Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 632 Ascension Ring Force Field? This is called online shopping ordering

The rebellion was quickly put down, and because the Mahayana ancestor of the Zhao family in Longcheng was forced to ascend, the Ying Kingdom immediately began to liquidate the cultivation family that was rooted in King Xing's capital, and directly razed it to the ground. .

For this reason, a complete cultivator's inheritance was captured, from the Qi Refining stage to the Mahayana stage, and even the method of overcoming tribulations and ascension existed.

This incident has also aroused the vigilance of all the extraordinary forces. After all, there is a trump card in the Xing Kingdom that can force cultivators to overcome tribulations and ascend. Is there any way to force the great master warriors to break the void and allow the superpowers to ascend in space? equipment?

It's just that this time, the senior officials of the Ying Kingdom gritted their teeth and took the matter into their own hands, and did not push Wang Linchi out to vent their anger.

The reason is naturally that Wang Linchi is of high value and has not yet died.

And the follow-up plan is to ask Wang Linchi to hand over the technology that can force the Mahayana stage to overcome the tribulation and ascend.

"It's not stable, it depends on luck..." Zaifu looked at the information called Ascension Ring Force Field Technology, and his expression was not very good.

Because Wang Linchi said that this thing can only be used against cultivators, and the success rate is so low that it can be ignored. He was lucky this time and the ancestor of the Zhao family took it lightly.

Once you switch to a Mahayana cultivator with a vigilant mentality, it is impossible to succeed.

"Forget it, just think of it as a deterrent." Zaifu did not suspect that Wang Linchi had any hidden behavior. After all, Wang Linchi had never left the base, so it was impossible to remember so much information in his mind.

In fact, the so-called ascension ring technology is completely fake. Even if it is built, it will be just a bigger firework.

If you want to succeed, you can only place an order and purchase characters in this world.

"Lord Zaifu, please give me an explanation this time." Wang Linchi looked dissatisfied: "Mercenaries can reach the entrance of the base, and cultivators can even go deep."

"It's not like there are a large number of missiles pointed at these high-level transcendent beings, which will be launched as soon as they move. How come the Mahayana ancestor of the Zhao family can come to the base unimpeded and attack me?"

Wang Linchi's question left Zaifu speechless. In the end, he could only say: "This time it was an accident."

"Alas, an accident almost cut off the way for Yingguo to turn around." Wang Linchi glanced at the other party, and then said: "Since Xingguo doesn't even have the ability to deal with accidents, I am a person who cherishes my life, so why not hand over the work and go Just do another job.”

"After all, an accident like this can happen again."

Wang Linchi actually knew more about the situation this time. It was not only the internal reasons of the base, but also some senior officials of the Ying Kingdom who wanted to beat him and make him stay in the base more honestly and work as a cow.

Waiting until the critical moment, he came out to save the situation, but unexpectedly the game collapsed.

The Mahayana cultivators do have missiles watching them, but they don't even look where they are.

This is Dragon City, the royal capital of the Ying Kingdom. The senior officials of the Ying Kingdom really don't dare to launch missiles when the ancestors of the Zhao family leave, and they are still here.

Just because the ancestor of the Zhao family didn't play according to the routine, this led to the current situation.

As a result, Wang Linchi also followed the routine and planned to resign and go on strike. And from the look of it, he didn't look like he was telling lies. This made Zaifu anxious.

"No, if you leave here, you will definitely die." Zaifu didn't care about anything else, he wanted to scare Wang Linchi first.

His mind was spinning wildly, and he further exaggerated the crisis.

"Ever since you created the divine evolution potion, you have become a thorn in the flesh of these extraordinary forces. Now you have even created equipment that can make the Mahayana ascend. As long as you leave the base more than a hundred meters, you are guaranteed to be attacked!"

"Yes, the success rate of the Ascension Ring Force Field is indeed very low, but it is still possible. Can you guarantee that you can convince those extraordinary forces?"

"This is the safest place, with our..."

Zaifu talked a lot, but he could sum it up in one sentence: it was the safest place, and it was very dangerous outside.

"I need measures to ensure my safety. If I encounter this kind of accident again next time, I will stop research forever. After all, I can't sacrifice myself for you adults." Wang Linchi waited until Zaifu finished speaking. Open your mouth.

Zaifu also breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Wang Linchi worked honestly, he could agree to any conditions.

"No problem, I'll make arrangements for you right away." Zaifu was also full of complaints about the person who suggested beating Wang Linchi.

Naturally, what he was complaining about was not the idea, but that the other party was not doing things well and almost screwed up.

If he hadn't messed up, Wang Linchi would have been as scared as a quail and dared not move. But in the end, he was able to let the opponent take the initiative and let himself run for Wang Linchi and help the loser deal with the aftermath. How could this happen? I can bear it.

As for how to arrange security for Wang Linchi, it is nothing more than giving an explanation, and then adding some fancy-looking things. There is no need to continue to increase the security force.

There are only three types of people who can come in: Mahayana cultivators, grandmaster warriors, and SSS-level superpowers. These people are closely monitored, and they can be detected at the slightest sign of trouble.

If the security forces capable of dealing with these three types of people are really transferred to Wang Linchi, what should they do?

When they come to assassinate him, he will not have enough security force to protect him.

There is no need to worry about these people attacking Wang Linchi again. Cultivators, warriors or people with powers below these three levels cannot enter the base at all without internal support.

People of these three levels did not dare to approach Wang Linchi for fear of being sent away by Wang Linchi.

Therefore, the next step should only be to apply pressure, and let the senior officials of the Ying Kingdom secretly execute Wang Linchi as an explanation.

Of course, it is impossible to take action now. After all, the senior management still expects Wang Linchi to develop longevity potions and spiritual evolution potions for them. If they are no longer valuable after Wang Linchi, they can just throw them out as an explanation for maintaining stability.

At that time, everyone in the upper echelons of the Xing Kingdom could gain the power of cultivators, warriors, and superpowers. They did not want anyone to be like them, so after success, all researchers, including Wang Linchi, were secretly dealt with. dead.

It's like building an imperial mausoleum. After the construction is completed, all the craftsmen have to be buried with them instead of walking out alive.

It is precisely because of this that the researchers are not allowed to use life-span potions and divine evolution potions, in order to avoid unnecessary problems in the future.

It was not just the researchers who were executed together, but the entire research base, including cleaning staff, security guards, and everyone else. Special talents like Xie Xiang would not survive.

"The Spiritual Evolution Potion Type 3 must be put on the schedule as soon as possible. All of you are waiting for it." Zaifu said again.

"With the experimental products provided by you adults, if everything goes well, it can be born in up to three months. However, the current large-scale life force field is not strong enough, and a million-level energy level requires ten years of life-span medicine to support you adults. The third transformation." Wang Linchi said.

"Is there a solution? What if we replace it with a five-year large-scale life force field with tens of millions of levels?" Zaifu was naturally unwilling to distribute life-span potions to middle- and lower-class people.

"It can be sustained, but the mortality rate is as high as 98%. It is estimated that 9.8 million people will die out of 10 million people." Wang Linchi said calmly.

"Even if the number increases, the mortality rate can only be reduced to 90% at most. This is the gap in life levels."

He could see that Zaifu wanted to use more people to increase the number, so he immediately blocked the other person's words.

"Okay, this matter will be taken care of." His words were blocked, and Zaifu could only do what Wang Linchi said.

The cost of a ten-year lifespan potion is much higher than the cost of a five-year lifespan potion. In addition, the quantity is large. If this is spread out again, the financial problem will be more serious.

And according to the current order, if the type 4 divine evolution potion is to support the completion of transformation, fifteen-year lifespan potions must be distributed to all people, which is more expensive.

It may even be necessary to add another type 2 divine evolution potion to everyone as a supplement, otherwise they will not have enough strength to support their intake.

Wang Linchi could just open his mouth to do these things, but for them, they needed to spill out real money.

Of course, this is also for themselves, but they have no clue when it comes to being lenient to themselves but strict to others.

"Well, be quick. After all, it takes time to upgrade the life force field, lest the type 3 divine evolution potion is completed and the energy environment required for complete transformation is not yet available." Wang Linchi reminded.

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