Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 630 Merit System, Rebellion in the Base

Wang Linchi's proposal was discussed among the senior officials of the Ying Kingdom for three full days before it was successfully passed.

The main reason is that distributing this kind of powerful power to the whole people will lead to international disputes and public security problems, so the discussion is not whether to pass it, but how to solve these things.

How could this not pass? Something that could allow them to control power and extend their lifespan would mean going against the world.

After that, it naturally aroused all kinds of heated discussions, and even extraordinary forces came out to oppose it. However, the top officials of the Ying Kingdom were extremely strong and directly implemented it.

Anyone who dares to stop them is considered their enemy and will be suppressed with thunderous means.

With a strong attitude and thunderous methods, the implementation went smoothly, and it took only three months to complete the nationwide improvement.

Then the senior executives went to visit various places.

Naturally, this visit was fake, it was just scattered to carry out transformation.

The transformation of every high-level person requires a life force field of the energy level of 100,000 people.

The senior officials still care about their lives, so they usually use 200,000-level personnel.

The main reason is that each large-scale life force field takes a month to recover after use, and if you want to bring so many people together, you also need corresponding resources, so it can only be done in batches.

At present, the first batch of high-level officials have completed their transformation and have begun to urge Wang Linchi to develop a new lifespan potion and divine evolution potion type 3 as soon as possible.

Wang Linchi took his time and was not in a hurry at all.

Because his experiment has officially begun.

The experiment is naturally not about the protagonist competing for luck, this is a project, and it has not yet been launched.

Although he now has a lifeblood of the top management of Yingguo, the value of Yingguo has not yet been fully explored, and it will take some time.

The experiment conducted was naturally the golden source substance.

"After transplantation into the human body, will there be corresponding deterioration?"

Wang Linchi looked at the recovered samples. Two-thirds of the gas that was originally pure gold was now dyed black.

“Sin or karma?”

"Let's call it karma for now."

Since the golden original substance is called merit, the black original substance is the opposite and naturally becomes karma.

Everything about karma is the opposite of merit.

For example, merit can increase luck, while karma can decrease luck.

"But having said that, why does the world only accept merit and not karma?" Wang Linchi suddenly thought of this matter.

Although these two original substances are said to be opposites, there is no difference. They are both derived from the original source.

In Wang Linchi's eyes, they are actually more like Coke and Sprite. Although one is black and the other is white, they are both drinks.

As for whether you like to drink or not, that's another matter.

"The two themselves are two sides that are entangled with each other, or to put it more simply, everyone has merit and karma in their body. Only when I transplant it to ordinary people will the karma increase."

"The protagonists are different. They have great luck and are born extraordinary. Therefore, they are used by the world to breed them to produce merit."

Wang Linchi further extracted what he needed, and finally formed a brand new theory.

"The real system equivalent to this world is not the so-called warriors, immortal cultivators or superpowers, but the merit system, and even the protagonist is an extended part of it."

"So it's not the extraordinary people who are cultivating, but the world itself!"

Looking at a large amount of data, Wang Linchi finally understood why the energy level of this world is high, but the strength of the extraordinary people under his command can only be regarded as ordinary reasons.

Because the strongest being is the world.

It is even possible to sell the protagonist and trade with other worlds, not because it can cause trouble, but because the world itself is powerful.

It has high blood and defense, and can also resist invasion. This is the source of its power.

If there are any other worlds that really want to invade this world, they will be killed as soon as they come in.

And whether you can come in or not, that's two different things.

Wang Linchi was able to come in and stay dormant because he was equal to the world, so he was able to make waves.

In other worlds, there is no such flexible ability, and they can only rely on their own indigenous people to carry out invasions.

This behavior is equivalent to a direct declaration of war, and it is not like Wang Linchi is lurking and has not been discovered.

"You can see through the lens, this merit system is quite suitable for me, especially as a resource." Wang Linchi was eager to get all the relevant data of this world system.

However, even if Wang Linchi got it, he would not copy it directly from the script.

It is true that he is the world, and this world is indeed the world, but because they are two different worlds, Wang Linchi has no way to copy them.

Even if there are the same human race in the two worlds, if the two human beings are dissected, there will be differences, not to mention that there are no similarities between the two worlds.

Therefore, what Wang Linchi has to do is to use it as a foundation and give his own history as a stepping stone to make his system go further.

In fact, at first glance, this merit system fits well with Wang Linchi.

Especially since he has three realms in his body and can inspect, etc., he might really be able to create his own karma system.

"It's just that the next experiment needs to be based on karma."

Wang Linchi took another look and found that he had the main character to produce merit, so there was no shortage of it. However, karma was different. Normally, this thing was not produced. If he wanted to produce it, he could only fill the body with merit and pass it through the human body. Your own sins taint your merits and will eventually turn into karma.

So if he wanted to have enough karma to conduct experiments, Wang Linchi had to wholesale on a large scale.

The experiment he wants to do cannot be done by one or two people, but requires the cooperation of the entire world.

"The amount of work is a bit large, so we can only..." While Wang Linchi was thinking about how to cause trouble next, a loud noise came from not far away.

"Is someone attacking the base?"

The loud noise was an explosion, but Wang Linchi was not surprised.

"Let me see... Oh, it's the local cultivation family who took action." Wang Linchi immediately saw the problem.

The Cultivation Family hired mercenaries from abroad and asked them to kill Wang Linchi.

For no other reason than because a traitor leaked information about Wang Linchi.

The emergence of the Divine Evolution Potion Type 2 made it impossible for the extraordinary forces to tolerate that the top officials of the Ying Kingdom could have the same power as them.

"But then again, where did the traitor come from?" Wang Linchi narrowed his eyes.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for anyone to be incited to rebel. After all, in this matter, the top officials of the Ying Kingdom were very generous.

Looking again, oh, it turns out that someone in his base laboratory betrayed him, so that's okay.

After all, there are many people who want to master this power, but they have been suppressed by the senior officials of the Ying Kingdom. Therefore, they are only given money and not even life-span potions. Naturally, some people are unbalanced.

"Master Wang." A middle-aged man rushed in with several personnel and said anxiously: "Follow us quickly, the enemy has already breached the base."

The other party's acting skills are quite remarkable. If Wang Linchi hadn't known the truth in advance, he might have been fooled by the other party.

"There's no rush, we'll probably start the base's self-destruct procedure." Wang Linchi said slowly, as if he was ready to sacrifice his life for the country.

This made the other party hesitate. He didn't expect Wang Linchi to say this.

"You guys, the scene is too small."

"It's just a group of overseas mercenaries. As long as they can attack the first door, they are considered to be powerful." Wang Linchi said nonchalantly.

"As expected of someone who was able to develop a divine evolution potion and a lifespan potion. His calmness in doing things is really surprising." came an appreciative voice, and saw a young man wearing ancient clothes and holding a sword with a cold face. He walked in from behind with interest: "I'll give you a chance to join our Dragon City Zhao family and become my Zhao family's medicine slave. I'll spare your life."

"What's the benefit? That's it?" Wang Linchi was quite speechless. He used being a slave to himself as a condition for recruiting people. It would take a fool to get through this.

"Heh, it seems you haven't understood the current situation yet."

"It's true that if you don't eat the toast, you will have to drink the fine wine." The young man in ancient costume looked disdainful, and he was immediately ready to teach Wang Linchi a lesson.


As the gunshot rang out, the opponent's head exploded.

"A mere golden elixir cultivator dares to break into a military base." A burly man walked out, the heavy sniper rifle in his hand still emitting smoke.

How could there be no protection personnel around a person of Wang Linchi's level? They were composed of special forces in the army.

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