Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 634 Endless War God Bai Xuan

Lu Yu's expression was indifferent, without any of the useless look he had when he was a son-in-law. The aura of domination exuded from his body made everyone in the Dragon King Palace breathless.

"I have only been away for ten years, and you are the only ones left in the Dragon King Palace. You are really trash." The pressure on Lu Yu became more and more intense.

"Lord Dragon King, it's not our fault. It's just that things have changed too fast over the years..." A middle-aged man below said bitterly.

They thought that Dragon King Lu Yu had disappeared long ago and turned into the wimp who was ridiculed and looked down upon every day, but they didn't expect that he would return now.

Before, their Dragon King Palace in Dragon City was only inferior to the powerful forces of the Zhao family and the Ying Kingdom in Dragon City. However, with the destruction of the Zhao family in Dragon City, the Ying Kingdom's divine evolution potion began to be promoted. After the absolute power of suppression, Next, they were unable to resist at all, and in the end they could only watch as they weakened little by little.

"Huh!" Lu Yu snorted coldly, and the person who started to explain also snorted, and immediately spit out a mouthful of blood, and his face turned extremely pale.

"This is not the reason I want to hear. Others can become stronger, why can't you become stronger? I haven't considered that it's your own fault."

"I handed over the management of the Dragon King Palace to you because I wanted to wait for my return and greet me with a more powerful Dragon King Palace instead of a mediocre person who was so weak that he didn't even have the ability to investigate the Liu family for me." Lu Yulian said Dissatisfied.

However, everyone is feeling bitter. You have been a shopkeeper for ten years and you still think about women after you come back. Brothers, you don't care at all, right?

"Tsk, hahaha~" Suddenly, a laugh broke the silence, and a young man sitting on the main beam of the Dragon King Palace laughed out loud: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I really can't help it. "

"How dare you be so bold in the Dragon King's Palace." Lu Yu scolded him and took action without hesitation.

The whole person turned into an afterimage, and instantly killed the young man who laughed out loud.

He thought he could kill the opponent with one move. After all, for him, the only person who could pose a threat to him in Dragon City was the ancestor of the Zhao family, and it was said that the ancestor of the Zhao family had overcome the tribulation and ascended to the sky a few years ago.

What? Are all the officials of the Xing Kingdom better than the ancestors of the Zhao family? He didn't know about this.

After all, he has been a useless son-in-law in the Liu family for ten years, and has lost contact with the Dragon King Palace. Where can I find out about this? The Liu family is just a small family in Dragon City.

However, the reality was beyond his expectation. Behind the opponent, a shadow appeared, easily blocking the attack of Lu Yu, the Dragon King.

"Tsk, too weak." The young man really didn't expect that the opponent's attack would be so weak. He thought that with such a loud tone, he would be stronger.

A cold light flashed in Lu Yu's eyes, and he quickly retreated. He noticed some different power in the other party.

"Who are you?" Lu Yu said immediately, thinking how could he, the majestic Dragon King of the Dragon King Palace and the number one person on the world's secret list, be blocked by an unknown person.

In fact, the dark list is just a fictitious thing. Every protagonist with a similar setting has a black list, a kill list, and the like. They are all the first people on their list, which is equivalent to a local area network ranking without the Internet. list, otherwise the Dragon King would be the number one person on the secret list, what about that Shura? Other protagonists such as Emperor Slayer and Ba Dao would have no place again.

Therefore, every setting that is contradictory will derive a similar and identical setting to separate the contradictory areas.

"Me? Well, just a nobody."

"But before that, I was called Bai Xuan."

"They like to call me Xie Bai, saying that I have gone crazy because I carry too many heroic spirits."

"But I don't think so, because they are jealous of my endless war god." Bai Xuan said with a hint of joking in his tone.

"The God of Endless War is just a bastard." Lu Yu didn't believe in the God of Endless War. He just felt that the young man in front of him was contemptuous of him, the Dragon King.

Even in his mind, the other party actually came to challenge him in order to win his first place on the dark list.

Although this dark list has not been changed for ten years because of his departure, it is almost as if it has been discontinued.

"Huh? You can't even beat me, but you actually look down on my endless God of War?" The expression on Bai Xuan's face was very rich, as if he was making corresponding expressions with many people, but because the amplitude was out of sync, it caused It looks very twisted.

Seeing this, Lu Yu took action without hesitation.

Although the ten years have been somewhat wasted, and the energy and blood have even declined in middle age, he is still a half-step master warrior. He is only half a step away from being able to successfully break through to the grand master warrior and become the strongest group. people.

How could he lose to an unknown person?

However, in the eyes of everyone in the Dragon King Palace, Lu Yu, the Dragon King, has fallen behind. In Lu Yu's eyes, he has been hiding his capabilities and biding his time in the past ten years, but in fact, he has simply wasted his national skills.

"Then I'll play with you. I hope you don't die too quickly." Bai Xuanguai laughed, and a shadow appeared behind him, gradually solidified, and turned into the God-Slaying Lord Li Qinglian.

The current Bai Xuan is actually no longer the previous Bai Xuan, but an aggregation of all heroic spirits. The real Bai Xuan consciousness has long been wiped out because it carries too many heroic spirits.

Therefore, he looks like one person, but is actually a unified consciousness formed by countless heroic spirits. His body is just a human-shaped armor controlled by the heroic spirits.

But even so, the fate of the other party still exists.

Li Qinglian just raised the long sword in her hand and easily cut off Lu Yu's right arm, and blood spurted out instantly.

"This is impossible!!!" Lu Yu's expression was full of disbelief. Why would he lose?

Moreover, his arm was broken after just one encounter. Thinking that he had defeated all the invincible opponents in the world, now he was beaten in his own home just after he came out of the army. The ups and downs of his treatment were simply unbearable.

Li Qinglian did not coddle her opponent. With a turn of the sword, her left arm was cut off.

In the past, when Lu Yu faced enemies, they were always shocked, or so shocked that they could not speak.

On the other hand, she would stop and appreciate the opponent's shocked look. However, Li Qinglian did not follow the routine and did not stop when he was shocked, but continued to sneak attack on him.

"How dare you..." The anger in Lu Yu's chest burst out. He had broken his arms, how could the other party not have any damage.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry. Actually, if you keep telling jokes, I can still listen to them, but it's a pity that you don't tell them anymore."

"But show me personally what a joke is."

"It's not funny."

Li Qinglian's voice was overlapping, the long sword in her hand fell, and Lu Yu's head was blown away by the sword.

Before he died, his eyes were filled with anger.

"Don't tell me, the ability to subdue intelligence is really useful. Coupled with the destiny in me, it is a perfect match." Bai Xuan had a weird smile on his face.

From the moment they met, Lu Yu had been superimposed with a large number of intellectual abilities. These abilities naturally came from heroic spirits.

There are many heroic spirits in number and variety, and a completely new ability can be formed by combining the abilities of many heroic spirits. Therefore, theoretically, Bai Xuan has countless abilities, as long as he can combine them.

The new abilities that are combined can also be combined again, so that the dolls can be kept in mating. Adding to his already many abilities, new abilities can be continuously produced.

"As for you, it seems that there is no request." Bai Xuan recalled the request given by Wang Linchi. It was very simple. Just kill Lu Yu. As for the Dragon King Palace, it seemed that he didn't say how to deal with it.

A large number of heroic spirits in his mind were clamoring, some talking about letting go, others talking about killing, which gave Bai Xuan a headache.

Having too many methods and opinions is not a good thing either.

"Then let's draw lots."

"Life and death are determined by fate and wealth!" Bai Xuan took out a coin and tossed it. When it landed in his hand, the words were facing up.

"It's a pity, you have to die."

Bai Xuan finished speaking helplessly, and the shadows of a large number of heroic spirits behind him gradually solidified.

"Come out, endless war god!"

The next moment, the entire Dragon King Palace was occupied by solid heroic spirits.

"Wait, we are willing to surrender!!!"

"You can rule us as the new Dragon King, ah~"

"I can……"

After everyone in the Dragon King Palace was squeezed into a corner by the heroic spirit, they immediately begged for mercy and surrender. However, before they could finish their words, the heroic spirit took action directly, and the originally noisy voice suddenly stopped.

"How should I put it? I don't accept waste." Bai Xuan said with regret in his tone.

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