Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 629 GOD Virus Re-employment

"Master Wang, do you think this standard is acceptable?" A researcher in white clothes respectfully handed the data sheet to Wang Linchi.

Wang Linchi glanced at it: "There's still a little to go, here's the part..."

After circling the problems on the data sheet, let the other person deal with them.

A year after Wang Linchi gave away the ten-year lifespan potion, Wang Linchi gained the support of the laboratory and the entire Xing Kingdom.

In particular, Wang Linchi continued to develop two medicines with a five-year lifespan and a fifteen-year lifespan during this year.

At first glance, the five-year lifespan seems to be a step back, but it cannot be calculated that way. The five, ten, and fifteen lifespan potions can be superimposed. Taking all three potions will directly give a person a thirty-year lifespan. Naturally, he looks 30 years younger in appearance.

This has led to the fact that the entire top brass of the Xing Kingdom have now turned into young men, each one strong and strong, inspiring everyone.

Naturally, this kind of thing cannot be hidden from the public, so the senior officials can only release the five-year lifespan medicine, and the price is extremely high, and the purchase is restricted.

The annual output is extremely limited, and the circulation quantity is deliberately controlled.

Therefore, those who can get the life-span potion are either rich or noble.

It is equivalent to never thinking about letting the people at the bottom get it. This is also the standard of Xingguo.

With these three life-span potions, Wang Linchi became a favorite in the eyes of the senior officials, and a large number of secrets of the Xing Kingdom were revealed to him.

Including information about reclusive families and cultivators.

Because there is no lifespan issue, the senior officials of the Ying Kingdom want one more thing at this time, and that is power.

If they can obtain the superpowers of superpowers, the spells of cultivators, and the physique of warriors, then the entire pattern of the Ying Kingdom will change.

This important task naturally falls on Wang Linchi. After all, Wang Linchi can even make magical things like longevity potions, so the so-called superpowers and spells are not a big problem.

Wang Linchi naturally accepted this task without hesitation. While developing a twenty-year life extension potion, he also conducted experiments on all extraordinary beings.

And within a short period of time, the first results were delivered.

Spirit evolution potion.

This potion can give people all-round strengthening, but it cannot obtain extraordinary abilities, but it can also give people physical fitness and mental strength that are far better than ordinary people.

This result made the top officials of the Ying Kingdom very satisfied. Although they did not gain any special power, the overall strengthening was excellent.

However, what the top officials of the Ying Kingdom did not know was that this divine evolution potion actually had a predecessor, called the GOD virus.

Although the original GOD virus has changed many worlds, it is no longer the original one. It is the GOD virus that Wang Linchi recreated based on his research back then.

In terms of effect, it is a real virus, not a genetic fluid.

"Master Wang, Master Zaifu is here." Wang Linchi's assistant hurried over and interrupted Wang Linchi in a low voice.

Wang Linchi nodded: "Please come in quickly."

"You're welcome, I'm already here." Zaifu is also very young now, and his figure has become burly due to the injection of the divine evolution potion.

"I've met Mr. Zaifu." Wang Linchi said politely, and then said: "You guys go down and do your work first."

It will definitely be difficult to negotiate with people here.

After everyone retreated, Zaifu said, "How's it going? Is there any progress on the Divine Evolution Potion Type 2?"

"Progress has been made, and it can even produce a corresponding increase with the life-extending potion, but..." Wang Linchi hesitated when he said this.

"Just what? Don't worry about mother-in-law and mother-in-law." After Zaisu regained his youth, his mentality gradually changed into the radical mentality of his youth.

"You adults cannot bear the increase in Type 2 potion." Wang Linchi said directly.

"What do you mean?" Zaifu frowned. He understood one thing. Type 2 of the Spiritual Evolution Potion had been developed, but they couldn't use it. But no matter how much more, he didn't understand.

"Type 2 will allow you to upgrade to a cultivator in the foundation-building stage and master a powerful innate ability. However, it is precisely because this transformation is too powerful that your vitality cannot bear it." Wang Linchi said with a smile on his face. Feeling helpless.

Zaifu immediately extracted the key points in Wang Linchi's words, which were the foundation stage, innate abilities, and insufficient vitality.

The cultivators in this world are practicing Qi and building foundation elixirs.

"If you can say that, there must be a solution." Zaifu soon discovered that Wang Linchi was not worried, and then he realized that the other party had a solution.

"According to the data I deduced, it can be maintained with a life force field." Wang Linchi gave another word that made Zaifu a little confused.

"If a person takes the five-year lifespan potion and the Divine Evolution Potion Type 1, the life force will condense and become a force field."

"This force field will form a huge new life force field due to the gathering of people with life force fields."

"If you adults are in a life force field with an energy level of 100,000 people when injecting Type 2 medicine, and your life force is insufficient during transformation, your own life force field will be able to absorb the life force of the large life force field to replenish itself."

"Then the transformation can be completed safely."

Wang Linchi's words made Zaifu think deeply, which meant that everyone in the Ying Kingdom must be injected with the five-year lifespan potion and the divine evolution potion type 1.

This is not a small amount of expenditure. Even if the cost of these two medicines is very low, if the quantity is large, the cost will definitely be high.

"Then someone injects type 2 medicine, will it affect us?" Zaisu didn't ask whether absorbing the large life force field would have any impact on the human body. This is certain without asking.

He cares about himself.

"Of course not. After reaching Type 2, you will be immune to the life force field absorption of Type 1." Wang Linchi said without hesitation.

"That is to say, if we can always be one model ahead, we can ignore the influence of the low-level life force field." Zaisu asked again.

"Yes, even after reaching type 2, you adults can use the huge life force field to bless your body and gain extra strength." Wang Linchi offered another temptation.

"Can the Type 1 potion remove mental strength and simply increase physical fitness?" Zaifu asked again.

"This... is possible, but the cost will increase slightly." Wang Linchi naturally knew what the other party was thinking. If the bottom class also mastered extraordinary power, what would they do if they overthrew themselves? Therefore, the potion issued was the most Good is the emasculated version.

"The cost doesn't matter, will it affect the strength of the life force field?" Zaisu was more concerned about himself.

"It's not clear yet. Further experiments are needed, but there is a high probability. After all, the life force field is closely related to oneself." Naturally, Wang Linchi would not say anything positive.

Zaifu naturally didn't have much objection to this, and then nodded: "I will give the corresponding regulations tomorrow, and then Xiao Wang, just do your best."

He also knew that Wang Linchi couldn't do everything, and it was already very good to achieve this result.

If something goes wrong if you force too much, you will lose more than you gain.

But he had to go back and discuss this matter with the senior officials.

"Okay, I will go all out." After Wang Linchi finished speaking, he asked: "It's just a type 2 divine evolution potion. Those extraordinary forces may not be so willing to see us succeed."

"You don't have to worry about this." Zaifu sneered. They coveted these powers, but they were also afraid of them. Fortunately, they also had the power to fight them: "A large number of missiles from the entire Ying Kingdom are directed at them. The three Mahayana cultivators, the five Grandmaster warriors, and the SSS level superpower."

"They do have the power to resist thermal weapons, but when missiles wash over the ground, they will be seriously injured even if they don't die."

Yes, cultivators in the Mahayana stage will be injured by missiles, and they are low-level cultivators...

The high energy level of this world does not lie in the extraordinary people, but in the large number of protagonists.

For example, the Grand Master warrior can break the void, the cultivator can transcend tribulations and ascend, and the superpower can ascend the space dimension. Anyway, it means the same thing. If you want to continue to upgrade, you can only go to other worlds.

Going to other worlds is basically equivalent to selling goods.

This is just a novice area. If you want to continue to upgrade, you can only go to other worlds.

It is for this reason that the Ying Kingdom was able to firmly grasp the initiative and make these extraordinary people disappear under ordinary people without showing their fangs.

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