finance department to make up for the school's project funds." Zaifu understood that this was just the beginning.

"I need an independent laboratory with a project subsidy of no less than one billion yuan per year." Wang Linchi said without hesitation.

"Xiao Wang is indeed motivated, I agree to this matter." Zaifu smiled, young people are young people, they only want this kind of things, and then asked: "But I still want to know something , that is, this ten-year lifespan, can it be developed further in the future?”

Life span is related to many high-level needs.

"Zaifu is joking." Wang Linchi said this, which made Zaifu's heart sink. However, Wang Linchi changed his mind again: "The ten-year life span is only a forward-looking product in the series, and subsequent output will not A product with such low efficacy.”

"How sure are you?" Zaifu really didn't expect that the other party would give him such a surprise.

"If the funds and required resources are in place, I can complete the first-generation product in a month at most." How could Wang Linchi be so unsure? For him, these things are not a big deal at all.

"Is one billion enough?" Zaifu asked quickly.

In the country of Xing, one billion is nothing, it is not enough to burn one ten thousandth of the amount burned by the protagonists.

"It's enough for me to complete the first-generation product. When the results come out, Master Zaifu will have to ask the president to batch more." Wang Linchi means that it is enough now, but it will definitely not be enough in the future.

But when he asks for money, he will definitely not ask for it in vain, but will give something that satisfies everyone.

"As long as you can complete it, I will approve the project for you even if I am lying on the president's desk." Zaifu was very satisfied with Wang Linchi's answer.

Otherwise, he will just ask for money and give nothing. Although he is willing to give it, his mentality will be different, and anyone else will feel uncomfortable.

"But I need to take away the corresponding technology. After all, this is an important weapon of the country. It is not safe to leave it here with you!" Zaifu said grandly.

"No problem, you can take it, Mr. Zaifu." Wang Linchi agreed boldly.

Zaifu expressed satisfaction with Wang Linchi's attitude, and then said: "I will have the laboratory you want processed as soon as possible, and I will have news within three days at most."

He didn't say when the funds would be available, because it wasn't a big deal at all, just a matter of words.

On the contrary, it was too late to build a new laboratory, so the existing ones could only be given to Wang Linchi, which involved people.

Once it involves people, it's not that easy to deal with it.

"Thank you, Mr. Zaifu, for your help." Wang Linchi also responded.

"Okay, then, Mr. Wang, please do your work first. I'm busy with official duties, so I won't see you off until later." After Zaifu finished speaking, he left.

The goal was achieved, and he was polite to Wang Linchi, so there was no need to stay. He had to go back with the technology and samples for business.

After all, there are many people waiting.

Although he is said to be inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people, there are actually many people who are fighting against him.

This time it was rare to have all the interests aligned. He also wanted to take this opportunity to gain some merit and take himself one step further, such as becoming the next president.

After the person left, Wang Linchi didn't care if his things were moved away. For him, the so-called ten-year lifespan was not a good thing at all.

It is indeed a good thing at this stage, but this thing can only be regarded as a front-end at best. If it really develops to the end, Wang Linchi has the final say as to what it will become.

He planned to use the entire Ying Kingdom to conduct corresponding experiments on the golden original substance.

So the first step is to allow them to withstand the corresponding intensity.

As for this technology being monopolized by the senior officials of the Ying Kingdom, it is not a big deal at all. Wang Linchi will let them spread it willingly.

Even more positive than Wang Linchi.

"A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise." Wang Linchi couldn't help but smile. Some things looked sweet, but underneath the sweetness was a poison that could kill people. The senior officials of the Xing Kingdom were not good-natured, but they were also greedy and ruthless. Without these means, how can we fight against organizations such as hidden families and mysterious forces?

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