Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 640 The World’s Backup Plan·The Birth of the Reborn


In the office, Meng Wuji suddenly let out a high-pitched scream, as if he had been severely frightened.

"Meng Wuji, what are you shouting for?" The supervisor angrily scolded Meng Wuji.

However, Meng Wuji looked at his surroundings in confusion, then took out his phone and checked the time.

Just now, he was obviously bitten to death by a mutated zombie on the street, so how could he appear in the office?

The cause was that one day, a zombie crisis suddenly broke out, and he and his girlfriend struggled to survive. However, he did not expect that his girlfriend had secretly hooked up with a rich second generation, and directly betrayed him. , broke his hands and feet and threw him into the street.

Eventually died from a mutated zombie.

You know, he and his girlfriend have been struggling to survive in the zombie apocalypse for three years.

In the past three years, his girlfriend only needs to stay in the shelter he built every day, and does not need to risk her life to collect supplies. He has done all this.

Now when he recalled it, he realized that every time he took risks for the continuation of his family, the other party would cheat on him behind his back.

This made the veins on his forehead bulge.

"Get out!" Meng Wuji yelled at the supervisor with eyes wide open, which made the supervisor's face stiffen. He didn't expect that Meng Wuji, who had always been cowardly, could have such a terrifying momentum.

But soon, as a supervisor and the other party's boss, I became more courageous.

"Why are you talking to me? If you want to do it, do it. If you don't want to do it, get out. There are many people who want to do your job!" The supervisor also responded harshly.

Meng Wuji couldn't help but sneer. He had just checked the time. If nothing unexpected happened, in six months at most, the zombie scourge would sweep the world.

"Okay, this is what you said. The wages and compensation that should be paid must not be less than a penny!" Meng Wuji killed many zombies in his previous life. If he hadn't been tricked, how could he have died from the mouths of zombies? .

"You are resigning on your own without paying a penny..." Although the supervisor was frightened by Meng Wuji's cruelty, he had to be tougher than the other party at this time, otherwise his authority as a supervisor would be lost.

When Meng Wuji heard this, he pushed the other person to the ground. The other person's face was pressed against the cold tiles, which made the supervisor calm down immediately.

"You fat pig, let me tell you, if you lose a penny, don't blame me for twisting your ten fingers into sausages and feeding them to the dogs." Meng Wuji knew very well that the character of his supervisor was nothing more than bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

These words frightened the supervisor, and he said tremblingly: "Now is a society governed by the rule of law. What you do is a crime."

"I will die and leave you disabled for the rest of your life. Guess who will lose?" Meng Wuji said in a low voice.

"Here... I'll give it. I'll take you to the finance department to pay your salary right away." The supervisor saw that the other party really dared to do this.

After hearing this, Meng Wuji let go of the other party and went to the finance room. With the cooperation of his supervisor, he quickly got his salary and compensation.

Although this time his dignity was shattered, the supervisor was relieved, at least his finger was saved.

"What are you looking at? Get out."

Seeing many employees watching the fun, the supervisor's face became gloomy and he cursed without hesitation. Meng Wuji quit his job and he was the only one in the family, so he was unscrupulous. He was also afraid that the other party would really attack him.

But how could this group of middle-aged social workers with mortgages, car loans, wives and children dare to go against him?

If they were really asked to resign, they wouldn't be able to say it, and they would just timidly admit their mistake.

Understanding their weaknesses is the key point.

The employees who were watching the fun naturally dispersed like birds and beasts. They really didn't dare to offend their supervisor.

"Bah, what the hell." The supervisor touched the indentation on his face, which was a little red and swollen, but he did not dare to do anything to Meng Wuji.

Meng Wuji took the money and left the company, looking at the streets with cars and people passing by, with a very dazed look on his face.

He still remembers that when the zombie crisis came, only one in 100,000 people in the world was lucky enough not to turn into a zombie. Of course, this may be a misfortune, after all, sometimes death is far easier than living.

‘There are still six months to go. If I can prevent the zombie outbreak in advance, then there may still be a chance. ’

Meng Wuji was thinking about this, but soon, he showed a helpless smile.

Stopping this was easier said than done. He didn't even know why the zombies broke out, nor did he know the reason why zombies swept the world, let alone the corresponding root causes.

How could he, a powerless little person, accomplish this in six months?

He simply doesn't have the ability to save the world in six months, all he can do is save himself.

As for spreading the news, you don't have to think about what will happen. You will be warned by checking the water meter because it is a rumor.

Whether it is true or false, it cannot be spread.

The former cannot be said to be due to the need for stability. The latter is naturally caused by him, and at the worst he will end up in jail squatting on a sewing machine.

And even if you say it, no one will believe it is true. If you say that a zombie crisis is about to break out, it is more credible to say that it is an alien invasion.


The phone vibrated and a message came through.

He opened it and saw that it was really his girlfriend. It said that she would not go back to the rental house at night and was going to tutor a certain student.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but sneer and block his girlfriend's mobile phone number.

"Teaching, ha." In his previous life, he had foolishly believed it, but now when he recalled it, he found a lot of doubts.

For example, the combined salary of both of them was less than 8,000 yuan. As a result, the other party had good food and drink, and the bags and clothes they used were not affordable for the two of them.

In the beginning, he was indeed blinded by his love brain, which resulted in him not discovering many details.

But it was different now. He was very clear-headed. As soon as he recalled it, he discovered many different places.

"To give tutoring to students, I'm afraid it's not to teach a rich second generation to learn a foreign language." Meng Wuji understood one thing after combining the before and after, that is, the other party regarded him as a spare tire, and when he got tired, he didn't have to worry about not having enough People want it.

Moreover, there can be one more licking dog and someone can support him.

As for marrying into a rich family, the other party has no such idea at all. She still knows herself, but she can't be the wife of a rich family, but she can be a lover. She just needs the help of a cowardly love-minded licker like Meng Wuji.

‘You can’t stay in big cities. In my previous life, I was caught off guard and almost killed by zombies. ’

'The best thing to do is to go back to the country. ’

The idea came to Meng Wuji's mind that he would return to his hometown and build a shelter base of his own so that he could survive the zombie apocalypse.

This matter is actually not difficult, because he has a homestead, and if it is still not enough, he can buy it and just spend money.

'It's just that the location of the old house in the country is not suitable as a base. I remember...' The memories in his mind began to drift to the past, and he soon found a location that was easy to defend and difficult to attack, and also had various excellent environments. .

The only drawback is the remoteness, but for him, remoteness is nothing, but an excellent living location.

What's more important is that if he uses the homestead of his old house to exchange it, he may be able to exchange it without spending a penny.

"I still need money..." Meng Wuji thought of this matter.

To build a survival base, the money he has on hand is definitely not enough.

He and his girlfriend live alone every month, so naturally his girlfriend spends the most money.

In the end, he could only focus on some finances in his previous life.

However, when I think back, I was still working as a social animal at this time in my previous life, so where did I have the time to pay attention to these things.

‘By the way, that welfare ticket! ’ Meng Wuji suddenly thought of a piece of news that had not happened yet.

As we all know, winning welfare tickets does not depend on luck, but on citizen code. However, not long after, an accident occurred. A certain lottery machine had a programming error and became truly random.

And after some people reacted, they were exchanged and taken away. Although they went through a lot of trouble and were taken back, it was already five months later.

What's more important is that because the welfare ticket was originally given to someone with the correct citizen code, even the taxes that should be paid are omitted, so the amount you win is the amount you win.

As long as Meng Wuji successfully intercepts Hu's welfare ticket and then gets some loans, he will have the money to build a base and purchase various materials.

Although the money became useless after the zombie crisis broke out, it is still six months before the zombie crisis breaks out, so the money is still useful.

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