Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 633 Karma·Black Slime

"Slime is too dark."

Wang Linchi looked at the squirming black sludge on his hand. The original GOD virus modified body was now used by him to carry the black original substance, and he finally succeeded in materializing it.

"The next step is to find a way for the seeds of karma to take root and sprout."

"Just a hotbed is not enough."

Whether it is a longevity potion or a divine evolution potion, they are essentially just components of a large life force field.

The life force field is the breeding ground Wang Linchi chose for the karma seeds, which is the black slime.

In order to cultivate enough karma for Wang Linchi to study, he had a hunch that if he successfully digested the karma system, he would be able to reach the last level he had set, which was the life level.

Give civilization to the years and life to the time.

At the level of time, he is still a little bit behind.

The so-called time is not time or anything else, but a metaphor. When the civilization in his body has developed to a certain extent, he does not rely on civilization, but if civilization carries enough time, he will naturally be able to master time.

That is to say, he needs to live little by little until he matures, so that he can master the rules of time by himself.

In Wang Linchi's vision, the level of life should be infinite and transcendent.

As for continuing to stack boxes to cover them, he sneered at such things as multi-infinity and single infinity. The word "infinite" means no limit and no end. These two are gone. Stacking boxes again is not the same. Within unlimited scope.

"We have to speed up. This time, the Zhao family in Dragon City was dealt with, which caused the fate of the Dragon King's son-in-law to change." Wang Linchi took a look at the situation in Dragon City. The Dragon King's son-in-law was kicked out after being humiliated. Home, this means that the plot has officially begun.

And because of Wang Linchi's interference, the world was vaguely aware that something was wrong, and had already begun a deeper investigation.

Thanks to Wang Linchi's deep hiding and previous online shopping, he had already slightly analyzed the corresponding system structure, so it was not discovered.

"In this case, it's time to enter the era of great luck, so let's just muddy the water."

Seeing this, Wang Linchi knew it was time to take action.

As for how to handle it, it's pretty simple.

Previously, he buried an android next to each protagonist. Over the past few days, the android has successfully become the harem, friend, benefactor, etc. of these protagonists. At that time, they only need to be kidnapped and the rest will be left. It's much easier to handle.

Some people who don't have artificial people around them, such as the Dragon King's son-in-law, don't have artificial people around them, so they need some other means.

For example, directly kidnapping their relatives. If they are alone like Wang Linchi and have only one page of household registration, that is easy to handle. Wang Linchi will directly let the androids attack the other party, or kidnap those who can be kidnapped, and cause trouble for those who cannot be kidnapped. In short, we need to lure all the protagonists to Dragon City.

Fortunately, Chu Wen retired, otherwise he would probably have to come to Longcheng to work hard.

But even if you retire, things will probably not be easy in the future.

"Notify everyone and start taking action." Wang Linchi directly issued the order to fight for luck to the New Energy Heavy Industry Group and all the dependents, asking them to start taking action.

When necessary, you can directly give up the New Energy Heavy Industry Group and your own life.

It doesn't matter if the family members die. Anyway, they can be resurrected by Wang Linchi. His technique of resurrecting people from the past history is still very useful, unless the other party can erase all traces of the past, including existence and history. , then Wang Linchi... can only use his own saved data to resurrect him.

He had many resurrection methods, and the family members also inherited some of them. The reason why they did not inherit all of them was naturally because some resurrection methods were only suitable for Wang Linchi.

But don’t worry, the families have game character modules and have the same abilities as the players.

After receiving Wang Linchi's order, all the secrets that had been buried naturally began to take action.

"Next, we have to urge the life force field to be upgraded to level 5."

The level 5 life force field means that everyone can take the twenty-five-year lifespan potion and the type 5 divine evolution potion.

The current divine evolution potion has been developed to the 10th type, which of course corresponds to the realm of transcending tribulation and ascension above the Mahayana stage. However, because of its value, it will not be forced to leave or be sold.

This type of divine evolution potion is actually no longer a potion, but is similar to a world virus. Its raw material is part of the black original substance in the karma slime.


There was a sound outside the door, and a burly man walked in.

It was not Zai Fu who came, but the president of the Ying Kingdom. Since the model of the divine evolution potion reached type 5, it was no longer Zai Fu who came to contact him, but the president instead.

"Xiao Wang, I heard that your Type 10 potion has come out?" The president came in without knocking on the door.

Type 9 already corresponds to the Mahayana stage, and Type 10 potions are naturally stronger than the Mahayana stage.

"It has been successful, there is just a small problem." Wang Linchi has long been used to it. Ever since the president regained his youth and gained powerful power, he has become more and more domineering.

"Oh? What's the problem? It won't be that after using it, you will be forced to ascend through the tribulation or break the void." The president couldn't help but tease.

The other party seemed to be teasing, but in fact he was testing Wang Linchi. If this was the case, then Wang Linchi would be of no use, and he would be able to seduce the rabbit and kill the dog.

In his eyes, the Mahayana stage, Grand Master, and SSS-level superpowers are the limits of the lower realm. And he has integrated these three limits into one. He is the uncrowned king in the lower realm. Why leave the lower realm and go to other worlds to start from scratch? .

The only drawback was that there were hundreds of others as strong as him, who shared the entire world with him.

So he thought that if Wang Linchi really made a Type 10 Spiritual Evolution Potion that could allow people to leave the lower world, then he would strike first and send all the people who took the Spiritual Evolution Potion except him, away from the lower world. Then he would I am the only one.

"No, I have measured the limit of a large life force field. Even a level 5 large life force field is only enough for one person to take the Type 10 Divine Evolution Potion, and then the large life force field will wither for a hundred years."

"The second person who wants to use it will have to wait a hundred years later."

"As for upgrading the large life force field to level 6, this can be tolerated. However, even if the entire Ying Kingdom and the resources of other countries are thrown in, it is far from enough."

"So this matter...sigh." Wang Linchi sighed.

However, a glimmer of light flashed in the president's eyes, and he immediately said: "Who else knows about this?"

"Only you and I know for the time being." Of course Wang Linchi knew what the president wanted to do. He said this deliberately in order to let the other party eat alone.

"Okay, don't make any noise for now and let me handle it." After the president said this, he felt that it was a bit too naive, so he added: "You also know that there is only one quota, and once it is exposed, it is likely to Leading to civil strife in Xing."

"You don't want to see the people of Xing Kingdom in ruins either."

"..." The President's words left Wang Linchi speechless. This was not his country, so why did he use this excuse to frustrate him.

Seeing that Wang Linchi didn't answer, he thought Wang Linchi acquiesced, and finally said: "The large-scale life force field of level 5 can be completed within three months at most."

"I'm afraid it's too late. It would be best to complete it within a month." Wang Linchi retorted.

"So anxious?" The first thought in the president's mind was that the type 10 divine evolution potion had a shelf life.

Otherwise, why are you in such a hurry?

"I have no way to guarantee that the Prime Minister and the others will not know about it for three months." Wang Linchi said directly.

This made the president suddenly realize that this was what he meant. If it was completed within a month, no one would compete with him. Wang Linchi would leave these 10 types of divine evolution potions to him.

But if it was leaked and others found out, then Wang Linchi wouldn't be able to keep the potion or what would happen next.

"This potion is precious. If you put it in your hands, Xiao Wang, it may cause accidents. Why don't you give it to me." The president thought of cutting off Hu.

But Wang Linchi just smiled and said nothing.

This made the president's heart sink immediately. He understood the reason why Wang Linchi refused to give, naturally it was to save his life.

Whoever you leave it to now, others will vent their anger on Wang Linchi. Will you save his life? Obviously it's impossible.

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