Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 642 The super large space ability necessary for hoarding resources in the end of the world

Meng Wuji was almost disgusted, but in the end he paid 100,000 yuan to get the base he needed.

When he returned to the countryside, he had been destitute and even his house had been occupied, but he finally took it back forcefully.

Just doing this also offended the villagers.

He finally figured it out. No wonder the village was still so poor after all these years.

‘When the zombie crisis breaks out, everything will be over. ’

It's disgusting, but I haven't thought about killing people directly. Now that order and law are still there, if I really land myself in jail for such a trivial matter, it will be more than the gain is worth the loss.

Things that can be solved with money now are not big things.

"The next step is the design drawings and construction of the base." Meng Wuji thought of this matter.

Today is different from the past. There was really no conditions before, so he transformed the rental house into a shelter by himself. However, even three years after the end of the world, many of the equipment were unreasonable and needed to be repaired from time to time.

Therefore, he needs a professional team to help design and build so that he can build a safe and livable place.

And there are a lot of things that need to be purchased. He relies on the funds he gets from winning welfare tickets, and the full payment may not be enough.

However, he did not think about paying the full price directly. All he had to do was pay a large amount as a deposit. As for the amount in the contract, he would forfeit it all after the zombie crisis broke out.

What's more important is that he now has a large amount of money in his hand, and he is a guest of a bank, financial institution, etc. He can completely use this amount of money to leverage and make loans. Not to mention other things, at least it is better than ordinary people. The loan will be simpler and the amount will be larger.

"Go and have a rest first. Let's deal with the remaining matters tomorrow." Meng Wuji looked at the sky getting late, and it was not convenient to stay here for a long time.

Although the location here is good, it is still in the wilderness. Even if there are no jackals, tigers and leopards, you will catch a cold or be bitten by mosquitoes if you stay here for a night.

After driving my newly purchased motorcycle back to the county town, I checked into a hotel room, bought some things, and then got ready to rest after eating.

Now is not the time to have a strong body like in the previous life.

The strong physique at that time did not come from exercise, but was strengthened by taking the crystal cores from the zombies' heads.

Some qualified people can even evolve by taking zombie crystal cores, and master certain abilities that only mutated zombies can master. Such people are called evolvers.

Of course, if you take enough crystal cores and achieve a physical level that exceeds the limits of the human body, you can also be called an evolver.

He did not have any control ability. In his previous life, he had to take care of his girlfriend, so he mostly focused on collecting supplies and rarely hunted zombies. Therefore, for three years, he had not broken the limits of the human body through zombie crystal nuclei until his death.

But this time, he will never let it go to waste, he will definitely become the number one evolver.

Evolutionaries who master abilities have their advantages, and evolvers with strong bodies also have their own advantages. The difference between the two sides is that physical evolvers need to break the limits of the human body before they are considered evolutionaries, while ability evolvers are evolved as long as they have abilities. By.

In fact, Meng Wuji still had a conjecture in his mind, that is, he might not have failed to master the ability, but actually had mastered it, but he didn't know it in his previous life.

This ability is rebirth, otherwise it would be impossible to explain his ability to live another life.

However, if he wants to trigger the ability of rebirth, he must die once. How could he choose to die before? It can only be said that it was caused by a strange combination of circumstances.

This is just a guess on his part and cannot be confirmed until he absorbs the zombie crystal core, dies again and is reborn.

But he didn't want to try. If he guessed wrong, he would really die.

If his ability is really rebirth, then everyone will be happy. If not, then he will just be a physical evolver, which is actually okay.

The strength of the evolver depends on the quantity and quality of the zombie cores consumed.

The phone rang again, and Meng Wuji saw that it was his ex-girlfriend calling him again, but because he was blacklisted, both text messages and phone calls were intercepted.

Nowadays, it is still a push-button machine. There is no smart phone or corresponding communication software. Phone calls and text messages are the mainstream.

He turned off the phone casually, since no one was contacting him now.

"I have to buy another mobile phone card tomorrow."

The mobile phone card in his hand will be used for a loan next. He will not be called for debt in the future, but the contacts in it will definitely suffer.

The other one is for dividing in case of emergency.

There is no need to worry about the new mobile phone card being contacted by others, as the current cards are all anonymous.

If it wasn't necessary, he would actually want to buy another mobile phone.

In the end, we gave up because all communication equipment would lose its function four months after the zombie crisis broke out.

Various modern equipment and facilities will gradually be damaged because there is no one to maintain them, and a series of conveniences such as water and electricity will disappear.

Throwing the phone on the bedside, he didn't even take off his clothes and lay down naked.

When I closed my eyes and was about to go to sleep, I heard a rustling sound outside.

"Is this kid asleep?" came a deep male voice.

"At this point, he must have fallen asleep." came another voice.

Meng Wuji opened his eyes instantly. How could he fall asleep at this time? He was still on guard at this time in his previous life, and even if he was not reborn, he was still working as a social animal. He was still working overtime at this time. How could he fall asleep so early? His working hours are from eight in the morning to twelve in the evening.

"When you go in later, you cover your mouth and I smash my legs. Don't kill me. You're still waiting to take out the bank card password from the other person's mouth."

"Don't worry, this kid is so skinny and small, he has no ability to resist."

This conversation reached Meng Wuji's ears, and a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Of course he heard who was speaking. It was the person who sold the land to him today, but it turned out that the other party actually coveted his money.

Thinking about it, if you can spend 100,000 to buy a piece of land and then exchange it for a homestead, you will be a rich person at first glance, and now this rich person is alone.

‘It’s a miscalculation to reveal your wealth. ’ Meng Wuji also knew where he made a mistake.

He was already thinking in his past life. In his previous life, food, medicine and other materials were far more valuable than the money turned into waste paper, so he subconsciously did not pay attention to this aspect.

He glanced around the room and carefully pulled out the fruit knife on the table. It was used to peel fruit, but the hotel didn't provide fruit.

The silent step he had practiced in his previous life was hiding, waiting for the opponent to take action.

The voice of communication outside the door soon became quiet. He watched as the other party pried open the door to the room and came in cautiously.

The hand that came in first was holding a wet cloth, which was contaminated with ether. As long as he covered it, he would definitely pass out.

Another figure is holding a hammer in order to break his legs and hands so that he cannot leave and resist.

After the two of them came in, Meng Wuji, who was hiding in the dark, carefully approached the figure holding the hammer and wiped the other person's neck quietly.

The sound of whimpering caused a movement along with the contact of blood.

The man walking in front also reacted and subconsciously turned around to look, only to feel the pain in his eyes.

When the opponent turned his head, Meng Wuji penetrated the opponent's brain with the fruit knife along the eyeball. With just a twist, the opponent was killed by him without even making a cry of pain.

"Huu~hu~" Meng Wuji gasped, not only because his explosion this time was far beyond his current body, but also because it was his first time to kill someone. In his previous life, he only killed zombies, not zombies. people.

The dual physical and mental stimulation made him feel exhausted beyond words.

More importantly, under this double stimulation, he seemed to find that his spirit had changed a little.

‘A space? ’ He found that his spirit was connected to a huge space. The limit of the space was not yet clear, but he knew it was very big.

‘I have become an evolved person, how is this possible? I didn't take zombie crystals at all! ’

He was filled with shock, and it also had special space abilities.

‘Maybe it’s because I was reborn? ’ Meng Wuji can only attribute this to the changes brought about by rebirth. Fortunately, this is a good thing and not a big problem. On the contrary, it will make it easier for him to deal with the zombie crisis in the future.

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