Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 641 I am planning to overturn the table!

"Zombie crisis, rebirth of the protagonist."

Wang Linchi looked at Meng Wuji's operation. The other party was already struggling in the world. After all, all the original money had been taken away by him.

"But I have some skills, and I actually deduced a zombie crisis." Wang Linchi couldn't help but praise him.

That's right, after the Great Luck Era, there is a zombie crisis. The source of the zombies is Zaisu who was injected with type 10 of the divine evolution potion.

The other party has already begun to evolve at this time, just like Meng Wuji's memory when he was reborn, it will indeed explode in six months.

But of course Meng Wuji was not truly reborn. All the skills in this world were focused on the system of planting, harvesting and selling leeks, and nothing else.

This system has been almost dismantled by Wang Linchi. At present, he has obtained the planting and harvesting. The rest is selling, which is the process of turning the protagonist into profit. He has not yet obtained it. .

This is the final core position of the entire merit system, and experiments can only be carried out after the zombie crisis breaks out.

The so-called zombie outbreak is actually the spread of karma.

The foundation of this world is built on merit. Therefore, Wang Linchi forms a complete hedge through the spread of opposite karma. By then, the world will inevitably be unable to resist. Then you can see what will happen. It is the destruction of the world.

But before that, as long as the karma breaks out, there will be people in the world watching eagerly, wanting to tear off a piece of flesh.

Fortunately, there is good news. For example, if the karma explodes, the three worlds that originally cooperated with this world will be divided. There is no need to worry about being taken first by these three worlds.

These three worlds are also the sources of local superpowers, cultivators, and warriors. The four worlds are in a model of in-depth cooperation, but most of the time, this world is the main one.

After all, this world has the highest energy level. Although it is not as good as those three worlds in terms of the upper limit of extraordinary beings, this is not the point. The point is that this world can produce what the other party needs. If this thing is monopolized, the three worlds naturally have to Cooperate with the world.

As for using force to break the situation, this is a bit fanciful. Just because the upper limit of transcendence in this world is not as good as the other side, it does not mean that this world is not as good as the other side.

If there really was a fight, the three worlds combined wouldn't be enough to fight.

However, the situation has changed now. No one could have imagined that the bones of the originally strong world would be first dismantled and then injected with poison, and the three worlds would be able to be divided up.

Therefore, this world takes the initiative to dissolve the division, so as to prevent itself from becoming a meal for those three worlds.

If it were Wang Linchi, he would do the same thing.

It's just that I didn't expect that this world would be so decisive. Even before the zombie crisis broke out, the division had been completed and the corresponding protagonists had been born.

Since there is no way to stop it, then find a way to use the karma. Meng Wuji, the 'reborn' protagonist, is the initial experiment.

Once you succeed, you can not only use karma in reverse, but also use karma to make up for the original losses and take yourself to the next level.

"This is the most difficult world I have ever encountered."

"If it were Da Jing in this world, not only would it not be able to become a climate, but it would also be exploited by the world, and there would be no need for King Yama to fight alone."

"Even if you avoid the big ruins, you may succeed."

Wang Linchi compared the world he had encountered. This world was the most flexible and the fastest in decision-making logic.

He completed the arrangement with his front foot. Although the opponent could not find the culprit, he was able to deduce the corresponding plan through various data changes within the world.

"I don't know what this world has gone through. In terms of age, it is actually not that old." Wang Linchi knew that this world was only a few trillion years old and it was a very young world.

Wang Linchi's world is different, similar to mutant species. He actually didn't expect that he would become a world. As a result, the human race in the soul world where he was born is a rule expert, and coupled with the catalysis of the game system, he was able to It is crooked to the world, otherwise, it may just be a serious body training effect.

"Forget it, it's none of my business, but Meng Wuji seems to be in trouble." Wang Linchi looked at the 'rebirth' protagonist.

He was actually thinking about whether to kill this guy.

As long as the other party dies, he can guarantee that there will be absolutely no other funds in the world to finance another protagonist.

In the end, he gave up the idea of ​​killing the other party. He knew that this was a conspiracy of the world.

It was nothing more than killing the other party. Wang Linchi was unable to obtain the final monetization technology for the breeding of the final protagonist. If he did not have the ability to monetize, then no matter how many protagonists he had, it would only become a liability instead of a real asset. Benefit.

If you don't kill the opponent, you can still figure it out slowly.

"Conspiracies and tricks can never be brought to light. Only an upright conspiracy can be invulnerable."

If Wang Linchi wanted to, he could only let Meng Wuji grow and further analyze it through Meng Wuji. In fact, this was indeed the case. The other party was using Meng Wuji to show Wang Linchi the entire process.

This was like drinking poison to quench thirst. Without such an act, Wang Linchi would have killed Meng Wuji immediately.

It was because he had spotted Wang Linchi's greed that he was fearless.

Wang Linchi is not as courageous as the prime minister. He wants a lot, so he has a lot to consider, which may lead to delays in action.

"What if I catalyze it in advance and make the zombie crisis happen in advance?" Wang Linchi suddenly thought of this matter. Don't tell me, this is really possible.

Now that everyone knew the other party's thoughts and logic in dealing with him, Wang Linchi could do it regardless.

"It will lead to losses for both parties!" Wang Linchi deduced the consequences in an instant.

If you don't give the other party a way to survive, then the other party will directly connect to the original three worlds and forcibly open the connection between the three worlds.

The final result is that the initial four worlds merge into one giant world, and the four systems are intertwined with each other. Wang Linchi allows the zombie crisis caused by the spread of karma to reach its peak, and eventually this karma will be digested.

The reason why this world is manipulated by Wang Linchi is because Wang Linchi ran away with his money. Otherwise, let alone the zombie crisis, even if it were to play out all the Resident Evil series, there would be no way to control it.

Once the four worlds are successfully integrated, no, it doesn't even need to be successfully integrated, just open the connection, then the power of the other three worlds will spread in, which will be enough to suppress the zombie crisis, or even be more ruthless, and expose Wang Linchi.

Then he will have to fight four against one.

"With such courage, can the world react so quickly?" Wang Linchi was also a little surprised by the speed of the world's reaction.

After all, for the world, thousands of years are not enough time to blink an eye.

Except for the outliers in the world like Wang Linchi, most worlds have a long time span. Even those worlds that have encountered the end of the world have relatively slow internal reactions.

"A weird world is a weird world, and it has its own ability to rise." Wang Linchi quickly gave up on these tricks.

However, I also made a note in my heart, wanting to find out why there is such an abnormal situation in this world.

But if I want to check now, I can't find it at all. I need to wait until the zombie crisis breaks out and the other party shows weakness before taking action.

"You have to make a plan in advance to defeat the opponent." Wang Linchi narrowed his eyes. If the opponent wants to stand up, he can guess what he will do if he loses.

Either he would die suddenly with Wang Linchi, or he would divide himself and let other worlds help him avenge himself.

It is possible to escape, but if you fail to turn over, it will naturally be more difficult to escape.

"The best way is to cut off contact with the outside world, especially those three rebellious worlds."

He is indeed not afraid of these three worlds, but one against four... even one against three is not an easy task. It is naturally the best to defeat them one by one.

The opponent only has four worlds, not 400 worlds.

"Then let's start with Meng Wuji and give him a system?" Wang Linchi felt that the other party would definitely not reject his kindness. However, thinking about it again, it seemed that all the systems he had collected before had been recycled by him, and it would not be appropriate to create another one. .

"Let's give it superpowers, just space superpowers. It just so happens that hoarding resources in the apocalypse is popular recently."

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