Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 645: The protagonist’s virus resistance at the end of the world

"The end has arrived." A flash of light appeared in Meng Wuji's eyes, and he watched the black sky shatter and fall into countless invisible objects.

He knew that this was the beginning of the zombie crisis. He would never forget this scene for the rest of his life. From then on, all civilizations were reduced to ruins.

However, these were not things that he should consider. Instead, he raised the beheading knife in his hand without hesitation, and without hesitation, he chopped off the head of the man next to him who had completely turned into a zombie.

At this time, he was not in the base he had worked so hard to manage, but in a small supermarket.

The memory of his past life told him that the most powerful mutant zombie in the city would be born here in the future. If he took advantage of this mutated zombie that had just turned into a zombie and its strength was still unstable, he killed the opponent to obtain the opponent's brain. If he takes the crystal core in it, he will definitely become an evolver.

Even if you are a physical evolver, you can reach the limit of your human body in an instant.

There must be a gap between the crystal nuclei of zombies. The crystal nuclei of ordinary zombies and the crystal nuclei of mutant zombies are not at the same level at all.

Ordinary zombies have a limited upper limit, but mutant zombies have powerful abilities.

And the zombie he killed just now was the mutated zombie.

Meng Wuji didn't mind being dirty, so he reached out and took out a crystal that shone with golden light from the zombie's head.

The crystal nuclei of ordinary zombies are transparent, while the crystal nuclei of mutant zombies are golden.

He didn't take the crystal core right away, but it was still stained with the flesh and blood tissue of the mutated zombie, so it had to be cleaned anyway.

Fortunately, he was prepared. He took out a portion of mineral water from his own space and rinsed the mutant zombie crystal core.

The crystal core is not big, only about the size of a thumb. Thanks to Meng Wuji's experience, he knows the location of the crystal core, otherwise it would not be that easy to find it at this stage.

Zombie crystal nuclei also come in different sizes. The more powerful the zombie, the larger the crystal nucleus will naturally be.

The zombies at this stage are at their unstable and weakest stage because they have just been infected. After tonight, the zombies will stabilize and then advance by leaps and bounds.

Fortunately, zombies have no brains, otherwise, they would have no chance of survival.

"The top zombie crystal core." Meng Wuji swallowed. In his previous life, it was not that he had never taken zombie crystal cores, but he had never taken mutant zombie crystal cores.

In his previous life, every step was too late. When he consciously went to hunt zombies, he found that all the zombies had evolved to a very strong level. It was not that easy to kill an ordinary zombie, let alone a powerful zombie.

After cleaning it, he swallowed it in one gulp without hesitation.

The mutant zombie crystal core entered his stomach, and he only felt a ball of fire spreading from his stomach.

"As expected of a mutated zombie crystal core, I have never felt anything like this in my previous life." Meng Wuji only felt that his limbs and bones were burning.

"This is... ability?"

An ability of his own emerged in his mind.

"Zombie virus resistance?"

"What kind of ability is this?"

The ability is very simple and crude. It allows him to better resist zombie viruses when bitten by zombies, allowing him to stay away from zombies.

I would say it is useful, and it is indeed useful. It is a life saver in the early stages.

But saying it is useless, this thing is really useless. After the evolver's ability is improved, let alone resisting viruses, he can even be immune to viruses, but he is immune to low-level viruses.

Fortunately, he also knows that this is just the prototype of his ability. After taking enough zombie crystals, his ability will gradually evolve and produce more powerful effects.

"Gives me an extra twenty-four hours of resistance."

"It's not bad, even though it's only one day."

He couldn't help but laugh at himself. In fact, one day was already a long time. In the early days, as long as he was injured by a zombie, even an evolved person like him would turn into a zombie in no more than a minute at most.

It can be seen from this that this ability is equivalent to an extra life in the early stage.

"I should be considered a level 0 evolver now. I have to collect enough zombie cores as soon as possible to make me a level 1 evolver."

Each level represents an evolution of his own abilities. He is no longer a physical evolver like in his previous life. In this life, due to the different zombie crystal cores he took, he changed his own evolution.

There is no such thing as level 0 for physical evolvers, it is directly level 1, which means they need to break the limits of the human body. Because there is no ability as a standard, it is impossible to effectively determine which level it is, unlike ability evolvers who can determine it through their own abilities. own level of evolution.

"If you use a mutated zombie crystal core, you only need one level 0 zombie crystal core, and it can also make the ability more powerful as it evolves."

"With ordinary level 0 zombie crystal cores, one hundred are needed. Even if the ability evolves, it cannot evolve perfectly." The knowledge of these evolvers was learned by him in his previous life.

Zombie crystal cores naturally have levels. The levels correspond to the size and weight of the crystal core and the strength of the zombies. After tonight, most zombies will stabilize, while a small number will evolve into level 1 zombies. Most of these small parts will It is a mutated zombie, one of the best among zombies.

If he is still a level 0 evolver by then, he will definitely not be able to defeat level 1 zombies, and they are still mutated zombies.

As for where it came from, his memory should be from the radio.

"There are at least ten hours until the next stabilization of zombies, which is enough!" Meng Wuji's eyes flashed with light.

He didn't ask too much, he just wanted to kill another mutated zombie.

A place came to mind. In a company not far from here, there was a mutant zombie. In his previous life, although he had to succumb to this mutant zombie that he killed in advance, in his previous life, it was not him. Can touch porcelain.

Now the opponent should be unstable and his strength should be level 0. Just by killing the opponent, he can evolve smoothly.

Kill as many mutated zombies as possible by relying on the power of your level 1 evolver to surpass the limits of the human body.

He does not require the use of mutant zombie crystal cores at every level. He only needs eleven more mutant zombie crystal cores to allow him to successfully evolve into a level 2 evolver.

Holding a machete, he looked with an expression on his face. The originally bustling crowd on the street had turned into zombies like the living dead. Although they still maintained their human appearance, he knew that after tonight, they would all rot into zombies. A terrifying look.

"You can't kill them, otherwise you won't be able to get there alive."

He estimated the number, at least several hundred zombies. With his current strength as a level 0 evolver, he could probably handle about ten zombies, but he wouldn't be able to cope with any more.

Most of these zombies are indeed ordinary zombies, but they have been injected with genetic enhancement fluid. He also has it, so he knows how strong the opponent is after becoming a zombie.

He can kill ten instantly, and he can also kill hundreds of zombies instantly.

Even if he could, his physical strength would not be able to sustain it, and if there was any movement, other zombies would swarm him.

After some observation, I quickly found a solution.

Since there are zombies on the street, he will not walk on the street, but on the rooftop.

What? Drive out? I'm afraid I'm not looking for death.

It's not like he has no experience. The zombie crisis has just broken out, which means one thing, that is, many drivers who originally drove vehicles have turned into zombies while driving. Then, naturally, various series of car accidents will block the road.

Not to mention driving, even bicycles may not be able to pass.

Even if there is no such reason, the movement of vehicles is not small, and zombies will be attracted immediately.

He could indeed run into it without restraint, but there were too many zombies. Once they accumulated on various parts of the vehicle, such a good car would turn into an iron can, and he would end up being canned.

And if you walk from the rooftops of various houses, the possibility of encountering zombies is relatively small. As a level 0 evolver with a physique close to the limit of the human body, the safety is far better than walking on the ground.

"But since my ability is to resist the zombie virus, what is going on in this space?" Meng Wuji was a little confused. Logically speaking, he had already awakened once, so why did he awaken again?

Counting the suspected ability of rebirth, he directly possesses three abilities.

"Forget it, no matter so much, becoming stronger is the most important thing." Meng Wuji did not dwell on this. For him, surviving is the most important thing.

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